23rd January 2011, 01:44 PM
Hello friend
It's good that you are preparing for this exam.You can get the syllabus as well as all other issues related to this exam in the provided link: website-www.tnpsc.gov.in Best of luck.... |
2nd March 2011, 01:02 PM
![]() TNPSC Group II Exam Details and Syllabus (OBJECTIVE TYPE) TNPSC i.e Tamil nadu public Service Commission conducts various Exams Every year. From then Group I and Group II are some Exams. Depending upon your graduation status means which field you are in you can Write Group I, Group II and III , IV etc. Group I is for Engineering Level students ... And other Groups are for other field. For Latest announcments Click here
For Group II Refer This Link ---> Note:- The eligibility conditions for each and every examination will be published in Dailies along with the advertisement inviting applications for the concerned competitive examinations. |
2nd March 2011, 02:28 PM
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
It consists of ten units first unit is all about management i.e.meaning,definition,contribution by F.w.taylor,eltonmayo,peterdruck,and the evolution of management of management thought. And the second unit is about planning,its nature, scope, meaning, types of planning, Steps involved in planning ,and decision making forecasting,and management by objective. The third unit isabout the organising it's importance,and the departmentation and delegation of authority,and decentralization line and staff matrix structure and span of control. The unit four is about the staffing, recruiting, selection, training, development, promotion transfer,performance appraisal. The unit five is about directing leadership communication it's process problems barriers and requirement of effective communication. Unit six it consits of Motivation theories of motivation, incentives both financial and nonfinancial Unit seven it is about the managerial economics,demand analysis and forecasting,break even analysis,pricing method national income, GDP,GDS,GNP. And unit eight is about business environment and the business ethics The unit nine is about entrepreneurship it's funtion importances, types,and steps in starting small scale business. Unit ten its statistics data collection,tabulation,sampling,correlation,regress ion,test for significance, interpretation report preparation. |
2nd March 2011, 02:28 PM
( for group I services main examination-TWO PAPERS)
SYLLABUS. PAPER-1 1. Modern history of India and Indian culture 2. Current events of national and international importance 3. Statistical analysis , graphs and diagrams 4. Social problems and other current sensitive issues PAPER-2 1. Indian polity 2. Indian economy and geography of India 3. Role and impact of science and technology in the development of India 4. Tamil language, Tamil society, its culture and heritage 5. Tamil Nadu administration Modern history of India and Indian culture will cover the broad history of the country from about the middle of the nineteenth century (advent of European invasion) and would include questions on Gandhi, Tagore, Nehru and Periyar. Statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams will include exercises to test the candidates ability to draw commonsense conclusions from information presented in statistical, graphical and diagrammatical form and to point out deficiencies, limitations and inconsistencies therein. Social problems and sensitive issues will include problems like bonded labour, child labour, gender bias, minorities, SC/ST, illiteracy, poverty, employment etc. Indian polity will include questions on constitution of India, and Political System in India. On Indian economy and geography, questions will be put on planning in India and the physical, economic, social geography of India. On role and impact of science and technology, questions will be asked to test the candidate’s . |
2nd March 2011, 04:31 PM
I hope this will be meet your requirements
Regards For all examination except for group I services - main Examination) SYLLABUS. The paper on general knowledge will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge: General science, current events of national and international importance , history and culture of India, geography, Indian polity, Indian economy, Indian national movement and freedom struggle, mental ability tests and other related fields. Questions on general science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science, including matters of every day observation and experience as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline. In history emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic, political aspects; social and cultural heritage of India emphasizing unity in diversity . In geography emphasis will be on geography of India including the physical, social, economic geography and on the main features of Indian agriculture and natural resources. Questions on Indian polity and economy will test knowledge on the country’s political, executive, judicial system, panchayat raj, rural and community development, and economic planning in India. Questions on Indian national movement will relate to the nature and character of the nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of independence. General mental ability test will include analysis of classified data, logical and behavioral reasoning, analogies, school arithmetic, numerical ability and basic concepts of computers. Current events will include latest developments on all the fields detailed above including science and technology. NOTE: About 20 % of the questions in this paper shall be exclusively with reference to Tamil, Tamil nadu, language and literature, culture and heritage of its people. A N N E X U R E –I Syllabus for Preliminary Examination (Objective type) GENERAL KNOWLEDGE The paper on general knowledge will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge. General Science, current events of national and international importance, history and culture of India, geography, Indian Polity, Indian economy, Indian National Movement and Freedom struggle, Mental ability tests and other related fields. Questions on general science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science, including matters of every day observation and experience as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline. In history emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic, political aspects; social and cultural heritage of India emphasizing unity in diversity. Questions on Tamil, Tamil Nadu, Language and Literature, Culture and heritage of its people. In geography emphasis will be on geography of India including the physical, social, economic, geography and on the main features of Indian agriculture and natural resources. Questions on Indian polity and economy will test knowledge on the country’s political, executive, Judicial System, Panchayat raj, Rural and Community Development and Economic Planning in India. Questions on Indian National Movement will relate to the nature and character of the Nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of independence. General mental ability test will include analysis of classified data, logical and behavioural reasoning, analogies, school arithmetic, numerical ability and basic concepts of computers. Current events will include latest developments on all the fields detailed above including science and technology. (OBJECTIVE TYPE) (For all examination except for group I services - main Examination) The paper on general knowledge will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge: General science, current events of national and international importance , history and culture of India, geography, Indian polity, Indian economy, Indian national movement and freedom struggle, mental ability tests and other related fields. Questions on general science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science, including matters of every day observation and experience as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline. In history emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic, political aspects; social and cultural heritage of India emphasizing unity in diversity . In geography emphasis will be on geography of India including the physical, social, economic geography and on the main features of Indian agriculture and natural resources. Questions on Indian polity and economy will test knowledge on the country’s political, executive, judicial system, panchayat raj, rural and community development, and economic planning in India. Questions on Indian national movement will relate to the nature and character of the nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of independence. General mental ability test will include analysis of classified data, logical and behavioral reasoning, analogies, school arithmetic, numerical ability and basic concepts of computers. Current events will include latest developments on all the fields detailed above including science and technology. NOTE: About 20 % of the questions in this paper shall be exclusively with reference to Tamil, Tamilnadu, language and literature, culture and heritage of its people. -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL STUDIES (Descriptive type) ( for group I services main examination-TWO PAPERS) SYLLABUS. PAPER-1 1. Modern history of India and Indian culture 2. Current events of national and international importance 3. Statistical analysis , graphs and diagrams 4. Social problems and other current sensitive issues PAPER-2 1. Indian polity 2. Indian economy and geography of India 3. Role and impact of science and technology in the development of India 4. Tamil language, Tamil society, its culture and heritage 5. Tamil Nadu administration Modern history of India and Indian culture will cover the broad history of the country from about the middle of the nineteenth century (advent of European invasion) and would include questions on Gandhi, Tagore, Nehru and Periyar. Statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams will include exercises to test the candidates ability to draw commonsense conclusions from information presented in statistical, graphical and diagrammatical form and to point out deficiencies, limitations and inconsistencies therein. Social problems and sensitive issues will include problems like bonded labour, child labour, gender bias, minorities, SC/ST, illiteracy, poverty, employment etc. Indian polity will include questions on constitution of India, and Political System in India. On Indian economy and geography, questions will be put on planning in India and the physical, economic, social geography of India. On role and impact of science and technology, questions will be asked to test the candidate’s awareness of the latest developments in science and technology with special emphasis on applied aspects. Under Tamil language and culture questions will be put to test the candidate’s general awareness on those topics. Tamil Nadu administration will cover topics in general administration like organizational structure, functions, control, social welfare oriented programmes etc. (DESCRIPTIVE TYPE) S.S.L.C STANDARD I Match the following words and phrases given in Column A with their meanings in column B. Two or three extra items may be given in one of the two columns. II Frame sentences with the given idioms ( Very commonly used, simple idioms may be given). III Framing sentences with the words and forms such as Noun, verb, Adjective, etc., as directed in brackets. Ten items may be given. IV Framing sentences using the given pair of words which sound alike, so as to bring out the differences in their meanings. Five pairs may be given, each pair carrying two marks. V Correcting grammatical errors in the given sentences. A total number of five errors may be given each carrying one mark. The number of sentences may vary. VI Rewriting sentences as directed : - (1) Active and Passive voice. (2) Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences. (3) Degree of Comparison. (4) Direct and Indirect Speech. (5) Interrogative Sentences and question tags, etc. Five sentences (each carrying one mark) one sentence for each item mentioned above may be framed. VII Drafting a suitable reply to an official or business letter, whose contents are given in the question. VIII Summarising a given passage in one's own words not exceeding one-third of the length of the original (of about 1000 words). The passage chosen may be of general interest and relatively simple. IX Writing two short essays in about 250-300 words on given topics. Three or four topics may be given relating to social, cultural scientific and political issues. X Comprehension of a prose passage(of about 400 words). To answer, in a sentence or two, the ten questions that follow, The passage to be chosen may be simple in language and thought (OBJECTIVE TYPE) S.S.L.C STANDARD 1 Match the following words and Phrases given in Column A with their meanings in Column B 2 Choose the correct 'Synonyms' for the underlined word from the options given 3 Choose the correct 'Antonyms' for the underlined word from the options given 4 Select the correct word (Prefix, Suffix) 5 Fill in the blanks with suitable Article. 6 Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition 7 Select the correct Question Tag 8 Select the correct Tense. 9 Select the correct Voice 10 Fill in the blanks (infinitive, Gerund, participle) 11 Identify the sentence pattern of the following sentence (Subject, Verb,Object ...) 12 Change the following:- (Verb into Noun, Noun into Verb, Adjective into Adverb) 13 Fill in the Blanks with correct 'Homophones' 14 Find out the Error (Articles, prepositions, Noun Verb Adjective, Adverb) 15 Comprehension 16 Select the correct Sentence 17 Find out the odd Words, (Verb, Noun, Adjective, Adverb) 18 Select the Correct Plural Forms 19 Identify the sentence (Simple, Compound, Complex Sentence) 20 Indentify the correct Degree. (DESCRIPTIVE TYPE) FOR GROUP - I MAIN WRITTEN EXAMINATION ONLY S.S.L.C STANDARD Code: 003 I Match the following words and phrases given in Column A with their meanings in column B. Two or three extra items may be given in one of the two columns. II Frame sentences with the given idioms ( Very commonly used, simple idioms may be given). III Framing sentences with the words and forms such as Noun, verb, Adjective, etc., as directed in brackets. Ten items may be given. IV Framing sentences using the given pair of words which sound alike, so as to bring out the differences in their meanings. Five pairs may be given, each pair carrying six marks. V Correcting grammatical errors in the given sentences. A total number of five errors may be given each carrying three marks. The number of sentences may vary. VI Rewriting sentences as directed : - (1) Active and Passive voice. (2) Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences. (3) Degree of Comparison. (4) Direct and Indirect Speech. (5) Interrogative Sentences and question tags, etc. Five sentences (each carrying three marks) one sentence for each item mentioned above may be framed. VII Drafting a suitable reply to an official or business letter, whose contents are given in the question. VIII Summarising a given passage in one's own words not exceeding one-third of the length of the original (of about 1000 words). The passage chosen may be of general interest and relatively simple. IX Writing two short essays in about 250-300 words on given topics. Three or four topics may be given relating to social, cultural scientific and political issues. X Comprehension of a prose passage(of about 400 words). To answer, in a sentence or two, the ten questions that follow, The passage to be chosen may be simple in language and thought (DESCRIPTIVE TYPE) FOR GROUP - I MAIN WRITTEN EXAMINATION ONLY S.S.L.C STANDARD Code: 003 I Match the following words and phrases given in Column A with their meanings in column B. Two or three extra items may be given in one of the two columns. II Frame sentences with the given idioms ( Very commonly used, simple idioms may be given). III Framing sentences with the words and forms such as Noun, verb, Adjective, etc., as directed in brackets. Ten items may be given. IV Framing sentences using the given pair of words which sound alike, so as to bring out the differences in their meanings. Five pairs may be given, each pair carrying six marks. V Correcting grammatical errors in the given sentences. A total number of five errors may be given each carrying three marks. The number of sentences may vary. VI Rewriting sentences as directed : - (1) Active and Passive voice. (2) Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences. (3) Degree of Comparison. (4) Direct and Indirect Speech. (5) Interrogative Sentences and question tags, etc. Five sentences (each carrying three marks) one sentence for each item mentioned above may be framed. VII Drafting a suitable reply to an official or business letter, whose contents are given in the question. VIII Summarising a given passage in one's own words not exceeding one-third of the length of the original (of about 1000 words). The passage chosen may be of general interest and relatively simple. IX Writing two short essays in about 250-300 words on given topics. Three or four topics may be given relating to social, cultural scientific and political issues. X Comprehension of a prose passage(of about 400 words). To answer, in a sentence or two, the ten questions that follow, The passage to be chosen may be simple in language and thought. DEGREE STANDARD CODE:073 UNIT I BASIC MATHEMATICS: Binomial, Exponential, Logrithmic series, summation of infinite series and approximation promblems. L Hospitals' rule, point wise convergence of sequence of functions, uniform convergence of sequences of funcitons, Consequences of Uniform convergence, Taylor's series. Theory of numbers : Prime and Composite numbers - Decomposition of composite number, Divisor of N, Euler function (N), Highest power of prime p contained in N. Divisibility of the product of r consecutive integers by r! Format's & Wilson's Theorems. Vector Spaces & Inner product spaces : Definitions and euqation of Vector space, subspace, liner Independence - bases - Dimension, Dual spaces, Inner products Spaces Orthogonality - Orthogonal complement. UNIT II : ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY: Pairs of Straight lines - Angle between them - related problems - conditions for second degree equation to represent pair of straight line or Circle - System of Circles - Orthogonal and Coaxial system - Radical axis and radical centre - Limiting point - conics - parabola, ellipse and hyperbola - polar equations to straight line, circle and conic. Dimensions : Equation of a sphere with given centre and radius - General form of the euqation of a sphere - Diameter from - Circular section, tangent plane to a sphere - Radical plane - Coaxial system of spheres - Orthogonality - Equation of a Cone with its Vertex at the origin - Equation of a quadratic cone with given vertix and given guiding curve - necessary and sufficient condition for a general second degree equation to represent a cone, right circular cone - euqation of enveloping cone - general equation of a cylider - right circular cylinder. UNIT III : CALCULUS: Differential:- Higher order derivatives Leibnitz's theorem - simple problems using the above theorem. Maxima and Minima - conditions for external value - Standard function only - curvature - radius of curvature (Cartesian Co-ordinates only) Partial Differentiation: Total differentiation Coefficieng, Valvue of dy/dx and d2y/dx2 in case of implicit functions in x and y in terms of partial derivatives, Total differential, Jacobians. Integral: Methods of integration, Integration of rational and irrational algebraic functions, Bernaulli's formula for Integration by parts, reduction formulae - properties of difinite Integrals. Evaluation of double and triple integrals, change of order of integration, Double Integrals in polar Co-ordinates, application of double & triple Integrals to area, volume. Evaluation of Define integrals using Beta and gamma functions. UNIT IV : STATICS: Gradient, Divergence, Curl, solenoidal & irrotational vectors, Directional derivative, Unit vector normal to a surface, tangent and normal planes to a surface 2, expansion formulea, Ordinary integrals of Vectors, line integrals, surface intergrals and volume Integrals. Gass stock, Green's theorems. Parallelogram and Triangle laws of force, Lamis theorem, parallel forces, moments, couples, three forces acting on a rigid body, conditons for equiliburium of Co-planar forces. Forces in 3 dimensions, Invariance of F2, Friction, Centre of Gravity, method of symmetry for uniformbodies like thin rod, thin parallelogram, Circular ring & lamina triangular lamina, trapezium lamina. UNIT V : REAL ANALYSIS: Set and functions, sequences of real numbers - Definition, Limit, Convergent and divergent sequences, bounded sequences, monotonice sequence, series of real numbers, limit superior, Limit inferior, Cauchy, Sequence, convergent & divergent sequence, series with non-negative terms, alternating series. Series of real numbers: rearrangement of series, Tests of absolute Covergence. Limits & matric spaces: Limit of a function on the real line, matric spaces, limits in matric spaces. Continuous functions on matric spaces, functions continuous at a point on the real line, reformulation, function continious on a matric space, open sets, closed sets, Discontinuous functions on 'R' Connectedness, Complexness and Compactness. UNIT VI : OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND LINER PROGRAMMING: Origin and development of O.R. - Nature and characteristics of O.R. Models in O.R. General solutions, methods for O.R. models - uses and limitations of O.R. Linear Programming: Formulation of problems, Graphical solution - standard form. Definition of basic solution. degenerate Simplex method, Definition of artifical variable. Tranportation problem: Definition solutions to transport problem - intial feasible solution - optimality test - Degenerary - Travelling sales man problem Sequencing: Processing n jobs through m machines. UNIT VII : ALGEBRA: Set theory - Relations - types of relations - Venn diagram - Groups - Sub group - order of an element - cyclic groups - normal groups-quotient groups - order of a Group Lagrange's theorem - homomorphism, automorphims, Cayley's theorm of permutation groups. Rings: Definition, examples - special classes of rings - Homomorphism, ideals and quotient rings - field of quotients of an integral domain - Euclidean rings. Matrices: Types of matrices - operation on matrices, singular and non singular matrices - Rank of a matrix and consistence of equation, eigen values & eigen vectors. Cayley - Hamilton theorem. Similar matrices, Diagonalisation of a matrix. UNIT VIII : DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY: Curvature, Radius and centre of curvature in Cartesian Co-ordinates, Evalute - curvature in Polar Co-ordinates, p-r equations, Angle between radius vector and tangent, Angle of intersection of two curves. Pedal equation of a curve, Envelopes, Asymptotes. Polar Co-ordinates : Equations of straight line, Circle in polars - equations of tangent, normal & polar Equations of Conics in polars - equations of tangent, normal, polar & asymptotes. UNIT IX : DIRRERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Ordinary differential equations - first order but not of first degree. Total differntial equation Pdx + Qdy + Rdz = 0, second order differential equations with constant Co-efficients. P.I. for the polynomials and eaxv, where V is Xn, Cos mx, Sin mx, n and m are constants. Differential equations of second order with variable Co-efficients. Partial differential equations - formation of partial differential equations by elimination - Laplace transforms - Inverse laplace transform. UNIT X Dynamics: Virtual displacement, Principle of Virtual work. Kinematic: Velocity, Acceleration, components of velocity and acceleration work power, energy, Ractilinear motion - motion with constant acceleration - motion under gravity - motion along an inclined plane, motion under gravity in a resisting medium. Implusive forces and Impact: Implusive forces and Impact, Principles of Conservation of linear momentum, Collison of two smooth spheres - Direct impact of sphere on a fixed plane. Projectiles: Two dimensions motion of a particle - projectile, range on a horizontal plane - range on an inclined plane. Circular motion of a particle: Motion of a particle constrained to move along a smooth verticle circle under gravity - circular pendulum - simpel pendulum. Moments of Inertia: Momentsof Inertia of simple bodies of paralle and perpendicular axed theorem. Motion of a rigid body about a fixed axis. UNIT XI : STATISTICS: Frequency distributions - Graphs of frequency distribution, measures of central tendency, measures of dispresion, normal probability curve, skewness, kur tosis, Probability - Addition and multiplicaiton theorem. Baye's theorem. Probability Distributions : Binomial, Poisson, Normal Bivariate data, Curve fitting - Method of least squares. Correlation and regression Coefficient - Regression lines - rank Correlation. Test of hypothesis - uses of X2 - F tests - Tests involving means - Variances and proportions test of fit, test of independence in contingency table |
2nd March 2011, 05:20 PM
Syllabus for tnpsc group-II exam is given in the attachments:
group-II exam syllabus.pdf Gr-II exam paper -II.pdf group-II_PAPER-III.pdf |
2nd March 2011, 06:02 PM
dear friend
The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) examination contains written paper of 300 marks and the duration of time to complete the test is about 3 hours. The date of examination is on 24th February 2011 05:43 PM The paper is divided into two main parts: 1.General studies 2.choice between General English and general Tamil. The candidates have to attempt any one of the two all the questions are objective types. SYLLABUS. • PAPER-1 • 1. Modern history of India and Indian culture 2. Current events of national and international importance 3. Statistical analysis , graphs and diagrams 4. Social problems and other current sensitive issues • PAPER-2 • 1. Indian polity 2. Indian economy and geography of India 3. Role and impact of science and technology in the development of India 4. Tamil language, Tamil society, its culture and heritage 5. Tamil Nadu administration • Modern history of India and Indian culture will cover the broad history of the country from about the middle of the nineteenth century (advent of European invasion) and would include questions on Gandhi, Tagore, Nehru and Periyar. Statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams will include exercises to test the candidates ability to draw commonsense conclusions from information presented in statistical, graphical and diagrammatical form and to point out deficiencies, limitations and inconsistencies therein. Social problems and sensitive issues will include problems like bonded labour, child labour, gender bias, minorities, SC/ST, illiteracy, poverty, employment etc. • Indian polity will include questions on constitution of India, and Political System in India. On Indian economy and geography, questions will be put on planning in India and the physical, economic, social geography of India. On role and impact of science and technology, questions will be asked to test the candidate’s awareness of the latest developments in science and technology with special emphasis on applied aspects. Under Tamil language and culture questions will be put to test the candidate’s general awareness on those topics. Tamil Nadu administration will cover topics in general administration like organizational structure, functions, control, social welfare oriented programmes etc. The details of information you can visit to http://tnpsc.info/ |
2nd March 2011, 11:25 PM
TNPSC-tamilnadu public service commision,it is the exam conducted by Tamilnadu government..
TNPSC exam minimum eligiblity for it is to be a graduate ... There are four groups in this exam they are group 1,2,3and 4,that is higher position to lower position. BE,MSC , etc...comes under group 1 and next level positions go for other 3 groups. |
3rd March 2011, 02:38 PM
Hello Friend,
Syllabus for TNPSC Group-II exam are as follows: - 1. General Knowledge (OBJECTIVE TYPE) - It includes General science, current affairs, national and international news, history and culture of India, geography, Indian polity, Indian economy, Indian national movement and freedom struggle. 2. GENERAL STUDIES (SUBJECTIVE TYPE) - It includes two papers i.e. (a) PAPER-1 1. Modern history of India and Indian culture 2. Current events of national and international importance 3. Statistical analysis , graphs and diagrams 4. Social problems and other current sensitive issues (b) PAPER-2 1. Indian polity 2. Indian economy and geography of India 3. Role and impact of science and technology in the development of India 4. Tamil language, Tamil society, its culture and heritage 5. Tamil Nadu administration For more details & other information visit www.tnpsc.gov.in Good Luck & All the Best |
25th March 2011, 04:20 PM
![]() Quote:
please give syllabus about group 2 exam and carriers for this exam.[/QUOTE] |
15th June 2011, 09:02 PM
Sir i have marked optional subject 1 as pharmacy 092 and optional 2 as pharmacology 091. whether i should prepare in pharmacy subject or common subject . How the exam pattern will be for Post graduate degree candatites in pharmacy. Please
1st November 2011, 09:38 PM
![]() Quote:
syllabus for the TNPSC exam as follows: General Knowledge General Tamil General English Post Graduate Degree Standard Degree Standard Diploma Standard Certificate Course Intermediate Standard HSC Standard SSLC Standard Law Civil Judge Assistant Public Prosecutor Grade II Medical Speciality Subjects Miscellaneous all the best |
20th May 2013, 06:01 PM
good evening sir , group 4 (2013) exam date is also published in online,but when callfar the exam,then give me a syllabus in group 2 exam, how can study for group 2 exam.please send my mail id sindhu1731991@gmail.com. Thank you.
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