29th September 2020, 01:40 PM
Courses available to pursue in MTech for a BTech(EEE) student?
Hi everyone, I am studying BTech in EEE. I am also planning to study MTech program. Can you please let me know what are the courses available for me to study in MTech according to my specialization? Please let me know immediately.
30th September 2020, 08:18 PM
As per your quiication,you can opt for M.Tech course in:-
-Power Systems. -Power Electronics and Drives. -Machines. -Control Systems. -VLSI. -Signal Processing. -Communication. -Microelectronics -Power system transients -Power system dynamics -Power system state estimation -smart grid -Energy management and auditing -Power quality -soft computing techniques for power system |
1st October 2020, 02:28 PM
There are some courses available for MTech after BTech (EEE) -
1.Aerospace Engineering. 2.Power Electronics (Machine Drives). 3.Power Systems. 4.Signal processing. 5.Embedded systems. |