27th August 2011, 12:38 AM
Respected sir , plz send all detail like entrance exam date and syllabus in my email account
Saurabh Chandra Pandey email [email protected] |
13th October 2011, 10:13 AM
Syllabus for UPSI exam:
NUmerical ability: number system. simplifications decimals and fractin. Highest common factor and lowest common factor multiple. ratio and proportion. perentage. profit and loss DIscoun simple interst compund interst patner ship. avrage time and worktime and distance use of time tables and graphs mensuration miscellanious test of reasoning: analogies. similarities difference space visuvalization problem solving ARithamatical reasoning. verbal abnd fig classification. arthamatical and number series ability to deal with abstact ideas and symbols and their relation ships arthamatical comp[utations and other analytical and other analytical functions. logiccal diagrams: symbol relation ship interpretation codification perception test word information test letter and number series word and alphabet analogy common sense test letter amnd number coding Direction sense test 4.Determinig aptotude test/inteligence quotient test/test of reasoningmental aptitude test-attitude test towards the following. public interst law and order communal harmony crime ontrol rule of law ability of adaptability professional information. etc UPSI will have some official websites. for complte information visit the following link http://way2freshers.com/campitative-exams/up-police-si-direct-recruitment-exam-syllabus.html. Good luck |
30th October 2011, 07:37 PM
hii dear
Syllabus for UPSI exam: NUmerical ability: number system. simplifications decimals and fractin. Highest common factor and lowest common factor multiple. ratio and proportion. perentage. profit and loss DIscoun simple interst compund interst patner ship. avrage time and worktime and distance use of time tables and graphs mensuration miscellanious test of reasoning: analogies. similarities difference space visuvalization problem solving analysys judgement decision making visuval memory discrimination observation relation ship. ARithamatical reasoning. verbal abnd fig classification. arthamatical and number series ability to deal with abstact ideas and symbols and their relation ships arthamatical comp[utations and other analytical and other analytical functions. logiccal diagrams: symbol relation ship interpretation codification perception test word information test letter and number series word and alphabet analogy common sense test letter amnd number coding Direction sense test logical interpretation of data forcefull ness of argument determined implied meaning. 4.Determinig aptotude test/inteligence quotient test/test of reasoningmental aptitude test-attitude test towards the following. public interst law and order communal harmony crime ontrol rule of law ability of adaptability professional information. etc UPSI will have some official websites. for complte information visit the following link http://way2freshers.com/campitative-exams/up-police-si-direct-recruitment-exam-syllabus.html. thank you |