8th July 2010, 12:18 AM
Could an MBA in HR help me in getting a job of a lecturer in MBA colleges?
hi! i am ppriya sharma i am doing MBA and want to be lecturer in mba colleges.so, i want to ask you that ,could an mba give ugc net exam espically mba in HR?
22nd May 2011, 10:08 PM
Dear friend yes you must qualified NET,UGC exam then you deserve for lectureship in any colleges ......that's why you must give the exam and qualified the NET then you are the posting in best colleges for lectureship..........
20th June 2011, 11:01 AM
What stream i can appear for NET ,if i have MBA in information system management
29th July 2011, 07:11 PM
Hi All,
I need your suggesion. My name is Nihal Ahmad, currently i have been working with a MNC in gurgaon, I have done MBA in HR by distance learning from Annamalai university, i want to make my career as a lecturer in Degree college, so i want to know in which subject shoud i appear in NET exam. And what is the scope after qualifing NET in HR. Kindly suggest me at. [email protected]............ i would be your thankful. |
12th August 2011, 08:51 AM
Dear friend yes you must qualified NET,UGC exam then you deserve for lectureship in any colleges ......that's why you must give the exam and qualified the NET then you are the posting in best colleges for lectureship..........
28th September 2011, 12:54 AM
I need your suggesion. My name is deeba, I have done MBA in HR by distance learning i want to make my career as a lecturer in Degree college, so i want to know in which subject shoud i appear in NET exam. And what is the scope after qualifing NET in HR. Kindly suggest me at. [email protected]............ i would be your thankful.
27th January 2013, 03:34 PM
I hv done my MBA in marketing, Can I write NET exam on HR, as there is no subject called Marketing, other option is Net on Management which includes QT, Finance,economics,HR and marketing...So i want to do it specifically on Hr..Pls tell me whether it is possible or not?
Thanks in appreciation. |