10th May 2015, 11:08 PM
What should I do if I have not received my scholarship amount from CSSS by CBSE?
My name is selected for the scholarship CSSS by CBSE but till now no money is transferred in my bank account which i have provided to them with complete details.? Can you tell me what should be done for this issue now? How to get the scholarship amount?
12th May 2015, 12:10 AM
At first contact login into the scholarship official website by entering the ID and password, then check the status of the scholarship. It may show you the exact details why it is pending. There may be many reasons for not getting scholarship. To login in to the website go to http://pfms.nic.in/Users/LoginDetail...?ReturnUrl=%2f. Or you can register the issue to the concerned authority regarding this issue at http://pfms.nic.in/Users/LoginDetail...?ReturnUrl=%2f
12th May 2015, 07:25 PM
You need to know your exact scholarship details first. For this you need to get the exact status by confirming it from the official website. Then you need to send an email to the authority. You need to provide name of Applicant, Roll No. in X/XII/AIPMT and AIEEE, Registration No., Father's name and Residential address, Contact No. in E Mail. The contact details are given below.
CBSE Call Centre 1800-118-002 (Toll Free) Programmer (Scholarship) 011-22526745 Email ID: [email protected] |
5th January 2018, 10:22 AM
It is been more than 2 years I have not received any payment from Department of Atomic Energy as my NBHM Master's Scholarship. I emailed them several time but got no luck. I have submitted all the documents. On November 30,2017 they emailed me with a letter of Sanction letter stating that my scholarship has been sent to Indian Statistical Institute(I did my B.Math and M.Math at ISI,Bangalore). Accounts department of ISI,assured me they received no payment from my behalf by DAE. Whom should I approach? How to raise my voice? Kindly let me know.
Regards, Pravakar Paul, Ph.D Student at University Of Iowa [email protected] |