24th September 2015, 12:03 PM
30th December 2015, 10:24 AM
I think global open university providing distance education for many branches is not valid.I think it is a fake university giving fake degrees . they tell all lies that it is granted by ugc .DEC. See the mansa report case. If you need any queries call directly to global university and ask are you recognized from ugc or DEC .
30th December 2015, 11:10 AM
I will take my words back . global university from dhimapur Nagaland is recognized by ugc and DEC just now I went into the list of ugc .approved ugc universities. Sorry sir.
22nd January 2016, 02:20 PM
Global Open University, Nagaland is Fake no One No. Of university is working.
These contact Numbers Are Given in Official website of Global Open University, Nagaland I think as well as contact Numbers this University is fake.. |
10th February 2016, 06:45 PM
Sir I have completed my MSC ENVS 2009-2010.my roll no Tgou/envs/4037/2008D.iam three time RTI .but Tgou no report. tellme my digreis fake. bappadityabiswas26@,,gimall.com
3rd March 2016, 08:30 PM
I am just passed out student of Institute of forestry from Nepal. how can i enter in this open university? is there any kind of supporting institution in Nepal especially in Kathmandu? if so, I want to know about the support institution and perusal of admission. I wish to admit in the course of Masters in environmental science.(Email id: [email protected], Dambar Bahadur Bhandari, Kathmandu, Nepal)
10th May 2016, 04:56 PM
Sir/Madm My name is Harparkash Singh From Punjab. I want to ask it. In 2011, I have done M.Phill(Pol Sci) degree From The Global Open University Nagaland. My Roll Number M.PHIL/6204/POL/2008D.PLease tell me my degree is valid.My mobile no 9803009900.
14th May 2016, 04:04 AM
Respected sir
My name is Monika anand. Degree course MBA(ID). My roll no is TGOU/PG/1392/MBA(ID)/2013J(N). Session 2013-15 I received my all marksheets but not receive my degree certificate and migration certificate.suggest me how to get my degree certificate and migration certificate .what is the procedure pls reply me to my mailing address as soon as possible. ( [email protected]) |
3rd August 2016, 04:05 PM
TGOUN authorities have displayed various contact numbers in the webpage. But no one responds if called on the numbers.
I had sent a letter to the Registrar by speed post also. But no response was there. Why such attitude on the part of authority?? Is it an illegal university?? Whether the clash with UGC has been settled or it has been running illegally??? |
9th October 2016, 08:08 AM
Dear all
The Global Open university Nagaland is running smoothly for those who have doubts. But the Delhi office is closed down due to some irregularities in Delhi office. Those student who r not getting the Required documents can send details at vk.dmporg at gmail. The university is functioning fully only DEC approval is On stay Order from High Court. University is under UGC n can take admission for various course. |
22nd October 2016, 04:45 PM
I am M.Sc.( Environmental Science) T.G.o.U. Nagaland 2015-2016 .my MIGRATION CERTIFICATE is the most important in BED Colleage,so please issue my migration certificate.....
to this address:-Arup dey C/o-Bisawnath Dey. Amolapatty H.C.B Road ward no -07 p.o.-Sivasagar Dist.sivasagar (ASSAM) Pin -785640 My email is arup dey [email protected] |
29th March 2017, 12:09 AM
I have done graduation from TGOP. I want to b. Ed from U. P. but my admission is nt Confirm because of unverified university. Please help me I want to do b. Ed. I dont want to waste my year. Jyoti gautam.
31st March 2017, 09:30 PM
Iam Gatti China Satyanarayana from Kakinada of Andhrapradesh. Myself admitted for M.Sc (valuation course) With number TGOU(N)/PG/8/VAL/2016 J . I paid full fees and got my study material for the 1st and 2nd years but one book by name APRAISAL METHODOLOGIES i e for paper 4 was not sent. The same was reminded on 09-09-2016 both by phone and through letter by courier.Till now no response . you people are not at all responding for phone calls and even mails too. At least by now respond and send the missed book.
10th May 2017, 08:13 AM
My name is Pranabesh Giri.I have done my M.Phil degree.M.Phil examination held in 2010 December.My roll no is MPHIL/7011/HST/2008D and I have got results 15 March 2011.I want to know that in that time the course is valid for government job in West Bengal? Please reply my email . Email no is [email protected] sir please send me your answer. Thanks you
27th July 2017, 07:44 PM
I had taken admission in 2009-11 MBA course and subsequently final result came out in June 2011.please let me know,in June 2011 whether The Global Open University had affiliation to UGC and DEC
4th October 2017, 09:46 PM
Sir I have completed my b a in physical education under roll no.tgou/B a /prv/00102670/p e in 2010 to 2013 and is this degree is valid in j&k gov. education department tell me through mail [email protected]
11th April 2018, 10:12 PM
MY LLM certificate is due I have already sent its required fees and details in December 17 but I have not received my certificate till now Details is given below Ashim Kumar Sinha S/o Lt.Haldhar Prasad Sinha Ranighat Sumatipath Mahendru Patna-6 M-9955758206 RollNo-TGOU/NlII/070/2012J
23rd September 2018, 03:02 PM
If it is so, then why other state universities are not ready to accept global university degree like mine of MPhil in 2010.
9th March 2019, 05:46 PM
Is any degree from TGOU from M.A to M.Phil valid for Govt. jobs.Pls confirm me.It's urgent.My name is Sarat Chandra Mohapatra completed M.Phil fro your esteemed University.
2nd April 2019, 10:05 AM
Dear Team, I have passed out from ravindra vishwa vidyapeeth in 2009. I want to confirm that it's aicte or igc approved. Because m employer has checked and they did not find anything. So kindly confirm it's ugc or aicte approved
2nd June 2019, 03:56 PM
I have passed my MA political Science in 2009-2011 Bach from Global Open University. But that time I'm not collecting my MA degree. That time the office was in Delhi. In April 2019 I send all documents and 1000 rupees draft at this university address but no response get in 1 month. Please tell me how I get my MA degree from the global open University. My email-madhu6bhj@gmail
19th October 2019, 01:03 AM
Sir I want to take my ll.m degree.
I do possess the marksheet but I have not taken my degree. Kindly guide From Fahad khurshid advocate patna high court Phone no. 9472568486 [email protected] |
12th May 2022, 10:58 AM
I completed my MSW course from Global upon university. I got my marksheet but till now I can't got my certificate. I already submitted all fees. I contacted by all numbers which number i got from Google but every numbers are switch off and not reachable. How to i get my certificate?my mail id [email protected]