2nd August 2018, 07:26 AM
Cutoff marks required to qualify in CTET? Pattern of CTET?
Hello everyone, I am going to apply for CTET. I just want to know that what is the pattern of this eligibility test. And please let me know about the cutoff marks to qualify this test. Thank you!
7th August 2018, 02:52 PM
Cutoff marks required to qualify in CTET are given below.
** General = 87 ** OBC = 85 ** SC = 80 ** ST = 80 EXAMINATION PATTEN ** Paper 1 For Class 1 to Class 5 ** Paper 2 For Class 6 to Class 8 ** Time duration of Paper 1 and Paper 2 150 minutes ** Medium Hindi and English ** Type of questions Objective type questions |