16th August 2013, 08:55 PM
How can I prepare for IIT through GATE for M.Tech? I am a 1st semester B.E in E&TC
i am 1st sem b.e in e&c please tell me how to prepare for iit through gate for m.tech .& suggest me books for preparation to gate |
24th January 2014, 08:33 AM
HI FRIENDS.........
Desirous students having CGPA 8.0 and above at the end of 3rd Semester of the M. Tech. programme are eligible to opt for Ph. D. Otherwise a candidate can continue with his M.Tech. programme if he is not qualified for Ph.D. programme. Those students selected for Ph.D. Programme will have to complete the two year academic requirements of M.Tech. Programme before enrolment for Ph.D. and they will be awarded both M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees together upon completion of Ph.D. programme successfully. Sponsored Candidates Candidates satisfying the eligibility and selection criteria and in service in the following establishments: i) Defence or other ministries of the Government of India or any other government organizations; ii) Established industrial research and development organizations; iii) Autonomous bodies and public undertakings and iv) Universities/Colleges are eligible for admission to the program as Sponsored Candidates. Selection: Selection of candidate is based on performance in GATE and personal interview/written test or both. The weightage for GATE Score and written test/interview will be 70% and 30% respectively. Personal interviews will conducted at IIT Bhubaneswar Note: A candidate who fails to appear for the Personal Interview/Written Test will not be considered for admission. Assistantship: Students who are admitted in the Joint M.Tech. – Ph. D. programme will receive an assistantship of Rs.8000/- per month for the first two years and the students who are permitted to continue with the Ph.D. Programme will receive an additional assistantship of Rs.4000/- per month in the second year of their study. On completion of M.Tech. programme and after enrolment for Ph.D. these candidates will receive an assistantship of Rs.18000 per month. However, the additional assistantship will be paid retrospectively after the Ph. D. registration. Application fee: Application fee is Rs.300 for General and OBC candidates and Rs.150 for SC/ST/PC candidates drawn in favour of "IIT Bhubaneswar" on any nationalized bank payable at Bhubaneswar. Female candidates are exempted from paying application fee. Programmes: Materials Science and Engineering: This program focuses on beneficiation and processing of minerals, metal melting casting and heat treatment, steel alloys, important alloys of Al, Mg and Ti etc., superalloys, nanomaterials, precious metals and gemstones, ceramic materials, refractory materials, composite materials, bio-materials, rare earth elements: production and applications, granular materials, structure of materials, mechanical thermal optical electronic and magnetic properties of materials, structure property correlation of materials, modeling and simulation of materials etc. Applied Geosciences: The programme consists of core subjects to help the student to understand Earth as a system, interaction of fluids in earth system, climate science, cause and impact of climate change as related to earth processes. In addition the programme also allows the student to learn state-of-the-art analytical & measurement techniques, remote sensing and GIS applications and understanding of advanced areas viz. carbon capture & sequestration, clean energy technology, rock mechanics, computational fluid dynamics, gas hydrates, nonconventional & renewable energy resources, hydrocarbon basin modelling, reservoir geophysics, deep water imaging, hydrogeological exploration & modelling, near surface geophysics, soft computing tools in geosciences, glaciology and paleoclimate, surface, near surface and deep earth processes etc. Climate Science & Technology: This programme offers opportunity to the student to learn about dynamics of atmosphere, ocean and their interaction, dynamic and synoptic meteorology, quality control, processing and assimilation of oceanic and atmospheric data sets, modelling of oceanic and atmospheric processes and their prediction, remote sensing data and GIS applications, climate variability and global warming, global and regional climate models, impact of climate change, climate risk and vulnerability assessment, instrumentation and observation systems, marine pollution and coastal zone management, glaciology and paleoclimate, downscaling approaches (statistical and dynamical), etc. In addition, a bridge course enables the student to understand about earth and its interior. Civil Engineering: The proposed Programme in Civil Engineering encompasses all the fields of Civil Engineering such as: Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Construction Engineering and Project Management. Electronics & Communication Engineering: The program focuses on teaching and research to provide students state-of-the-art insight into major areas of Electronics, Communications and Signal Processing, Microelectronics and Semiconductor Devices, and Computing Techniques and Systems. Mechanical Engineering: The program focuses on teaching and research in the areas of thermal and fluid sciences, advanced thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, multiphase flow, turbulence modeling, combustion, CFD, thermophysical properties of matter, measurement and visualization techniques,machine design, composite materials, bio-mechanics, acoustics and vibration, fracture mechanics, experimental stress analysis etc. The program also enables the students to understand and experience pioneering industrial practices as well as authoritative research and development environment. Schools offering the programme: (a) School of Basic Sciences: School of Basic Sciences is a cluster of disciplines of bioscience, chemistry, mathematics and physics with current faculty strength of 17, having expertise in the contemporary fields of research. The School started the Ph.D. program in the year 2010 and presently 15 research students are pursuing their research in various disciplines. Presently the School has various research and consultancy projects funded by agencies like DST, CSIR, DBT, BRNS, as well as by various industries. Also, most of the faculty members have earned recognitions and awards of National and International stature like Fellows of academies, medal recipients and also serve as members of many of the prominent national bodies and research/academic boards of universities. The School has several state-of-the-art equipment to pursue advanced research while instrumentation facilities like X-ray diffractometer (XRDs), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Raman Spectrophotometer, Rheometer, NMR, PPMS, etc. are being created. The School is equipped with a central computing server system fully integrated and functional for high computing research and analysis. (b) School of Earth, Ocean & Climate Sciences: School of Earth, Ocean & Climate Sciences offers programmes designed to address the required expertise and competence geosciences, atmospheric science and ocean science. The programmes transcend the boundaries of these individual disciplines to offer advanced knowledge and understanding on the earth systems and their interactions leading to various earth related events including climate change. The School encourages cross-boundary and interdisciplinary research between disciplines and is offering Ph. D. programmes in environmental earth sciences, aqueous geochemistry etc. (c) School of Electrical Sciences: The School of Electrical Sciences offers undergraduate programme in Electrical Engineering and doctoral programmes. The faculty members of the School are engaged in a wide spectrum of research in established and emerging technologies through nationally and internationally funded sponsored research and industrial consultancy as well as through various research collaborations. State of the art computational and experimental facilities enable to undertake basic and applied research and provide support to R&D organizations. Some of the major laboratories are: Communications Laboratory, Control Laboratory, Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Electrical Machines Laboratory, Electronic System Design Laboratory, Fibre Optic Communications Laboratory, Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory, Microelectronics Characterization Laboratory, Networking Laboratory, Power Electronics and Drives Laboratories, Power System Laboratory, Simulation and Computation Laboratories, VLSI Laboratory. Many other facilities are currently under progress including Antennas and Microwave Laboratory, Fabrication Clean Room, Multimedia Signal Processing Laboratory, Radar Remote Sensing Laboratory, Renewable Energy Laboratory, Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, Wireless Sensing Laboratory. (d) School of Infrastructure: School of Infrastructure presently offers various academic programmes in Civil Engineering. The faculty members of the School are engaged in a wide spectrum of research in established and emerging technologies through nationally and internationally funded sponsored research and industrial consultancy as well as through various research collaborations. The School has state-of-the-art equipment and facilities for teaching and research in Structural Engineering, Concrete Technology, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Surveying and Computational planning and designs. (e) School of Mechanical Sciences: School of Mechanical Sciences thrives to create new opportunities through undergraduate and doctoral programmes. The faculty members are involved in a broad range of research areas viz. Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping, Robotics and Controls, Turbomachinery, IC Engines, Multi-Phase flow, Nano- mechanics, Composite Materials, Material Science, Green Supply Chain Management, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Acoustics. The school is presently working in collaboration with international research groups. (f) School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering School of Mineral, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering offers courses in areas of mineral, metallurgy and materials to enable students to meet the challenges of new opportunities in mineral and metal technologies and increasingly complex dimensions of globalization these sectors. The School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering have research thrust towards application oriented technology development in collaboration with industry in the use of leaner ores (optimizing the beneficiation process), treatment of wastes, newer beneficiation process of coal, coal to liquid and coal to gas), high value products from graphite, carbon nano tubes, Iron and Steel (ULCOS for steel, Syngas for steel, ZnO capture), Aluminium (alloy development, improving electrolytic cell performance), Other metals (titanium, chromium and tin), ferro alloys and stainless steel, Special steels and alloys and innovative building materials (steel), composites, gem stones, advanced ceramics for medical and electronic industries, Photovoltaic and Solar cells etc. Number of Seats:18 in each programme (Reservation as per GOI norms applicable) BEST OF LUCK....... |
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