10th September 2010, 01:17 AM
Best book for fci AG-3rd grade general post exam
plz tell me about who is the best book for fci AG-3rd grade general post.
And also tell me about that which type of qestion putup in fci exam. Plz reply me as soon as. |
10th September 2010, 12:09 PM
can i apply slet after passing msc(physics) distance from vidasagar univ.
10th September 2010, 12:58 PM
plz tell me about who is the best book for fci AG-3rd grade general post.
10th September 2010, 03:09 PM
There is no definite syllabus for the posts of Assistant Grade III in Food Corporation of India 2010
But as is the trend for all PSU Exams Candidates Should prepare for GK or General Awareness with special emphasis on Indian Agriculture Reasoning ability English and numerical Aptitude As per the unconfirmed info available following is the pattern of Written paper Paper will consists two parts: 150 mins a) Objective 1: Basic Agricultural concepts 30 questions 2: Reasoning aptitude 45 questions 3:Computer Basics: 30 Questions 4:Current affairs and Indian economy:20 questions 5:English:25 questions b)Subjective 60 min 1:Agriculture Based problem 2:Any general administrative problem 3:Any technological based problem |
10th September 2010, 05:25 PM
Syllabus model paper FCI AG III posts
There is no definite syllabus for the posts of Assistant Grade III in Food Corporation of India 2010 But as is the trend for all PSU Exams Candidates Should prepare for GK or General Awareness with special emphasis on Indian Agriculture Reasoning ability English and numerical Aptitude As per the unconfirmed info available following is the pattern of Written paper Paper will consists two parts: 150 mins a) Objective 1: Basic Agricultural concepts 30 questions 2: Reasoning aptitude 45 questions 3:Computer Basics: 30 Questions 4:Current affairs and Indian economy:20 questions 5:English:25 questions b)Subjective 60 min 1:Agriculture Based problem 2:Any general administrative problem 3:Any technological based problem you can choose any book related to the above topics |
10th September 2010, 06:10 PM
dear friend..
there are so many books available but i suggest you to go through :::--- Entrance Exams 2010-2011 Education and Career in India also you can visit----- exams.qoney.com/...fci-ag-iii-posts...grade.../comment-page-1/ - Cached good luck......... |
15th September 2010, 01:35 PM
plz tell me about who is the best book for fci AG-3rd grade general post.
And also tell me about that which type of qestion putup in fci exam. Plz reply me as soon as. mahesh |
31st March 2011, 04:50 PM
there are so many books available but i suggest you to go through :::--- Entrance Exams 2010-2011 Education and Career in India also you can visit----- exams.qoney.com/...fci-ag-iii-posts...grade.../comment-page-1/ - Cached Thanks |
26th April 2011, 07:07 PM
There is no definite syllabus for the posts of Assistant Grade III in Food Corporation of India 2010
But as is the trend for all PSU Exams Candidates Should prepare for GK or General Awareness with special emphasis on Indian Agriculture Reasoning ability English and numerical Aptitude |
12th June 2011, 10:40 AM
My dear friend.......
> It require hard work >There is no definite syllabus for the posts of Assistant Grade III in Food Corporation of India 2010 But as is the trend for all PSU Exams Candidates Should prepare for GK or General Awareness with special emphasis on Indian Agriculture Reasoning ability English and numerical Aptitude As per the unconfirmed info available following is the pattern of Written paper Paper will consists two parts: 150 mins a) Objective 1: Basic Agricultural concepts 30 questions 2: Reasoning aptitude 45 questions 3:Computer Basics: 30 Questions 4:Current affairs and Indian economy:20 questions 5:English:25 questions b)Subjective 60 min 1:Agriculture Based problem 2:Any general administrative problem 3:Any technological based problem best of luck |
28th November 2011, 06:55 PM
I applied for ass.grade (technical) post for yr 2012.i want to knw the discribe syllabus for the concern post,as in adv. they mention paper base on agri,biotech.botony,zoo,micro.etc............so will u plz kindly send me the proper syllabus related to this subjects.....