3rd February 2018, 12:38 PM
Father having OBC certificate. Whether son is eligible to get OBC Non-Creamy Layer benefit or not?
Sir, I am working in PSU having income more than 8 lakh for last three consecutive years. My cast is Rauniar, which is OBC. I have Valid cast certificate. My son is working in a Private Company and his annual income is 5 lakhs. Is my son eligible to get OBC Non-Creamy Layer benefit?
5th March 2018, 01:01 AM
Creamy layer is a term used in Indian politics to refer to the relatively wealthier and better educated members of the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) who are not eligible for government-sponsored educational and professional benefit programs.
So, as your father is OBC, you are eligible to apply for OBC certificate. But, as your family income is 8 lakhs per year, you belong to creamy layer which I have already explained in above paragraph. So, you are not eligible to get OBC non-creamy later benefits. |