29th May 2016, 03:32 PM
Is fashion designing course available under GTU?
hello i want to know about fashion designing cource
it is available under GTU ? Who can give me the right information on the same? Hoping that I will get the answer from here at least. Please help me to know this. |
30th May 2016, 12:00 AM
In Gujarat , There are many colleges offer fashion designing course from which some are affiliated by GTU and Others are deemed university. Fashion Designing course cover Accessory Design , Jewellery Design , Garment Design , Footwear Design , Leather Design , Interior Design etc.
Institutes Offering Fashion Designing Course - NIFT , Gandhinagar - S.M. Patel College of Home Science - Raffles Millennium International - Varia Design - CEPT University - A.V.Parekh Technical Institute - Uniteworld Institute of Design - WLC College - C.U.Shah Polytechnic Employment Areas - Jewellery Houses - Fashion Marketing - Boutiques - Leather Companies - Merchandising - Fashion Media - Export Houses - Garment Manufacturing Unit - Fashion Show Management - Design Production Management |