2nd April 2013, 01:17 AM
Can I do MA in Sociology after doing B.A in Political Science?
can i do an MA in sociology after doing BA in pol sc? will there be any problem later on?
2nd April 2013, 12:54 PM
Hello Aspirant,
It is a fundamental principle for the post graduate course to have graduation with a particular subject as a honours.Suppose you have polytical science as a honours paper in graduation,you can do MA in polytical science. There are combinations of three subjects in graduation course & one has to be chosen one among them as a honours paper.The subject chose for honours has to be studied for the post graduation course. Since the purpose of studying of the post graduate course is to be specialosed in a particular subject which is necessary for the higher job whether it may be research work or lecturership. So see your position & decide for further study. Thanks & good luck. chanchal... |
4th April 2013, 09:13 AM
i am a student of b.a. am i eligible for M.B.A.?