28th December 2012, 05:30 PM
previous years exam papers of mgvcl,pgvcl,gsecl,guvnl,dgvcl,ugvcl for the post of jr.engg(electrical)? please send all of above test papers to my email
25th January 2013, 04:48 PM
previous years exam papers of mgvcl,pgvcl,gsecl,guvnl,dgvcl,ugvcl for the post of jr.programmer. please send all of above test papers to my email [email protected]
25th January 2013, 10:29 PM
DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 1/14
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Tender Notice No: DGVCL/SP/8001/Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals Sub: Tender for Supply of Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals. ACE (P) invites on line Tenders for the supply of Poly Carbonate Plastic Seal, Size 20mmX20mmX8mm. Tender Papers & Specifications may be down loaded from web site http://dgvcl.nprocure.com (For view, down load and on line submission) and DGVCL/GUVNL web sites www.dgvcl.com/ www.gseb.com (For view only Notice page). Tender fee may be paid along with submission of tender in EMD cover, for tender. “All the relevant documents of tender to be submitted physically will be received only by Registered Post A.D. or Speed Post addressed to The Additional Chief Engineer (P), DAKSHIN GUJARAT VIJ COMPANY LTD., Corporate Office, Nana Varachha Road, Kapodara, Near Gajjar Petrol Pump, Surat - 395 006. “NO COURIER SERVICE OR HAND DELIVERY” will be allowed. All bidders, in respect of tender items must have vendor registration with the GUVNL or its subsidiary companies viz. DGVCL/ MGVCL/ UGVCL/ PGVCL/ GETCO/GSECL prior to the date of opening of technical bid of the tender, otherwise their bids will not be considered eligible for opening and as such, their technical bids will not be opened. BRIEF DETAILS REGARDING TENDER IS AS UNDER: Tender No. DGVCL/SP/8001/Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals Tender Fees Payable (Non-Refundable) Rs. 1000.00 Estimated Cost of the tender Rs. 39.0 lacs EMD (1% of the estimated Cost.) ** Rs. 39000.00 Last Date of receipt of tender by Regd/ Speed Post at Corporate Office, Surat. 17.00 Hrs. 29.01.2013 Last Date for On Line Submission 17.00 Hrs. 30.01.2013 Scheduled date of opening of On Line Technical Bid 11.00 Hrs. 31.01.2013 Tentative Date of Opening of On line Price Bids of tech. qualified bidders. ^^ 11.00 Hrs. 08.02.2013 ** Note: The amount shall be payable by Demand Draft in favour of Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Ltd. on any Scheduled / Nationalized Banks in Surat ^^There will be no physical opening of Price Bids. Bidders shall submit Price Bid On-Line only and not in physical form. DAKSHIN GUJARAT VIJ CO. LTD. CORPORATE OFFICE. Nana Varachha Road, Kapodara, Near Gajjar Petrol Pump, SURAT 395 006 Ph .No.0261-2804208/2804242/43 Fax.No.0261-2572636/2804281 e-mail: [email protected] DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 2/14 Tender fee will be accepted by Demand draft drawn on any Scheduled / Nationalized Bank situated at Surat drawn in favor of Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Ltd. (Cheques are not accepted). Tenders submitted without tender fee will not be accepted. Earnest Money Deposit is to be paid as per Cl.No.11 of Commercial terms and Conditions. DGVCL would accept Bank Guarantee towards SD/EMD issued by following banks instead of BG from scheduled banks on Permanent basis. (i) All Nationalized Banks including the Public Sector Bank - IDBI bank Ltd. (ii) Private sector banks authorized by RBI to undertake Government businesses which are; (at present Axis Bank; HDFC bank & ICICI bank) Bank other than above banks will not be accepted. The above stipulation regarding BG shall be applicable for Cl.12 & Cl.43 of Commercial terms & Conditions of Tender. Cheques are not acceptable. Corporate Guarantees Not Allowed. Small Scale Industries will, however, be considered for exemption from payment of EMD subject to furnishing of the authenticated notary certified copy of the certificate of Registration with Small Scale Industries. The SSI / NSIC certificate should indicate the manufacture of items offered under this tender. Provisional SSI Registration Certificates are NOT allowed. Government or Semi-Government Organizations, which are run departmentally & are not limited Companies, will be eligible for exemption from payment of E.M.D. Original Money Receipt / DD for payment of tender fee & EMD must be placed in the cover super scribing “Tender fee & EMD” along with requisite documents as mentioned in the EMD condition. (EMD and Tender Fee cover should be kept as separate enclosure & should be submitted with Technical Bid.) The tender document is to be submitted in two parts in single copy namely Technical bid & Commercial bid including commercial terms & conditions with all enclosures of the tender documents super scribing the respective covers accordingly along with the tender number. Original Money Receipt (in case cash is tendered at DGVCL cash counter) / DD for payment of tender fee & Demand Draft/ BG covering EMD must be placed in the cover super scribing “Tender fee & EMD” of Tender No: DGVCL/SP/8001/Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals along with requisite documents as mentioned in the EMD condition. DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 3/14 [1]TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID: The technical and commercial bid shall comprise of all the technical details of the equipments / stores / materials offered in accordance with DGVCL’s specifications / drawings, (GTP) Guaranteed Technical Particulars and all the Annexure 1 to 14 in chronological order. The On Line Technical Bids of those bidders whose physical submission within stipulated time for Tender Fee & EMD, samples etc is fulfilled shall be opened on line at 11:00 hrs on date 31.01.2013 or next day as feasible. 1. If any deviation is found in Data/Documents/Details or submission made in physical and On Line mode, the same shall be liable for rejection at the discretion of DGVCL. 2. It is mandatory for all bidders to submit complete tender documents in both forms i.e. Physical mode & On Line mode in stipulated time. If tender documents submitted in only one form say physical or only online mode the tender will be rejected out right. [2] PRICE BID: The Price Bid must be submitted strictly as per Schedule - “B”.The time and date of opening of the Price Bid is tentative & any change shall be put up on website. The “TECHNICAL” and “PRICE” Bids shall contain adequate cross-reference wherever necessary to ensure clear and proper co-relation of the two bids without ambiguities whatsoever. Price Bid is to be submitted On Line only & not in physical mode. If submitted the physical bid will not be opened & not considered for evaluation. Any technical questions, information and clarifications that may be required pertaining to this enquiry should be referred to the A.C.E. (P), DGVCL, Corporate Office, Nana Varachha Road, Near Gajjar Petrol Pump, Kapodara char Rasta, Surat. DGVCL reserves the right to reject any OR all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. [3] The following documents only are to be submitted in physical form: [A] Tender fee and EMD cover. Tender fee, EMD, Vendor Registration Document & List of orders executed. [B] Technical & Commercial Bid cover: (i) Annexure 1 to 14 in chronological order only. (ii) Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP) & Drawings. (iii) Notarized abridged balance sheet for last 3 years. (iv) Certified copies of relevant & valid type test certificate with detailed list of type test submission, ISO certificate, Factory License, the bid received with irrelevant Type Test certificates (other then those DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 4/14 called for in the technical specification) shall be liable for out right rejection under non conformity to tender stipulation. (v) Schedule - A; Unpriced Schedule-B & notes to Schedule A DGVCL reserves the right to reject any OR all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. For and on Behalf of DGVCL (J.A.Kapadia) Additional Chief Engineer (P) Downloading of Tender Documents in (PDF Format). For downloading of Tender please click on: http://www.dgvcl.nprocure.com Part -I Commercial Terms & Conditions. Part-II Schedule ‘A’, Schedule ‘B’ & important notes Part-III Technical Specifications & GTP Part-IV Integrity Pact. To view the PDF file please use “Acrobat Reader” software which can be downloaded from “Adobe” website NOTE: [n-procure clarification] In case bidder needs any clarification or if training required for participating in online tender, they can contact the following office: (n) Procure Cell (n) code solutions-A division of GNFC Ltd., 403, GNFC Info tower, S.G. Road, Bodakdev Ahmedabad – 380054 ( Gujarat ) Toll Free: 1-800-233-1010 ( Ext. 501, 512,516 , 517 , 525 ) Phone No. 079-26857315 / 316 / 317 Fax: 079-26857321 / 40007533; Email: [email protected] *********************** DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 5/14 PART - II SCHEDULE – ‘A’ 1 Tender No. DGVCL/SP/8001/Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 2 Description of Item Poly Carbonate Plastic Seal, Size 20mm x 20mm x 8mm 3a Tender quantity 10,00,000 Nos. 3b Estimated Cost Rs. 39.0 lacs 4 Cost of Tender Document (Non Refundable) Rs.1,000.00 5 Earnest Money Deposit (50% each by DD& BG) Rs. 39,000.00 6 Last Date of receipt of tender by Regd/Speed Post at Corporate Office, Surat. 17.00 Hrs. 29.01.2013 7 Last Date for On Line Submission 17.00 Hrs. 30.01.2013 8 Scheduled date of opening of On Line Technical Bid 11.00 Hrs. 31.01.2013 9 Tentative Date of Opening of On line Price Bids of tech. qualified bidders. 11.00 Hrs. 08.02.2013 Details of Tender Fee/Earnest Money Deposit paid by the Tenderer: 1 Demand Draft No._________________Dated____________ Drawn on_____________________________ Bank for Tender Fee [ 2a Demand Draft No. ___________________dated__________ Drawn on_____________________________ Bank for 50% EMD. 2b Bank Guarantee No. ___________________dated__________ Issued by _____________________________ Bank for 50% EMD. 3 Firm’s Sales Tax Regn No.__________________Dated__________ 4 Firm’s Central Sales Tax Sales Tax Registration [TIN No.] No.____________________________ Dated______________ DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 6/14 NOTES TO SCHEDULE –A FOLLOWING important points pertaining to tender may be noted. [1] Submission of Offer: As per clause no. 54 of Commercial terms & conditions, the firm having single legal entity and having two or more works / factory and submit offers from two or more different works / factory, DGVCL will consider only one lowest offer for allocation of quantity. EMD cover must contain details and documents as per clause no.11 of Commercial terms & conditions for EMD requirement. (a) Orders executed list of last three years for the tendered items. (b) Vendor Registration Certificate for the tendered item is must. In absence of any of the above, technical bid will not be opened / the Opening of tender of the party will be at the discretion of the DGVCL. Refund of EMD: (a) EMD of all unsuccessful bidders shall be released on finalization of tender. (b) EMD of successful bidders shall be released on submission of and acceptance of security deposit against order placed by DGVCL. [2] In clause no. 2 “Vendor Registration” Registration charges and re-registration charges for regular suppliers and new suppliers is to be considered as under: (a) Rs.15,000/- for factory within Gujarat State (b) Rs. 50,000/- for factory within India but out of Gujarat State (c) Rs. 2,00,000/- for factory out of Country Also, sub clause no.2(c)( iii) of this clause is modified as under: “In case of change in name or ownership or control of the Company / Firm of the registered vendor, such Company / Firm shall inform in writing along with supporting documents within 30 days of such change. The Company/Firm shall have to confirm that there is neither change in the infrastructure facilities nor in the products/items and that change is only in the name / ownership/control of the Company/ Firm. In such a case, the company/Firm shall have to submit application and relevant documents as proof that such change is lawful / legitimate along with processing fees of Rs. 5000/-.” Other terms of the Clause no.2 shall remain unchanged. DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 7/14 [3] DELIVERY SCHEDULE: The delivery of total allocated quantity of material against this tender shall be completed within 08 (Eight) months on equal bi-monthly basis after a commencement period of one month (30 days) from the date of receipt of order (A/T). However, early delivery will be acceptable. The destinations for delivery shall be anywhere in Gujarat. [4] GUARANTEE PERIOD: Guarantee period of tendered item shall be 24 months from the date of installation or 30 months from the date of receipt by purchaser whichever is earlier. Supplier will be responsible for the proper performance of the equipments / materials for the respective guarantee period. [5] FORMATION OF CARTEL: In case Purchaser finds that there is an attempt of cartel in the prices, the Purchaser reserves the right to consider or reject any or all the parties offer without assigning any reason thereof. [6] DELAYED / LATE TENDERS : No tender and sample shall be accepted / opened in any case which are received after due date and time of the receipt of tender irrespective of delayed due to postal service or any other reasons and DGVCL shall not assume any responsibility for late receipt of tender / sample. Any correspondence in this matter will not be entertained. [7] The quantity to be purchased will be decided by DGVCL. DGVCL reserves the right to reduce/enhance the tender quantity as per their requirement at the time of finalization of the tender. [8] The Bidder shall have to procure raw materials from authorized/whole sale dealers, supported with authentic manufacturers’ test certificates and related documents. [9] The bidder should indicate the number of molding machines that shall be earmarked for DGVCL seal manufacture to cover weekly/monthly stipulated quantities. [Ref. annex.A] [10] The bidder should indicate the monthly quantity of seals that shall be supplied by him based on the number of molding machines earmarked for DGVCL seal manufacture, considering the engaging of the said machines for continuous weekly / monthly production schedule. This should not be lesser than stipulated monthly minimum quantity.(Refer Sl.no.10 of Annex.A) DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 8/14 [11] DGVCL shall reserve the right to depute its representative to be present during the production of seals to be manufactured against DGVCL order. [12] Security marking tools (dies) shall be provided by DGVCL to the successful bidder before commencement of manufacture. The number of Security marking tools (dies) to be issued to a vendor shall depend on the order quantity placed on the vendor and the weekly/monthly quantities to be manufactured against the DGVCL order. [13] No night shift shall be operated without the approval of DGVCL. [14] The quantity bid by the bidder, the installed and commissioned capacity of automatic molding machines and the quantity of orders on hand read with the delivery period of such orders and commitment of the vendor to earmark specific molding machines for manufacture of seals for DGVCL as per clause 8, 9 & 10 of Annexure - A, shall be taken into consideration for allocation of order quantities on those bidders who satisfy the capacity and capability requirements for manufacture of seals as aforesaid. [DGVCL reserves the right to inspect the factory premises to ascertain the claims of installed capacities of molding machines and other infrastructure.] [15A] DGVCL shall undertake random sample from the available stock of raw materials during inspection of offered seals and get the same tested (For tests as specified in the technical specification cl.no.7 special tests) at any Govt. approved third party Laboratory. If the sample passes in the tests the test charges shall be borne by DGVCL otherwise the cost shall be borne by the Supplier and/or recovered from Supplier's bills. The test results will be binding on the Supplier. DGVCL, in general will not allow any resampling. [15B] AUDIT Inspection: Cl. No. 49 Audit Inspection of commercial terms and conditions shall be amended and read as under: After inspection of ordered materials at manufacturers works by DGVCL inspector, DGVCL audit inspection wing may pick up samples from the lots supplied at RSO/or other DGVCL stores or from the works of the vendor, for quality checks at random. The selected samples will be tested for acceptance tests/type tests or other tests specified in the technical specification as per relevant standards/tech.spec/GTP, at any govt. approved laboratory, in presence of representatives of the vendor and DGVCL. DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 9/14 If the sample passes in the tests the test charges shall be borne by DGVCL otherwise the cost shall be borne by the Supplier and/or recovered from Supplier's bills. The test results will be binding on the Supplier. DGVCL, in general will not allow re-sampling. [15C] Where raw materials drawn from available stock of raw materials during inspection of offered seals or samples of readymade seals from the lots supplied at RSO/or other DGVCL stores or from the works of the vendor, for quality checks at random are found to fail in testing then the whole lot of seals manufactured shall be rejected and supplier shall have to replace the whole lot. If replacement is not possible due to consumption, DGVCL may levy a penalty up to 30% of the end cost price of material supplied till date of such raw material testing. Also the balance order quantity if any shall be cancelled. Further the vendor shall be barred from future tenders to DGVCL for a period ranging from one to three years. [16] Tenderer must submit offers / bids along with requisite descriptive literature etc. in single copy duly signed and stamped by them. Wherever applicable, Complete Technical data of Equipment’s/ Materials / Apparatus, etc. must be furnished along with the tender including (i) Dimensional Drawings, (ii) Type Test Certificate from Govt. Recognized Laboratory (iii) Guaranteed Particulars, (IV) List of Testing facilities available in the works must be furnished with the tender which is a must. Tenderer will be at full liberty to provide information and data about his products. [17] Clause no. 68 of “Commercial Terms and Conditions” is Modified as under: The Tenderer must offer minimum quantity as under for all their offered/quoted tendered items and also have to accept DGVCL’s delivery conditions given in the tender. “The minimum tender quantity to be quoted by the bidders should be 25% of total tender quantity”, if the tenderer quotes for less than the minimum tendering quantity for each quoting item, specified above and/or gives a delivery schedule which is longer than what is stipulated in the tender then the offer will not be considered for evaluations and offer will be ignored out rightly without any communication in the matter and any further requests after opening of the tender will also be ignored. This should be taken care of. [18] Clause no. 12 “SECURITY DEPOSIT “of Commercial Terms and conditions is not applicable to this tender. [19] Clause no. 22: A Payment terms of the Commercial Terms and Conditions is modified as under. DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 10/14 Payment shall be made by DGVCL, for the materials supplied as per DGVCL’s standard payment terms and conditions i.e. 80% of the Exworks price with 100% taxes, duties and F&I price of each consignment will be paid to you by this office against TRC within 30 days after verifying the invoices and other related documents, approval of test certificates and on your furnishing certificates of proper dispatch of the goods in the form attached which would be sent AO (Bills) Corporate Office, DGVCL, Surat, along with the copy of invoice. The payment will be made directly to you. The balance 20 % of the Ex-works price each consignment will be paid after receipt of goods in correct order and in good condition at site duly inspected and certified in Store Receipt Note by the consignee. The balance payment will be made within 45 days from the date of receipt of materials at site. The TRC/documents should be sent to AO (Bills) Corporate Office, Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Ltd., Nana Varachha Road, Kapodara, Near Gajjar Petrol Pump, SURAT. Alternatively, DGVCL may make payment through SIDBI, ICICI, Power Finance Corporation, R.E.C. or any other financial institution depending upon facility available at the relevant time. In case of payment through SIDBI, ICICI, 80% and / or 20% of Ex- Works price including 100% of F&I, Taxes & duties, payment shall be made against TRC / RRC and S.R. Notes (in case of 20% payment). In case of payment through SIDBI / ICICI, necessary stamp charges and interest charge shall be borne by respective DISCOM. Other charges, if any shall have to be borne by the supplier. Tenderer, while quoting need specifically agree to receive payment under any of the aforesaid alternative at the option of respective DISCOM. The tenderer shall invariably instruct their Bankers to accept lesser amount than IBC amount (Bank Advice amount) in case Cheque amount differs from claimed amount / IBC amount supported with deduction memo. In case if, you want payment through Bank: You shall have to furnish (I) Indemnity Bond for the A/T, (ii) Power of Attorney duly registered with DGVCL for individual Bank and a request letter for discounted bills to issue Cheque in favour of your Bank A/c. M/s---------------- (All these three documents should be as per respective DISCOM format only and should be duly NOTARIZED). DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 11/14 While extending the above facility, DGVCL in no case will be responsible for any default in payment OR interest to the Bank by you. Your Banker should accept the payment released as per the Bills passed and audited. DGVCL would normally accept only one mode of payment: viz. Either (1) Direct payment OR (2) Payment through Bank or Financial Institution on the strength of Power of Attorney to be executed by the supplier to that effect. You should specifically state any one mode of payment. You should indicate the name of the Bank / Financial Institution to whom the payment is to be made. Also, the Indemnity bond is to be furnished by the supplier as per prescribed format, which may be obtained from the office. The costs of all stamp paper charges are to be borne by you. [20] SUPPLY AND PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE: (APPLICABLE TO THIS TENDER) All the bidders shall have to give 10% of the contract value in the form of cash/ DD/ Bank Guarantee covering the period of execution of contracts and 10% of contract value in the form of Bank Guarantee to cover warrantee period of supplied material irrespective whether bidder is having SSI / NSIC certificate or not. The Bank Guarantee covering the period of execution of contracts must be invariably submitted within 20 (TWENTY) days from the date of order. Otherwise the order will be out rightly cancelled at the risk & cost of the Tenderer (at the discretion of GUVNL) and without entering in to any correspondence and this will be binding on the Tenderer. Performance Bank Guarantee covering warranty period (PBG) will have to be submitted before 20 (TWENTY) days of expiry of the Bank Guarantee towards execution of contracts (SDBG) OR prior to supply of last lot of material subject to availability of live SDBG whichever is earlier. The performance Guarantee (10% of the contract value) for the tendered items shall have to be furnished in the form of DD / Cash and by Bank Guarantee, by the successful Tenderer, which should be valid for 24 months from the date of commissioning OR 30 months or as specified from the last date of delivery of supply whichever is earlier. The performance Guarantee submitted should be for the full period. Performance Guarantee for an interim period will not be allowed. However, in case of expiry of Performance Guarantee before the said period the same should be got extended / renewed till the completion of said period by the tenderer at least one month before the expiry of the validity failing which DGVCL will be at liberty to DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 12/14 encash the same, without entering in to further correspondence, formalities, etc. in the matter. CORPORATE GUARANTEES NOT ALLOWED. “NO STAGEWISE BANK GUARANTEES WILL BE ACCEPTABLE IN ANY CASE.” Further for Small, Cottage & tiny industrial units of Gujarat State having the registration numbers for production of goods and having the registration numbers from Government of Gujarat have to submit Security Deposit & Performance Bank Guarantee as under: 1. Wherever in the purchase policy, the Security Deposit & Performance Bank Guarantee rate of 5% is stipulated, the same be considered at 3% for Small, Cottage & tiny industrial units of Gujarat State. 2. Wherever the rate of Security Deposit & Performance Bank Guarantee of 10% is stipulated in the purchase policy, the same be considered as 6% for small, Cottage & tiny industrial units of Gujarat State. Small, Cottage & tiny Industries will, however, be considered subject to furnishing of the authenticated notary certified copy of the certificate of Registration from Government of Gujarat along with the tender. The certificate should indicate the manufacture of items offered under this tender. Provisional Registration Certificates are NOT allowed. [21] Sample: 20 Nos. of Samples are to be submitted as per tech. specification cl. No. 9.0. The sample may be submitted to the following address only. “Office of the Junior Engineer (O&M), DGVCL, Rural Division Store, (Tapi Store), Nana Varachha Road, Near Gajjar Petrol Pump, Kapodara Char Rasta, SURAT.” [22] Tenderer are requested to keep the Annexure 1 to 13 in chrono - logical order. PLACE: SIGNATURE OF TENDERER DATE: COMPANY’S ROUND SEAL DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 13/14 ANNEXURE – A DETAILS FIRM’S MANUFACTURING CAPACITIES Sl. No. Details Of Items/ Equipment Offered Polycarbonate plastic seals Size:20mmx20mmx8mm 1 Tender Quantity 10,00,000 Nos. 2 Minimum quantity to be bid 25% of total bidding quantity 3 Supply period of order 1 month commencement + Supply within 8 months on equal bi-monthly basis 4 Quantity Offered for supply by bidder 5 Bidder’s ANNUAL Production Capacity. 6 Total numbers of installed automatic molding machines. 7 Average production per machine per shift in a day. 8 Number of molding machines proposed to be earmarked for DGVCL seal manufacture. 9 Per day capacity for checking & packing of manufactured seals 10 Guaranteed supply /month. Based on equated monthly quantities.[Refer Special Conditions Of Note to Schedule-A Clause 10] DGVCL/SP/8001/ Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals 14/14 Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited, Surat. SCHEDULE –‘B’ (PRICE BID FORMAT) Tender No. DGVCL/SP/8001/Poly Carbonate Plastic Seals Sl. No Description of materials Tender Quantity in Nos. Offered* quantity Exworks price Unit Insur ance Unit Freight & Packing Unit Excise Duty @ ( ___%) Unit end cost w/o Taxes Unit CST/VAT Unit end cost with Taxes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Poly Carbonate Plastic Seal, Size 20mm x 20mm x 8mm 10,00,000 *OFFERED QUANTITY SHALL BE MINIMUM 25% OF TENDER QUANTITY [1] I/We agree to supply the articles noted above at the rates herein tendered by me/us subjected to the condition of tender and supply of the tender inquiry which I/We have care fully read and which I/We agree. [2] I/We here by agree to keep this offer open for 120 days after the returnable date of the tenders and shall be bound by Communication of acceptance dispatch with in the prescribed time. DATE: COMPANY SEAL SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER |
7th February 2013, 06:36 PM
please send me model paper of opgc and dgvcl
in my email:[email protected] |
8th February 2013, 06:11 PM
please send all previous years exam papers of dgvcl for the post of jr.engg(it) to my email.
[email protected] |
31st March 2013, 06:39 PM
Please send me the old model papers of MGVCL Junior Assistant urgently to my email id- [email protected]
31st March 2013, 09:42 PM
Plz send me previous 5 years question paper of mgvcl nd which book I should use for mgvcl... Plz replyme on my email..... [email protected]
2nd April 2013, 09:00 AM
Send me the question papaers of MGVCl on '[email protected]' .
2nd April 2013, 12:20 PM
Dear sir ,
Please end to me Question paper with answer of Jr. Electrical Engineer for MGVCL on my mail ID as below mentioned. suthar_janak2005@ yahoo.co.in Regards Janak Suthar |
10th April 2013, 05:01 PM
please send me ugvcl,mgvcl,dgvcl electrical examination papers urgently on my mail i
[email protected] |
15th April 2013, 12:54 PM
please send me ugvcl,mgvcl,dgvcl electrical examination papers urgently on my mail id
[email protected] |
18th April 2013, 09:49 PM
please send me past question papers of mgvcl,dgvcl,pgvcl on my mail id [email protected] plz fast rply
25th April 2013, 05:25 PM
please send me ugvcl,mgvcl,dgvcl ,pgvcl examination papers for the post of VIDYUT Sahayak urgently on my mail
[email protected] |
26th April 2013, 05:45 AM
Please send me last five years paper of electrical examination of UGVCL, MGVCL, DGVCL, PGVCL on my email id [email protected]
27th April 2013, 02:06 PM
![]() |
27th April 2013, 03:16 PM
Send me old question paper or jr. Engineer electrical on [email protected]
28th April 2013, 11:10 PM
Hello sir, will u send me question papers of GETCO, UGVCL,PGVCL,MGVCL,DGVCL, related with electrical engineering,
please sir send me last 5 years papers set of jr. engg. post, my email id is: [email protected] |
7th May 2013, 10:19 PM
Please send me previous years electrical exam papers urgently on [email protected]
13th May 2013, 09:00 PM
previous years exam papers of mgvcl,pgvcl,gsecl,guvnl,dgvcl,ugvcl for the post of jr.engg(electrical)? please send all of above test papers to my email
[email protected] |
17th May 2013, 12:41 AM
[email protected]. please send MGVCL previous year paper on this email Id. please
17th May 2013, 02:07 AM
Please send the last 5 years question paper of MGVCL, DGVCL, UGVCL, PGVCL for the post of Jr. Engg. on my email id: [email protected].
Thanking you in advance. |
17th May 2013, 02:15 AM
please send me ugvcl,mgvcl,dgvcl electrical examination papers urgently on my mail id
[email protected] |
17th May 2013, 02:15 AM
Please send question paper of last 5 years of MGVCL, DGVCL, UGVCL, PGVCL for Jr. Engg.on : [email protected]
Thanking you in advance |
19th May 2013, 12:18 PM
Please send me previous year paper of MGVCl for electrical engg. And also exam pattern of Mgvcl.my email id is [email protected]
20th May 2013, 05:54 PM
Please send me all past year papers & syllabus of mgvcl for electrical engineering on [email protected] as soon as possible.
22nd May 2013, 02:28 PM
please send me all past year question papers of MGVCL for Electrical Engineering on [email protected]
22nd May 2013, 02:36 PM
previous years exam papers of mgvcl,pgvcl,gsecl,guvnl,dgvcl,ugvcl for the post of jr.engg(electrical)? please send all of above test papers to my email ID: [email protected] as soon as possible.
31st May 2013, 07:38 PM
Sir, plz send me previous years question papers of getco & pgvcl on my mail id quickly-
[email protected] plz...plz...plz... |
6th June 2013, 01:32 AM
Respected sir,
I will appear in state level job exam and my exam will held on 9/6/2013. please send me ugvcl,mgvcl,dgvcl electrical examination papers urgently on my mail id. rushabhjain1[AT]rediffmail.com Thankx and regards Rushabh Jain |
13th June 2013, 10:24 PM
Please send me all past year papers & syllabus of mgvcl and pgvcl for jr. assistant exam on my id [email protected] as soon as possible.
26th June 2013, 05:29 PM
previous years exam papers of mgvcl,pgvcl,gsecl,guvnl,dgvcl,ugvcl and GETCO for the post of jr.engg(electrical) please send all of above test papers to my email
[email protected] |
30th June 2013, 12:10 PM
pls send me mgvcl ,ugvcl, pgvcl junior assistant papes with answer key urgently on my mail id [email protected]
30th June 2013, 12:14 PM
please send me ugvcl,mgvcl,dgvcl electrical examination papers urgently on my mail id
[email protected] |
23rd July 2013, 11:56 AM
hello sir,
If anyone of you have the past question papers for the post of Vidyut Sahayak(JE), then do sen me on [email protected] I am a civil engg. student and need it for GETCO's recruitment test. Thank you. |
30th July 2013, 08:35 PM
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31st July 2013, 05:19 PM
please send me ugvcl,mgvcl,dgvcl electrical examination papers urgently on my mail id
[email protected] |
3rd August 2013, 06:04 PM
previous years exam papers of GETCO, mgvcl,pgvcl,gsecl,guvnl,dgvcl,ugvcl for the post of jr.engg(electrical)? please send all of above test papers to my email..
[email protected], [email protected] |
31st August 2013, 03:19 PM
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[email protected] |
3rd September 2013, 04:26 PM
hello ......plz send me UGVCL PGVCL DGVCL MGVCL previous paper on my id [email protected]
4th September 2013, 09:51 PM
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24th September 2013, 12:50 PM
![]() Quote:
Sir, Send me by e mail on [email protected] the previous year question papers of mgvcl, ugvcl, pgvcl, dgvcl, getco,etc for the post of Junior Engineer (Electriical). |
6th October 2013, 01:16 PM
Please send me previous exam papers fot vidhut sahayak(Jr. Engg) of PGVCL,DGVCL,UGVCL, and GETCO
Mial ID: [email protected] |
8th October 2013, 11:13 AM
Pls send me this paper on my email. [email protected]
9th October 2013, 03:05 AM
Previous years Solved papers of MGVCL, PGVDL, GSECL, GUVNL, DGVCL, UGVCL for the post of Jr Engineer
please send me on [email protected] |
10th October 2013, 04:29 PM
Please send me previous paper for Junior programmer or junior engineer to [email protected]
11th October 2013, 04:12 PM
Plz send me getco, pgvcl, dgvcl, mgvcl old paper set last 3 years with answer sheet in this Email id
[email protected] |
11th October 2013, 04:39 PM
i request you to please send me previous years papers of vidyut sahayak junior engineer and also need papers of juniour electrical inspector exam's paper.
14th October 2013, 06:04 PM
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14th October 2013, 09:36 PM
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