3rd June 2012, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

I am a automobile engineer but from initial i was interested in sketching ,drawing and art...after my 12th i got very less marks anfd i was forced to do the engineering.now i m working in a diesel manufacturer company(MNC) getting good package but I m not a all happy coz I know some day people will know my week ness I can not become a manager<coz I dont hv manager skills...But I am very sure that If i get job in the field in which i m very much interested I will definetly become CEO,I m very confident abt that. But I am affraid If I changed my field then thr will be sudden impact on my salary coz i will b fresher, i can handle it but my parents cant digest that thing. SO its a vry bad situation.Can any 1 help this Indian.??????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????
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2nd July 2012, 12:05 AM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

hi my name is raja sekhar i did b.tech, bio technology but i am interested in animation so plz help me regarding which college is best for doing pg in animation?
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7th July 2012, 01:49 AM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

m goin to take admission in picasso in lucknow..........which course in animation should help me to inter in film industry,,,,,,,,,????plzz tell me...
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15th July 2012, 12:47 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

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16th July 2012, 06:24 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

Originally Posted by shark123 View Post
I just cleared my 12th in the field of scienes with 92% in PCM . everyone suggests that i do B.E and i'll havea bright future . but i am no interested in engineering (i think its boring) . i read on the newspapers and internet about animation being a growing field in india and it piqued my interest.so all i want to ask is if i take up animation/graphic design ,are there enough job opportunities? will i get a job easily? are there alernatives if i fail to get a job? (like doing a postgraduate if someone fails to get a job after B.E) also is the salary from animation career enough to earn daily bread and comforts?

Yes Engineering may be Boaring to you but I can tell you that you are assureed that you will get a job after completion but in animation Industry you will not even get a call. Even if if you manage to get a job, you will be paid not more than 10,000/- by which you will not be able to meet your monthly expenditure. Even call centres paid more salary which require only +12 Qualification. In Animation study ( B.Sc.) you will have to spent not less than 7 to 8 Lakhs. My son has done B.Sc in animation ( Modelling) from Picasso Animation, Delhi & we are passing the days with tremedous frustration.
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14th August 2012, 02:34 AM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

hi i had cleared my graduation in Accounting & finance in year 2011 in a first class but i am not good in account i am just a average guy but i am int into animation i want to make my career in animation but just scared that is that really going give bost to my professionalism life i rally want to make career in animation but i am just confused plzz help me .
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23rd August 2012, 09:55 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

sir, i have passed 12th and now i am studing animation course [AD3D edge], please tell what will be my job offers, and how much i can earn ?
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24th August 2012, 12:14 AM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

Originally Posted by shark123 View Post
I just cleared my 12th in the field of scienes with 92% in PCM . everyone suggests that i do B.E and i'll havea bright future . but i am no interested in engineering (i think its boring) . i read on the newspapers and internet about animation being a growing field in india and it piqued my interest.so all i want to ask is if i take up animation/graphic design ,are there enough job opportunities? will i get a job easily? are there alernatives if i fail to get a job? (like doing a postgraduate if someone fails to get a job after B.E) also is the salary from animation career enough to earn daily bread and comforts?


Yes Friend , there are lot of Opportunities in Indian animation industry.

>> "It is a creatively fulfilling industry,"

:::: Jobs In Animation Industry ::::

Graphic Designer

Modeling Artist

3D Animator

Rigging Artist

Story Board Artist

Pre-Production Artist

Digi Artist

Texturing Artist

3D Animator

Lighting Artist

Flash Animator

2d artist

Web designer

Storyboard Artist

2D FX Artist

Game Designer for Mobile Game

Character Modeler

Rigging Artist

Unity3D - Game Programmer/UI/Effects/Simulations

Character Modelling & Texturing (Realistic) - 3dsMax

:::All The Best:::
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24th August 2012, 04:35 AM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

Originally Posted by shark123 View Post
I just cleared my 12th in the field of scienes with 92% in PCM . everyone suggests that i do B.E and i'll havea bright future . but i am no interested in engineering (i think its boring) . i read on the newspapers and internet about animation being a growing field in india and it piqued my interest.so all i want to ask is if i take up animation/graphic design ,are there enough job opportunities? will i get a job easily? are there alernatives if i fail to get a job? (like doing a postgraduate if someone fails to get a job after B.E) also is the salary from animation career enough to earn daily bread and comforts?

Animation is a very growing field these days. You can get jobs in advertising companies, in film making companies and places related to arts. Go for your interest and not for BE under some pressure. Even I left BE to get Eng HOns. form DU just because I have interest in it. Remain assured that in animation you will get a good payment. Art is always a lucrative area. You can do a masters in animation in future. But opt for it only if you have genuine interest.
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24th August 2012, 02:51 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

hello dear,
Now a days ,this is the technical in which the graphical work,touch of animation
are so most wanted and preferable.

many courses available are aviable like-:

Multimedia Courses

Web Desiginig

Media Animation

Animation Kids

Special Effects

Video Editing

Texture Gaming

these all are good and gives us good package in this field
good luck
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22nd October 2012, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

One of my friends had done B.Sc in Animation and had finished its final year. Now he is in search of job. He had been to Mumbai too in search of job but he failed in it. What should he do now. I have no idea of his results but i wanna suggest him and i need your help. Can he get job? Is it possible in India ? or he should make his way to Abroad ? Please help me.
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11th January 2013, 04:16 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

i am passed 10th so i go to the animation? and what are the job opportunities
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12th January 2013, 10:59 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

I m a bba graduate, i want to do course in animation. For earning and. Which course wil be corect for me.seply pleape
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13th January 2013, 10:12 AM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

Yes of course..

After completing animation courses,You can join in fields like
  1. Web Designing
  2. Graphic Designing Courses
  3. Multimedia
  4. Software animation etc..

Hopefully pl go through my attachment..

Thank you friend..

Attached Files
File Type: docx Animation Job prospects.docx(20.3 KB, 77 views)
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13th January 2013, 02:11 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

Originally Posted by shark123 View Post
I just cleared my 12th in the field of scienes with 92% in PCM . everyone suggests that i do B.E and i'll havea bright future . but i am no interested in engineering (i think its boring) . i read on the newspapers and internet about animation being a growing field in india and it piqued my interest.so all i want to ask is if i take up animation/graphic design ,are there enough job opportunities? will i get a job easily? are there alernatives if i fail to get a job? (like doing a postgraduate if someone fails to get a job after B.E) also is the salary from animation career enough to earn daily bread and comforts?

Dear Aspirant,

Choosing Animation field is the good option.

You need to have a good skills in the Animation area.It is of few categories.

The animation works goes in the two main areas .

They are :-

VFX- Visual Effects

SFX- Sound Effects

These are vital things in any film or video development process.

so achieve good knowledge and also the practical knowledge in this areas.So that if you dont get any job from the campus/institute.

You can try some companies by showing your projects.If you have really a good knowledge and zeal to work.

No company will lose you instead the companies will be at the back of you to take you in to the company.

So go for the animation course and do the course in a good planned way.Try the youtube.com and learn some tips and be updated to the present market.

Where you can get the job.

keep a goal of joining a company.For example pixel studios .

By keeping a goal you can come to know the interview rounds and based upon that you can make your preparation and in the end.

The fruit will be a ripen one for sure.
You will get a good job if you follow my words.

Hope this info helps you.

Any more Queries.
Don't Hesitate to ask me. Am happy to help you always. Just ping to my profile.

Best Regards,
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5th February 2013, 04:16 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

what r the chances in animation after 10th... plzzz tell me dude/dear..
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17th March 2013, 12:33 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

to do career in animation do i need to give JEE exam?
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22nd April 2013, 03:02 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

I hv 10th passed now & I m thinking about my career in animation. Is animation hv a bright future in india? What courses will I take after 12th for animation? Are girls also going in this? What is its fee? Is there entrance exams for it? Plz tell l can't decide anything
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1st June 2013, 01:39 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

hello, currently i am persuing 3d animation diploma and i completed ba english. i want to do pg in interior designing. firstly am i eligible for that? if so what are the best colleges and in the meanwhile, can i get a job in interior form with my 3d diploma or better ask is there any scope for 3d artists in interior forms?
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27th July 2013, 12:56 AM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

can we do MBA after doing animation?
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11th September 2013, 01:29 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

Hi i m an engineering proffessional doing job for atleast 3years%u0375but this field is of no interest of me..animation was always my dream carrer..but due to certain family problem could nt join it..now i feel dat i should have persued amimation..so now m thinking of changing my career from engg. to animation..i m also a freelance artist..so please suggest if my decision is right or wrong.
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28th December 2013, 05:01 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

i have completed my 12th and not intrested in engineering so i have joined bsc in graphic design and web development is this a right choice for me to get a good job and package plsee clear my confussion......
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9th March 2014, 01:29 AM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job oppurtunities?

i want to ask i m giving my boards exams of 12th class intrested in animations since 2 years and want to ask that is there any entrance exam for it or we can get a collg. directly after boards , secondly about job , cource duration , and money . pls. help . my parents say that there is no hope in this field but i am still intrested in it , is there any good hope
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18th May 2014, 01:29 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

After completing my Msc in graphic and animation would I have chance to get job in other countries. ..?
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3rd March 2015, 01:42 AM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

I am doing bsc in animation and vfx for arena animation.. I want to ask which is the best and most highest paying job in animation field so that i and pursue that because currently i am doing great and i believe i can do anything.. So i want to the best.. Soo guys any help please.. !!
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20th March 2015, 01:37 PM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

iam doing my btech first year in cse.iam interested in animation.i want to build my career in that field...what are the basic things i should do for excelling in that field..?????? should i join any animation institute before my completion of my graduation?will it be helpful...?if so..what are the best ones?
please also let me know the subjects in cse which will be helpful in pursuing animation couses..if any..
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23rd March 2015, 01:49 AM
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Default Re: Does animation have high job opportunities?

first of all your percentage are quite good, Congratulations for that.
Now i want to tell you that if you do not want to do engineering never do that, because the thing which you do not do with your heart it can never succeed and now of course animation.
Yes animation has high job opportunities. if you do it with all your efforts you can be a professional and make your own animated films.
So Best of luck for you.
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