4th January 2012, 10:24 PM
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How can I study for Clerk exam?

how to make study of clerk exam?...please tell me the procedure to study for it

5th January 2012, 08:57 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
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Default Re: How can I study for Clerk exam?

There is much competition for Bank Clerk Exams in the recent days. This is because one will be eligible to appear for IBPS Clerk Exam soon after completion of 10th class with a minimum of 60% of marks.

The various categories from which the questions are being asked in Clerk Exam are
-Quantitative Aptitude
-General Awareness
-General English
-Computer knowledge or Marketing knowledge.

To answer Reasoning questions easily, you should be able to understand the given problem in a clear manner.

After understanding the problem, you will be able to find the solution for the same by thing logically with mind. Most of the Reasoning questions will follow some logiscs. If you are able to identify the given logic for a question, then answer is half done.

By using that identified logic, you can find the answer by applying logic. So, try to be good in this. In order to be good in this, practice of variety of questions in Reasonng with variety of models.

To be strong enough in Aptitude, only thing required is practice.You have to have a good practice of handful questions from each topic of the aptitude. So, that you will be good in calculations with accuracy and fastness.

Practice as many number of as you can from various mock tests and model question papers. Make sure that you can remember the formulas and the right way to use the formulas for different topics.

To be strong enough in General Awareness, I suggest you to keep update information on the following aspects
-National affairs
-Internationl affairs
-Bilateral affairs
-Persons in news
-Books and Authors etc.

For this read news papers and watch news channels regularly and collect relative information to above aspects.

To secure more marks in English, try to be good in
-Grammar aspects

Build good vocabulary yourself by practicing at least 5 new words in your day to day conversations.

For computer knowledge, you can follow any of the book which is available in the market. Because almost all the questions that are being asked from this category are fundamental questions and if you are a person who operates computer every now and then for various activities, then you can easily answer the questions from this category .

Have good preparation to the Entrance Exam and crack it.

Wish you all the best.
29th July 2013, 09:16 AM
Senior Member+++++
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 15,774
Default Re: How can I study for Clerk exam?

Graduates have the option to join as clerk in nationalized banks. Written test for claerical position covers questions on QA, reasoning, English language, and General Awareness/Clerical aptitude. Thorough preparation is necessary to clear the test as there is stiff competition now days. Reference books from UPkar, S.Chand,etc can be referred for studies. Working out model question papers will help in better time management.
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