18th November 2011, 02:37 PM
am a bsc computer science student of bahrathidhasan university 2001-2004 batch.now i have applied for my arrear exams.
i dont know the exact syllabus from which questions will be asked.can anyone please help me in getting syllabus and important questions. it will be very useful for me to complete my degree atleast by this year. thanks... |
3rd December 2011, 03:26 PM
hai sir I want madras university B.sc (computer science) in second semester previous 5year question papers and syllabus blue print in tamil,english,maths,computer science....! plz send my e-mail Id:[email protected]
8th January 2012, 09:23 AM
java and microprossor questio paper 2004&2005&2006&2007&2008 university question paper sir plz .....
My E-mail Id:[email protected] |
17th January 2012, 05:03 PM
KINDLY PLEASE SEND TO MY E-MAIL ID:[email protected] |
19th January 2012, 11:50 AM
pls send me s.k university previous physics and computers papers of 2nd year.send me to [email protected] pls send me as early as psbl
21st January 2012, 03:31 PM
im anusha bulusu ...from rajahmundry...im pursuing final year bsc computers with MSCs..... andhra university........please i wanna the model papers for all subjects..can u please help me...im very tensed about my exams..
24th January 2012, 11:02 PM
1st year bsc computer science important question pappers and tel me wt's d website to get test papers or old model papers
Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/previous-year-papers-bsc-computer-science-exam-95237.html#ixzz1kRpRInew |
27th January 2012, 03:49 PM
[email protected]@gmail.co m |
31st January 2012, 03:13 PM
You have a list of options to do some thing after your B.Sc. with the computer. If you want to continue your study then you should go for M.Sc. or MCA from any reputed university or college. And if you want to change your stream then you can come in the field of MBA, networking, data operator, LDC, CCNA, web designing, BPO, etc where related to your degree you can start your career.
16th February 2012, 09:52 PM
Hi sir i want kakathiya&osmania computer scince papers degree 2nd year
send my e-mail id [email protected] |
19th February 2012, 11:21 AM
Hello sir, I belong to kanpur university b.Sc-1st year,so i want the inportant question of data structure for 2012. plz send it my E-mail ID:- [email protected]
23rd February 2012, 02:09 PM
please kindly send achrya nagarjuna university maths,computers model papers to my mail.
my mail id:[email protected] |
26th February 2012, 01:13 PM
hello sir i want acharya nagarjuna university computer science important questions for march2012 exam please help me send my mail
id:[email protected] |
27th February 2012, 01:26 PM
iwant 2nd B.Sc old & previous question papers of group subjects. mail id: [email protected] or [email protected] |
27th February 2012, 08:01 PM
2nd March 2012, 01:51 PM
![]() Quote:
You question is incomplete... You please mention the name of university of college so that we can tell you the previous year question of computer science paper of that university.. GOOD LUCK! |
2nd March 2012, 06:06 PM
Important Questions for B.Sc Degree Computer Science - Ist Year - Part I
Part 1 ~ Part II Part 1 : Covers Fundamentals of Computers - DOS - Windows - Programming with C 1. Explain about Generations of Computers. 2. Define a Computer. Explain with the help of a block diagram 3. Differentiate between Analog and Digital Computers 4. What is memory? Explain about Primary and Secondary storage devices 5. Differentiate between RAM and ROM. Define Cache Memory 6. Explain in brief about Input and Output devices 7. What is Software? Explain about i) Operating System ii) Application Software 8. What is an Operating System. Explain about features of an Operating System. Give 5 examples for OS'es. 9. What is a command? Explain about any 5 commands in DOS 10. Explain features of Windows. 11. What is Recycle Bin ? How do you delete a file in Windows ? 12. What is the use of Windows Explorer. Explain how we can do the following in Windows - Copy a file, Delete a file, Rename a file and Move a file. 13. Explain about Data Types in C 14. What is a preprocessor. Explain about any 5 header files in C 15. Write about Input-Output Statements in C 16. What is a Conditional Statements? Give Examples 17. What are Looping Statements? Give Examples 18. What is a Function? Give example of a function which is recursive. 19. What is meant by Call-By-Value and Call-By-Reference 20. Explain about Structures and Unions in C 21. What is a Storage class? Give Examples 22. Explain about Command line arguments in C 23. What is an Array? Write a program to multiply two matrices 24. Write about String functions in C 25. What is a Pointer? Write a program to demonstrate the use of pointers. 26. Define a Stack - Queue and a Linked List. Part II : - 27. What is an Office Suite? Give Examples and explain about Word Processing. 28. Explain about various items on MS Word Window. 29. Explain about Margins. What is a header and footer? 30. Explain how a table can be inserted in a document. Also explain on inserting and deletion of rows and columns and merging and splitting cells. What is Table AutoFormatting ? 31. Explain about Menus and Toolbars available in MS Word 32. What are Word Art and ClipArt? Explain how a picture can be inserted from a file into a Document 33. Explain about Auto Numbering, AutoText and AutoSave features of Word. 34. What is a Macro? Explain steps in recording and running a Macro. 35. How do you Mail Merge a Document from a Data Source 36. Explain steps in Mail Merging a Document from an external database. 37. What is a Presentation? Explain steps to create a presentation in MS PowerPoint. 38. Explain about views of Slides in Power Point. 39. What is an Organisation Chart? Explain steps in creating an Organisation Chart. 40. Explain about Slide Transistions. 41. What is a Database? Explain steps in creating a table in Access 42. What are Queries ? Explain steps in creating a query. 43. What are Forms and Reports. Explain with the help on an example on how they can be created in Access 44. Explain how Relations between databases can be obtained. What are Primary and Secondary Key. 45. What is a module? Explain about Class Module and Standard Module in Access 46. What is a Spreadsheet ? Explain how a Spreadsheet can be created in Excel. Also explain how formulas can be put in a worksheet 47. What is Linking? Explain how two worksheets can be linked. 48. What is a function? Explain about inbuilt functions in Excel. 49. Explain about Mathematical, String and Date and Time Functions in Excel 50. Explain how graphs can be drawn in Excel. How many types of graphs can be generated in Excel. Computer Science Model Paper 1 1. Explain various types of Computers based on speed (or ) What is memory. Explain about various types of memories 2. What is a software. Explain about Operating System software and give examples (or ) Explain in detail about 1) Batch Processing System 2) Time Sharing System 3) Real Time System 3. What is a command ? How many types of commands are there in DOS and explain about any 3 commands from each. ( or ) What is a Batch File ? Explain its features with the help of an example. 4. What is Desktop ? Explain about various icons on the desktop. ( or ) What is an Interface ? Explain about various types of interfaces with examples. 5. What are the various Input and Output statements in C. Explain with an example program. ( or ) Explain about Procedural Language and an Object Oriented Programming System. Explain a typical program in C B.Sc Computer Science Model Paper 21. What is a Computer ? Explain various parts of a Computer System with the help of a Block diagram ( or ) Explain about Primary and Secondary Memory organizations. 2. What is an Operating System. Give Examples. List salient features of DOS and Windows 98. ( or ) Distinguish between a package and a language. What are the features of Windows 2000 Operating System. 3. What is an Internal Command. Explain in brief about 5 internal commands. ( or ) What is Booting ? What is Cold booting and Warm Booting ? Explain the various steps in Booting a Computer systems with DOS and Windows Operating Systems. 4. What are Accessories that come with Windows ? ( or ) What are the various icons available in the Control Panel. 5. What are various Control Statements available in C ? Explain with the help of a program how a multiplication table can be generated. ( or ) What is a function. Explain with the help of a program which prints Fibonacci numbers with the help of recursion. B.Sc Computer Science Model Paper 3 1.Explain about various Input and Output devices connected to a computer system. ( or ) Explain about the following a) Differences between RAM and ROM b) Various Secondary Memory devices c) File and a folder d) Analog and Digital Computer e) Icon and a Window 2.What is Windows Explorer. Explain how basic operations on files can be done with the help of it. ( or ) Explain about the following a) Printers b) System Tools in Accessories c) Add / Remove Programs in Control Panel d) Tabs in Display Properties Window e) Arranging Icons on Desktop 3.Explain about 5 External Commands in DOS ( or ) Explain features / tools available in Windows 2000 4.How many Data Types does C support. Explain about them. ( or ) What is an Array. Explain about how strings can be used as character arrays. What is a Preprocessor. List of any 5 header files in C 5.What is Batch Processing ? Explain about Command Prompt in DOS ( or ) Write a C Program to accept numbers from the user and display the biggest and smallest of them. Explain the logic of how the program is being implemented. B.Sc Computer Science Model Paper 4 1.Explain about the following a) Keyboard b) RAM, ROM and Cache Memory c) Floppy Disks and their sizes d) External Command e) Use of Control Panel in Windows ( or ) What is an Operating System ? Explain about DOS – its history, features, types etc. 2.Explain about various Accessories available in DOS. ( or ) Explain about the following a) Network Neighborhood b) Internet Explorer c) In-Box d) Scandisk & Defrag e) Sound Recorder & Media Player 3.Explain about Redirection and Piping in DOS 4.Explain in detail about Booting procedure in DOS and Windows 5.Write a note on Input and Output statements in C. Write a program to accept a number from the keyboard and display the multiplication table of the same. AU B.Sc - I Year - Computer Science - Half Yearly Examination Answer all questions picking one from the two options All Answers carry equal marks 1. a. Explain with examples about Input - Output devices of a computer. (or) b. Explain about Primary and Secondary Storage Devices. 2. What is Software. Explain types of software with examples. What is an Operating System. Give Examples (or) Explain what a command is. Explain with examples Internal and External Commands in DOS 3. Explain various accessories of Windows 98. (or) What is an Interface and how many types of Interfaces are there. Explain features of Windows Operating System. 4. Explain about Conditional and Looping statements in C (or) b. What is an Array? Explain types of arrays in C. Write a program for matrix multiplication. 5. Explain about the following a. Mainframe and Super Computers b. Batch files and piping functions in DOS c. List of tools in Control Panel d. What is a function? What is a Recursive Function. e. 1. Convert the following into Binary form: 128, 256 2. Convert the following in Decimal form: 1101112, 101010112 PART II - COMPUTER SCIENCE(Revised Common Core Scheme) SECTION-A All Questions are compulsory 4 x 15 = 60 1a. Explain the Generation of computer or b. What are I/O devices? Explain Secondary Storage devices? 2a. Explain various tools in MS-Word or b. What is a macro? Explain with an example? 3a. Explain Merging with an example? Or b. Explain the following: i. 'C' tokens ii. Difference between i) scanf() and fscanf() ii) getc() and getchar() iii) actual and formal parameters 4a. What is a pointer? Explain pointers to arrays and pointers to structures with example? Or b. Write a 'C' program to print the product of two given matrices of order A m x n & B p x q SECTION-BAnswer any FIVE 5 x 4 = 20 5. Explain structure programming 6. Explain Algorithm & Flowchart 7. Explain Header & Footer 8. Write the features of Power Point 9. Write briefly about Macros 10. Explain Recursive with an example 11. Explain any 2 file handling functions. 12. Write 'C' program to copy a file. SECTION-CAnswer All 10 x 2 = 20 13. What are Hybrid computers 14. How many rows and columns are there in one Excel Sheet 15. What is a database 16. Explain Spell Checking 17. Write the features of Word 18. Write the differences between While & Do-While 19. What are parameter passing techniques 20. Difference between structure and union 21. What are random access files. 22. What is the Dynamic Allocation Paper I - PC SOFTWARE AND PROGRAMMING IN C 1. (a) Explain the difference between main memory and secondary memory. (b) What are the functions of operating system? (c) What is the use of templates in MS-Word? (d) Define toolbar. (e) Define relational databases. (f) Explain the feature of autofill in MS-Excel. (g) Explain the difference between getch()and scanf( ). (h) Explain the difference between local and global variables. (i) Define Union. (j) What is type casting? 2. (a) Explain the features of Recycle Bin. (b) What are the advanced features of WINDOWS 2000 operating system over WINDOWS 98 OS? Explain. 3. (a) Explain the use and creation of macros in MS-Word. (b) Explain the uses of FONT features in MS-Word. 4. (a) Explain the features of Power Point Presentation in brief. (b) Explain how to create, delete and copying a slide in Power Point Presentation. 5. (a) Explain how to create queries to retrieve desired information from the databases. (b) Explain how to create graph objects in MS-Access. 6. (a) Explain how to format worksheets in MS-Excel. (b) Explain how to create graphs in MS-Excel. 7. (a) Distinguish between 'if' statement and 'switch' statement in C. (b) Write a C program to find transpose matrix of a given matrix. 8. (a) Explain the difference between arrays and pointers in C. (b) Write a C program to arrange the given names in sorting order. 9. (a) Explain enumeration data types with suitable examples. (b) What is meant by structures in structure? When we require such type of structures? How to implement those structures in C programming? Programming Methodology & Data Structures - September 2000 Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 100 Answer all Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. Draw flow chart and write algorithm for matrix multiplications. Or 2. Describe basic concepts of structured programming. 3. Descirbe thr Programming Language requirements by taking PASCAL as an example. Or 4. Describe procedures and functions, parameter passing and recursion by taking suitable examples. 5. Write PASCAL program to manipulation of vectors. Or 6. Write PASCAL program to perform the operations on list. 7. Write PASCAL program to preform the operations on the Queues. Or 8. Describe pointer datatypes and linear data structures. 9. What is non linear data structures? Write PASCAL program for tree traversals. Or 10. Write PASCAL program and Algorithm for Quick sort. Programming Methodology & Data Structures - September 1995 1. (a) What are the different stages of program implementation? (b) Write a short note on the type of computers used. (c) Explain the difference between an algorithm and a procedure. or (d) Draw a flow chart to whicj will find out the greatest number from the given three numbers A,B,and C. (e) Draw a flow chart to compute the sum of the first N natural numbers. 2. (a) Discuss the rules for evaluation of arithmetic expression in pascal. (b) Discuss the input and output statements in Pascal. (c) Write a Pascal program to find all numbers in the Fibonnacci sequence less than 200. or (d) Write a pascal program for finding the sum of the factors of a given positive integer. (e) Write a Pascal program to find a decimal equivalent for a given octal number (a number with base 8) of arbitary length. 3. (a) Discuss about the records and their applications. (b) Explain the concept of text files in detail. (c) Write a procedure to sort a set of n numbers in assending order of magnitude. or (d) Write a pascal program to transpose the given 3*2 Matrix (e) Write a pascal program to find the product of two matrices. 4. (a) Discuss the implementation of a queue using arrays. (b) Explain the recursive process with examples. (c) Describe an algorithm for converting an infix expression to a postfix expression. (d) Discuss the operations on linear lists using single storage structures. 5. (a) Discuss the various methods for representation of binary trees. (b) Explain the terms external and internal nodes. (c) Write an algorithm for in_order traversal of a binary tree. or (d) Write a quick sort algorithm and also find the computing time. (e) Discuss the binary search algorithm. |
9th March 2012, 08:47 PM
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13th March 2012, 08:37 PM
dear friend,
If you are in your 12th then it will better for you to go for B.E in Computer Engineering. But if you already complete your B.Sc. in Computer Application then MCA will really can help you to go for the higher studies like M.Tech,M.Phil etc. The main difference between MCA and B.Tech in Computer Science is :- Unlike MCA , Computer Science B.Tech deals with the Computer Science as well as the engineering behind it . |
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