12th September 2011, 10:11 PM
net exam syllabus(mathematics) and the date of net exam' plese send my email id [email protected]
12th September 2011, 10:12 PM
net exam syllabus(mathematics) and the date of net exam' plese send my email id [email protected]
3rd October 2011, 04:57 PM
sir, pls send me the syllabus of a NET exam for the mechanical engineering branch and also guide me for this exam on my id.pls.......
[email protected] |
7th October 2011, 04:38 AM
Net stands for national eligibility test
set stands for state eligibility test these both are for lecturers both have master degree as eligibility there is no age limit you prepare with many previous year question papers it consists of many sections all the best |
19th January 2012, 12:58 AM
Net exam syllabus{ English} and the date of "net exam" please send my email id [email protected]
thanks |
3rd March 2012, 09:19 PM
net exam syllabus(mathematics)
[email protected] |
9th March 2012, 01:43 PM
hi .......i m science student ........i want to ask something can u plz tell me about the syllabus of net exam actualy i m confuse so plz can u help me n tell me the syllabus ...please send my email id [email protected]
25th March 2012, 12:20 PM
I have completed my MCom with 53% and MBA from a pvt college in states, i wish to appear for my NEt exam. I have emailed UGC to confirm if it recognizes my MBA, but they don't reply mails nor answer calls. Please advise. Thanks. |
31st March 2012, 02:21 PM
net exam new syllabus Marathi make available on website for third paper and send my email id [email protected]
2nd April 2012, 03:02 PM
mass com net exam syllabus, mass communication please send my email [email protected]
2nd April 2012, 03:06 PM
net exam syllabus(mass communication)2012 plese send my mail id, [email protected]
29th April 2012, 10:15 PM
NET(National Eligibility Test) is conducted by the UGC(UNIVERSITY GRANTS AMONGSINO) two times in a year. The syllabus and previous year question papers are available at the official website of university grants commission, the website is listed below http://www.ugc.ac.in Best of luck |
30th April 2012, 02:20 AM
NET Exam Syllabus :
Paper 1 : This is related general nature , intended to assess the Teaching / researching aptitude reasoning ability , comprehension , divergent thinking & general awareness 60 objective question candidates are need to be solved only 50 questions Paper 2 : This is subjective type question paper 50 compulsory questions & 2 marks noted for each question Paper 3 : This is only descriptive type questions paper candidates are required to attempt questions in the provided in the test booklet NET Preparation Books : Chemical Sciences Books : Upkars CSIR -UGC/NET/JRF/SLET Chemical Sciences through solved problems by Dr.Ajay Taneja Dr.Hamant Kulshrestha Upkars CSIR -UGC/NET/JRF/SLET Chemical Sciences paper -I by Dr.Ajay Taneja Dr.Hamant Kulshrestha Physical Science Books : Upkars CSIR-UGC/NET/JRF/SLET Physical Sciences paper -I&II by Anshul Gupta Trueman UGC-CSIR JRF/NET Physical Science by N.M Singh Mathematical Books : Upkars CSIR-UGC/NET/JRF/SLET Mathematics Paper - II by Dr.A.K Kumar Trueman UGC-CSIR JRF/NET Mathematical by Akhilesh Mani Tripathi Life Science Books : Upkars CSIR-UGC/NET/JRF/SLET Life by Dr.A.P.Singh Kumar Pushkara Trueman UGC-CSIR JRF/NET Life Science by Pramod Singh Syllabus : http://www.winentrance.com/ugc_natio...-syllabus.html ugc_net.pdf |
30th April 2012, 02:56 PM
NET stands for NATIONAL ELIGIBILITY TEST this exam is conducted by the UGC twice a year. ELIGIBILITY: Candidate should complete Master degree with 55% marks Candidate should be a citizen of india. SYLLABUS FOR NET EXAM: 1.Zoology 2.Botony 3.Statistics 4.Mathametics 5.Physics For more information visit www.ugc.ac.in ALL THE BEST.... |
28th July 2012, 09:55 PM
plese send net exam syiiabus and question paper for current year by my email id [email protected]
22nd September 2012, 10:47 PM
I want detailed information about NET exam pattern of Earth science subject.please send my email id [email protected]
23rd September 2012, 08:56 PM
UGC Exam Pattern :- UGC NET exam is to be divide into the three papers.
Paper 1- The first paper is to be related general nature, intended to assess the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate. It is designed to check the test reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness. There are 60 objective type question candidates are need to be solved only 50 questions that is depends on to the candidates choices. Paper 2 - Paper 2 is subjective type question paper. There are 50 compulsory questions and 2 marks noted for each question. The candidate will be have to mark the responses for questions of Paper-I and Paper-II on the Optical Mark Reader (OMR) sheet provided along with the Test Booklet. The detailed instructions for filling up the OMR Sheet will be sent to the candidate along with the Admit Card. Paper 3 – This paper is only descriptive type questions paper. Candidates are required to attempt questions in the space provided in the Test Booklet. USE THE BELOW LINK FOR UGC NET Entrance Exam Syllabus http://www.successcds.net/examsyllabus/ugc-net-jrf-exam-syllabus/101/ All the best |
24th September 2012, 12:48 AM
Hello friends,
NET stands for National Educational Testing is conducted by National Educational Testing Bureau during June and December for determining eligibility for the Award of JRF (Junior Research Fellowships) and for determining eligibility for Lectureship in Indian universities and colleges. NET Exam Eligibility: Educational Qualification: Master degree in Humanities (including languages) and Social Sciences, Forensic Science, Environmental Science, Computer Science and Applications, Electronic Sciences etc. with at least 55%. (50% for SC/ST & Physically handicap). Those candidates who are in final year or result awaited can also apply. Note: Only resident of India are eligible for NET Exam. Age: Maximum age is 28 at the time of exam. NET Syllabus: The UGC NET Syllabus and NET Exam Pattern is described below. Paper - I: This paper is general in nature and consist questions based on Reasoning Ability, Comprehension, Divergent Thinking and General Awareness. Paper - II: Consists of short questions based on the subject selected by the candidates. Each of these papers consists of a test booklet containing 50 objective type questions. Paper - III: This consists of descriptive questions based on the subject selected by the candidates. For More Detail visit: http://www.career.pappulal.com/ugc-net.html Thanks. |