17th March 2010, 08:13 PM
Kyaw Zin Hein
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 2

How to join online Ph.D courses after doing masters in engineering?

Hello, I'm a Master of Engineering degree holder. How can I join online Ph.D courses. If all of you know please answer me. Thank you.

1st April 2011, 07:22 PM
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Default Re: How to join online Ph.D courses after doing masters in engineering?

Online doctorate
engineering courses are
While many graduate
schools have online
master's degree programs
in engineering, only a few
innovative colleges offer a
truly online doctorate
program with a
dissertation defense
completed long distance.
Most doctorate
engineering degrees are
Doctor of Philosophy
degrees, rather than
Doctor of Engineering
degrees. The Doctor of
Engineering degree
focuses on management or
workplace engineering,
while Doctor of Philosophy
degrees prepare students
for both practical
applications and university
teaching positions.
Mississippi State
University, Bagley
College of Engineering
The Ph.D. in Engineering
offered online at the
Bagley College of
Engineering has a
concentration in industrial
engineering or electrical
engineering. The industrial
engineering Ph.D. is
designed to ready
individuals for systems
engineering practice.
Students must take a
qualifying and preliminary
exam, and the oral
examination for defense of
the dissertation takes
place via Skype to allow
for complete online access
to the doctorate program.
The school records
engineering classes for
the distance education
program, rather than
giving them in real time.
Mississippi State
Bagley College of
Mail Stop 9544
250 McCain Building
Mississippi State, MS
Southern Methodist
University Bobby B.
Lyle School of
With six doctorate
degrees available,
Southern Methodist
University (SMU) has the
widest range of
engineering doctorates
available online. Students
can earn a doctorate of
philosophy with a major in
electrical engineering,
operations research,
systems engineering, civil
engineering or mechanical
engineering. SMU also
offers a Doctorate of
Engineering in Engineering
Management. The school
streams courses online
with included chat
Graduate Admissions
Lyle School of Engineering
P.O. Box 750338
Dallas, TX 75275
University of South
Carolina Swearingen
Engineering Center
Some universities, such as
the University of South
Carolina (USC) Swearingen
Engineering Center,
provide online courses for
doctoral students in
engineering, but students
must come to the campus
for a few events. At USC,
students must attend the
qualifying written and oral
exam after completing
their core courses, in
addition to the verbal trial
defense comprehensive
exam and the final
defense of the
dissertation. They can,
however, take all courses
online. The school streams
courses online within 24
hours of the actual class.
Doctorate degree courses
are available in chemical
engineering, civil and
engineering, electrical
engineering, mechanical
engineering and nuclear
engineering at the
University of South
Carolina through its
graduate engineering
program, which has been
around for almost 40
University of South
Swearingen Engineering
Columbia, SC 29208
2nd April 2011, 09:37 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, India, Asia, Earth near venus, Milky way galaxy
Posts: 4
Default Re: How to join online Ph.D courses after doing masters in engineering?

Computer software engineers
are responsible for designing
and developing software.
Professionals who decide to
receive their Ph.D. in software
engineering will primarily be
employed in research and
teaching positions. Many Ph.D.
graduates also work in the
public and private sectors in
Research and Development.
Those who receive their Ph.D.
should be capable of critical
thinking skills and application of
theories in the area of computer
science and mathematical
analysis. The skills learned will
assist engineers in developing
strategies to fundamentally
change software innovation,
creation, testing, and evaluation
techniques. The applications
include business, computer
gaming, middleware, network
control systems, and structure
of software.
Individuals who obtain their
Ph.D. ’s in software engineering
will develop the vision and
direction for design, testing and
development of software. Many
Ph.D. candidates lead teams that
develop innovative algorithms,
documentation, flowcharts and
A Senior Researcher is often
required to obtain their Ph.D. in
software engineering. Many
enroll in Ph.D. programs as a part
of continual training and
educational development.
Typically, this will enable Ph.D.
graduates to make
advancements in their careers.
In the field of technology,
software engineering skills may
quickly become obsolete if their
skills are not current.
Academic research is required
for most individuals who are
obtaining a Ph.D. in software
engineering. During this period,
Ph.D. candidates enter their post
doctoral fellowship. Candidates
often work for low salaries to
sharpen their skills while
preparing to receive their Ph.D.
This period may last several
years, while the candidates
become experts in their field of
study. Many of the doctoral
software engineering
candidates design, analyze and
conduct experiments. After the
post doctoral period, usually
their research experiments allow
a fair degree of flexibility and
autonomy to design and
conduct experiments.
Many doctoral software
engineers will obtain
management positions or senior
research positions in Research
and Development at various
corporations. Some doctoral
software engineers may
develop the strategic goals of an
organization. Other doctoral
software engineers may remain
technical and continue to design
research experiments and
technologies. Most of Ph.D.
graduates in software
engineering will be responsible
for departmental budgets and
meeting deadlines.
Because equipment is expensive,
most doctoral software
engineers in research are not
self employed. However, those
that manage to obtain venture
capital may develop small
research firms. Ph.D. graduates
are typically the only individuals
who are qualified to become
self employed. Successful Ph.D.
graduates have begun their
own Research and Development
firms after first receiving
managing research in an
academic or professional
What a Ph.D. in Software
Engineering Expects to Learn
Students involved in a doctoral
software engineering program
will be involved in intensive
research. Students must
complete a master ’s degree in
software engineering prior to
acceptance into the program.
Each student will select their
area of specialization. Students
may select from database
management, client relations, or
software architecture. Doctoral
candidates are required to write
a thesis based upon unique
research. Then, doctoral
candidates must defend the
thesis in a formal dissertation
Other Software Engineering
specializations may include the
• Systems Engineering
• Software Design
• Software Construction
• Testing
• Software Engineering
• Maintenance and
• Security and Quality
• Risk Management
• Security and Quality
• Software Engineering
Prior to the dissertation,
students will take classes to
prepare for qualifying exams.
Ph.D. candidates in software
engineering may complete the
following course work for
• Economic of engineering
• Algorithm applications
• Maintenance and testing
• Networks and systems
• Research methods
• Software verification
After completing and
successfully defending the
dissertation, Ph.D. graduates
may be qualified for academic
research, teaching positions and
senior level industry positions,
such as the following:
• Senior Software Developer
• Industrial Developer
• Software Engineering
• Design Engineer
• Development Engineer
• Academic Engineer Consultant
• Systems Architect
• Project Manager
• Security Consultant
• Research and Development
Senior Researchers
Online Software Engineering
Currently, there are no schools
that offer online software
engineering Ph.D. degrees.
However, individuals who
decide to study the program
may select to study on campus
or obtain a Ph.D. in computer
science. Several schools that
offer online computer science or
information technology
doctorates are listed below:
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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