30th June 2010, 06:04 PM
Can I apply for IAS after completing ECE? Can I apply for flying branch if I use spectacles?
I m doing engg in electronics nd telecommunication branch . i want to know can i apply for IAF exam ? The problem is that i m having spectacles so i cant apply for flying branch? |
28th March 2011, 07:20 PM
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the authorities will be very strict according to physical standards as per my knowledge you are not eligible as flying officer.. because you already have spectacles they will not allow you for this ... but don't get disheartened you don't have chance in only as flying officer but you can try into many other fields of airforce according to your qualification so try for the best job.. all the best ~aditya~ |
5th April 2011, 03:52 PM
Dear sir,
I hv completed my B.Sc. math this year. i also hv N.C.C. C certificate vd B grade of 2008 batch. I must join AFA bt i hv spects. please suggest me & also tell me is 60% must after CDS ? Thanks. Regards, jyoti jaiswal |
23rd May 2011, 10:09 PM
Respected sir,
i am pursuing my degree in electronics and communication engg... could u please tell me the procedure what steps i have to follow for joining air force(in the ground duty) after my degree is completed??? |
22nd January 2012, 08:07 AM
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For Defence services you have to medically fit. After passing you engineering you can apply for I.A.F. For this you have to qualify the C.D.S exam. C.D.S exam is conducted by U.P.S.C twice in a year. Eligibility criteria:- > Pass graduation with recognized university > Age limit:-19-24 year. > Must be citizen of India > Medically fit There are three steep of selection:- > Written Exam > Interview > Medical exam ALL THE BEST! |
21st March 2012, 11:32 PM
Medical Standards for the Flying Branch
If you are applying to the Flying Branch, you must remember that apart from the general physical standards, there are some standards that are specifically applicable to you. Listed below are the physical requirements applicable to both men and women applying to the Flying Branch. Vision Distant Vision 6/6 without spectcles. Near Vision N-5 each eye. Color Vision CP-1(ML T). Manifest Hypermetropia must not exceed + 2.00 Dsph "Myopia - Nill" and Astigmatism + 0.75 DSph. Vision Standards for the Flying Branch Short Service Commission:- (a) Visual Acuity 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in other, correctable to 6/6 only for hypermetropia. (b) Manifest Myopia - Nil. (c) LASIK Surgery for correction of vision is admissible in Transport and Helicopter streams of Short service Commission (Flying Branch) |