19th November 2010, 02:29 PM
hello dear Bhawna Sharma
are u any organization employee or not what is your Email Id Send me plz contect me my Email id of your Email id address my id is [email protected] Rashid Rangrej Computer Teacher Kendriya Vidtyalaya Chittorgarh (Raj) |
19th November 2010, 03:12 PM
hello mam/sir
i have applid for pgt(computer science)in kvs.i want previous year question papers of it.so plz send me periouvs year question papersin my emali id uma rajput [email protected] |
22nd November 2010, 02:15 PM
Respected sir/ madam
hello sir/madam I have applied for pgt(computer science) in kvs. its my first attempt. I want previous year question papers of it. so plz send me previous year question papers for paper -1,2 and 3 plzzzzzzzzzz..... my id: [email protected] |
24th November 2010, 03:27 PM
hello sir i have applied for kvs(chemistry) plz send me previous year question paper on my id [email protected] as soon as possible
25th November 2010, 04:16 AM
![]() Quote:
even you can refer to study materials given by various institutes ,like T.I.M.E.S study materials. |
29th November 2010, 07:33 AM
Hey go through this link you will get the previous question papers with key
http://www.careers-india.com/2009/08...estion-papers/ all the best,prepare well. |
29th November 2010, 08:15 AM
Previous Year Question Papers for PGT(Computer Science) of KVS can be downloaded from the following sites :- www.gjtutorial.com/.../kendriya-vidyalaya-sangathan-kvs-pgttgtprtlibrarian-recruitment/ www.entrancequestion.com/question-paper...pgt-computer-science...kvs/.../18/ sarkarinaukri.asia/kv-syllabus-pgt-tgt-prt-other-teachers.../2009/ good luck. |
29th November 2010, 04:16 PM
Dear Sir/Madam
I have applied for PGT(CS) in KVS, if anybody have previous year question papers, please provide link to me([email protected]). Thanx and Regards Sushil Mishra |
30th November 2010, 01:07 PM
because i have no knowldge these questions so pls reply me.
30th November 2010, 09:14 PM
Previous Year Question Papers for PGT(Computer Science) of KVs
1st December 2010, 05:05 PM
how to get the question from what u have provided pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease help thanx in advance
4th December 2010, 12:28 PM
I have applied for the Post of PGT in KVS for 2010-11. I need some sample questions for PGT Exam for Computer Science subject. If you are having some sample questions then please send them to me. Thanks.... Jaiprakash Solanki [email protected] |
6th December 2010, 02:23 PM
i have applied for the Post of PGT in KVS for 2010-11. I need some sample questions for PGT Exam for Computer Science subject. If you are having some sample questions then please send them to me.
Thanks.... |
8th December 2010, 10:29 AM
hello sir/madam
I have applied for pgt(computer science) in kvs. its my first attempt. I want previous year question papers of it. so plz send me previous year question papers.[/QUOTE] |
9th December 2010, 12:52 PM
hello sir/madam
I have applied for pgt(computer science) in kvs. its my first attempt. I want previous year question papers of it. so plz send me previous year question papers. |
9th December 2010, 01:38 PM
hello sir/ma'am,
Please send me the PGT (Computer Science)Examination papers for KVS Examinations at my mail ID [email protected]. I will be very thankful to you. |
10th December 2010, 07:09 PM
I am working in Polaris (an IT Company) as Software Engineer. My mail id: [email protected] |
14th December 2010, 12:35 PM
Respected sir/ madam
hello sir/madam I have applied for pgt(computer science) in kvs. its my first attempt. I want previous year question papers of it. so plz send me previous year question papers. id- [email protected] Kamlesh sikander |
16th December 2010, 12:05 AM
Hello dear
Previous papers will not work because KVS is going to change their pattern this time so it would be good to reffer current books so please purchase book of arihant publication of KVS to take current knowledge and 3 sample papers good luck |
23rd December 2010, 01:55 PM
Dear Sir/ Madam.
Plz send me Previous Year Question Papers for PGT(Computer Science) of KVS. Regards Kusum Lata Email Id : [email protected] |
27th December 2010, 01:35 PM
Hi Sir / Madam
I have applied for pgt(computer science) exam in kvs 2012, and I request you to send me the previous year question papers as soon as possible. Thank you Asha |
27th December 2010, 01:46 PM
Hi Sir / Madam
I have applied for pgt(computer science) exam in kvs 2012, and I request you to send me the previous year question papers as soon as possible. Thank you Asha |
4th January 2011, 02:53 PM
have applied for pgt(computer science) in kvs. its my first attempt. I want previous year question papers of it. so plz send me previous year question papers.
5th January 2011, 02:19 PM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;246705]hello mam/sir
i have applid for pgt computer teacher(computer science)in kvs.i want previous year question papers of it.so plz send me periouvs year question papersin my emali id uma rajput [email protected] |
22nd January 2011, 02:23 AM
Dinesh Kumar
Please........... send me previous 5 years questions paper for "Computer Science" at my E-mail Id- <[email protected]>. regards, Dinesh Kumar |
22nd January 2011, 01:44 PM
I have applied for pgt(computer science) in kvs. its my first attempt. I want previous year question papers of it. so plz send me previous year question papers
23rd January 2011, 02:11 PM
I hve applied for pgt maths in kvs .plz send me previous year quetion paper in my emal id [email protected]
25th January 2011, 04:40 AM
![]() |
27th January 2011, 09:16 PM
dear sir/madam
i have applied for pgt(computer science) in kvs. its my first attempt. can you please send me previous year question papers both preliminary and main. parvathy [email protected] Dibrugarh |
3rd February 2011, 12:42 PM
The Respeced Mam / Sir Subject:-Previous Year Question Papers for PGT(Computer Science) of KVS? I have applied for pgt(computer science) in kvs. its my first attempt. I want previous year question papers of it. so plz send me previous year question papers. and my e_mai id is- [email protected] and [email protected] From:- Brijesh Kumar Singh |
4th February 2011, 06:01 PM
hello i need pgt comp. science...sample papers... pls reply me faster.
my email id is [email protected] |
6th February 2011, 07:57 PM
The Respectored Mam / Sir Subject:-Previous Year Question Papers for PGT(Computer Science) of KVS? So plz help me hw i m search the Previous year question papers for PGT(Computer Science) of KVS? From :- ashwani kumar |