7th January 2017, 03:36 PM
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 1

How can I correct my address in SSC MTS 2017 online form if the system in not accepting further requests?

Respected Sir, I made a mistake while filling the SSC MTS 2017 online form, I have entered both present and permanent address same and now the system is not accepting further requests so I want to know how can I correct my address in SSC MTS 2017 online form it the system in not accepting further requests?Please answer as soon as possible.

10th July 2017, 11:37 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How can I correct my address in SSC MTS 2017 online form if the system in not accepting further requests?

Respected sir, I made a mistake while filling the SSC MTS 2017 online from, I have entered PH -OH 90%,
Whether scribe required, now the system is not accepting further requests so I want to know how can i correct my PH scribe in SSC MTS 2017 online from It the system in not accepting further requests? Please answer as soon as possible sir.
I atchuta Rao konari ,
S/o bagiyya,
Date of birth:02/06/1989
Registration no: 64003735741
6th September 2017, 02:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How can I correct my address in SSC MTS 2017 online form if the system in not accepting further requests?

I my state as assam instead of andhrapradesh in ssc mts exam application is there will be any problem can i write the exam
Email:[email protected]
Ssc reg:64002527765
6th September 2017, 02:37 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How can I correct my address in SSC MTS 2017 online form if the system in not accepting further requests?

Sir, i filled my state as assam instead of andhra pradesh in ssc mts application how i change it or there will be problem during the recruitment process
Emial:[email protected]
Ssc reg:64002527765
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18th March 2021, 09:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How can I correct my address in SSC MTS 2017 online form if the system in not accepting further requests?

How can i fill my permanent address,everytime i fill it up it shows wrong
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