30th August 2011, 10:04 AM
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How to improve Communication Skills?

how we will improve our communication skill ...
i am very poor in communication skills.

30th August 2011, 11:47 AM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

There are many ways and tricks to improve communication skills.
Communication skill is not just how you talk but it is include a complete personality of a person. Every successful person in todays world has a great communication power or we can say that communication skills are the power house of leadership.

Ways to improve communication skills
•-> Read news papers from beginning till the very end.
•-> Mark the difficult words and check there meaning.
•-> Read more articles, Magazines and Novels.
•-> Try to talk in english within your family and friend circle.

Above tricks are very beneficial in improving communication skills of an individual.
I hope you will get your answer by my this post.


With Regards,
30th August 2011, 12:52 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

i suggest you the best way of improving your communication skills:
1) read the news paper loudly and correctly , daily in the morning for atleat one hour from that you will get to know how to pronounce the words, new words, and vocabulary!
2) try to learn some new words from dictionary and make a use of it while speaking to others!
3)try to watch english films, and news to dovelop your lessoning skills!
4)always try to talk in english and dont be shyyy!
5)participate in seminars and elecution from that you can gain some confidence and loose your stage fear!
30th August 2011, 01:10 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

Originally Posted by sureshkumarssakkarai View Post
how we will improve our communication skill ...
i am very poor in communication skills.
start reading short english story books and do read an english newspaper daily for about 1 hour..then move on to novels and start practicing in front of the mirror..i am sure this will improve your skills..
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30th August 2011, 01:21 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

Dear friend,
Improving communication skill is not a very big deal.You have to do the following things---
1.Talk with your friends or parents in English everyday.
2.Read newspaper daily and if you do not know meaning of some words then write it on a exercise book with the meaning from dictionary.
3.While watching cricket try to listen to the commentary and understand the meaning of their words.
4.Read some English story books like Two state,Three Mistake of my life etc.
5.Try to speak in English in front of a mirror with you.

One more thing is very important that is never be shy to talk in English,be confident ,this is the time do it.

All the best.
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30th August 2011, 03:46 PM
Snehamay ganguly
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

dear friend,
To improve the communication skill, you have to follow the steps:-

1.Read English newspaper daily, you can also read english story books.. Point out the unknown words and note them in a copy..

2.Try to find out the meaning of those unknown wards.. And make sentence with those unknown words..

3.Memorize those unknown words every day.. And try to implement those words at the time of speaking in english..

4.Try to speak in english in front of your friends , it will increase your confidence level.

5.Watch english movies and english news channels.. Listen english songs..

this things will help you to speak in english..
So, go for it..
All the best..
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30th August 2011, 04:15 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?


Welcome to Forums!

Your communication skills are always important and its good that you are focusing on them to improve.

In order to improve your Comm Skills, just follow these 3 steps:

Improve your pronunciation and diction
Visit www.m-w.com. It is great for pronunciation help

Spruce up your writing skills
Believe it or not you have to Read More!
Read good magazines, newspaper, books of your interest.

Five exercises to practice DAILY
Pretend yourself as a news reporter & read out the newspaper in your mirror.
Don’t read local newspaper. Read national newspaper like TOI, HT, Indian Express.
While reading a book, underline the words which you don’t know and later search for them up in the dictionary.
Make a list of these words & ensure that you use at least five of them in your conversation.
Most important- always make an effort to speak in English to your friends and family.

Good Lucks...!!
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30th August 2011, 05:14 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

Communication Skills A Today's problem :-
Communication is the Only way through you can Express your Feelings, Emotions and intentions.

Tips to Improve communication skills
  • Being a Engineering Student you must be facing lot of problems because if you don't know how to speak fluent in English,You will feel inferiority complex.

  • Why to feel inferiority complex God has provided a nice speaking facility to all.

  • So if you Try to speak English in your house with your parents or siblings, It gonna help you in some extent.

  • Try to read daily local News

  • Whenever you ask your teachers or Elders try to ask in English.

  • Try to involve your-self in Heavy Discussions.Try to lead from others.

  • It totally Depends on your way, if you are interested then you will definitely Improve your communication skills from lower level to Higher level.

  • If you want then you can join Spoken English Classes.

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30th August 2011, 06:17 PM
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Tips to prepare for the exam::

1.Well the best way to improve the communication skill is you must remove your fear .Its only fear which makes people inferior and because of that they hesitate to speaks

2.Get some confidence.You should have confidence in yourself this will help you to speak in public and this will improve your communication skill.

3.Take some coaching if necessary .Coaching institute is necessary to guide you .Coaching institute is also necessary for the good environment.This will help you to talk to many students who are also learning there and this will brings the confidence in you .

4.Speak in front of the mirror ,read news papers loudly these are some basic things which students should follow.To improve your vocabulary learn at least 5 new words daily .

5.At home speak in English with everyone and also with friends .You may hesitate in the beginning or your friends will tease you but soon you will b speaking very good English .

6.Watch English news channel and movies for quick learning
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30th August 2011, 06:20 PM
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to improve communication skills you have to command on the english language.
some steps are as under if you follow these steps then you also get a valueable response...
*make a enviroment in your family and your fried circle that means you have to talk in english not in the hindi....this is helpful for you.
*watch english movie and try to see english serial
**you have to read out english news paper
these are some steps which are supporting you in the increase your skills.
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30th August 2011, 06:39 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

To Improve your Communication skill

take News paper read it loudly...

Stand in front of the mirror the mirror and try to talk yourself in English...

One thing what ever the general think you are thinking try to think it in English ....
Watch english news .. or if you have computer then try to download english speeches .. if you ll take by help of head Phone then it's better....

Good Luck.....
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30th August 2011, 06:45 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?


To improve communication skills you need to study English papers, books. Try to speak in English in front of Audience don't feel shy. Watch english news and daily find a new word refer the meaning try to speak in english if you make any mistake try to clear it. Communication is very important. Do some seminars in english. Be very confident. Try to speak fluently.Go for classes which might help you better. Try to speak with your friends don't get scared. It will be very useful for your placements. Everyone is having talent in them. Hope for the best.

Best wishes
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30th August 2011, 07:50 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

Follow the points to improve Communication Skills:-

1) read the news paper loudly and correctly , daily in the morning for atleat one hour from that you will get to know how to pronounce the words, new words, and vocabulary!
2) try to learn some new words from dictionary and make a use of it while speaking to others!
3)try to watch english films, and news to dovelop your lessoning skills!
4)always try to talk in english and dont be shyyy!
5)participate in seminars and elecution from that you can gain some confidence and loose your stage fear!

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30th August 2011, 09:25 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

you can do two things
ist you should work on increasing your vocab and
2ndly you can improve your conversational skills by practicing as much as you can in english

Read newspaper and english books regularly
so that you can learn the usage of words and tenses
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31st August 2011, 02:36 AM
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Hello friend.

What I feel ,the best way to improve your communication skills is to try and interact with more and more people...If you feel you are an introvert,then try to get rid of it soon...And the best way to do that is to interact with more and more people ..
By more people,i mean your friends,relatives,juniors ,seniors, etc..
Feel yourself comfortable while interacting with them in any language..

Try to play some games like 'debate 'with your friends,,..judge yourself,, ie,your strong pints as well as weak points..learn to defend yourself properly...
and then work on your weak areas...

As practice makes a man perfect..so its your practice of speaking that will make your communication skills stronger..

All the best...
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31st August 2011, 02:42 AM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

For improving your communication skill in english you can do many things such as
English is our international language so we have command on it.

1.learn 5 new English word daily this will improve your vocabulary.

2.you should study English newspaper daily this will help you to know new words and to read English fluently

3.now take one of your friend and you both talk in English.

4.take some topic like my country,my home etc and speak 1 or 2 minutes on this topic
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31st August 2011, 01:29 PM
mannu padda
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

you can improve ur communication skill by taking participation in various communication skill programmes like personality development, flow over ur commands
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3rd September 2011, 04:01 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

You can improve by..
1)try to know meanings of new words yopu come across.
2)read english news papers.
3)watch english news
4)participate in GD
5)Involve in JAM Sessions.
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3rd September 2011, 07:55 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

Originally Posted by sureshkumarssakkarai View Post
how we will improve our communication skill
the key to become a good communicator is to be a patient listener first
in order to improve your english..first start with reading story books,then go for novels
as a matter of routine,you should read an english newspaper daily,underline the difficult words and immediately look for their meanings
try talking and practicing in front of the mirror
i am sure,your skills will improve after doing this
it worked for me..
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10th September 2011, 03:35 AM
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TO improve your english communication you should a book for grammer and also take one dictionary with you and start reading news papers daily and also read about 20 word daily from the dictionary for the vocabulary.
you can aslo practice in front of the mirror for the speaking it is effective try to do this
after that you will see the advantage of doing so
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28th September 2011, 02:28 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

Tips to improve English -

1.Talk to your friends who are also learning english or who is communicating well in english .
2.Read short stories out loud and try to see .
3.Grasp every opportunity of speaking english with people .
4.Be patient with your self because learning a language can be frustrating .
5.Watch english movies .
6.Read articles in Internet .

Thank you
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24th March 2012, 10:40 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

one needs to first and foremost work on improving their skills in communicating. Firstly, one needs to overcome all language related barriers by first seeking how to learn English speaking.because most people find it difficult to convey their thoughts, because of a strong influence of their national language, regional language and mother tongue.

Well, to overcome the language barrier, one can attend English speaking classes. But then thereafter one also needs to be aware of other nuances involved in improving communication skills.
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10th December 2012, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: How to improve Communication Skills?

This may sound a bit weird, but you can improve your communication skills by watching a lot of Hollywood movies, and English TV series. Initially start of with subtitles and later on try watching them without the subtitiles. After a few tries you will actually get a hold on how a 'speech delivery' works.
Once you get a hold of it, try to join an IELTS or TOEFL coaching class. A dual advantage is what you get from this. Not only you can omprove your English vocabulary and speaking capability, but also you can write these exams and in future if you want to shift abroad, this would surely help.
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