3rd December 2011, 05:33 PM
How many questions are to be attempted in XAT to score a percentile of 95?
how many questions are to be attempted in XAT to score a percentile of 95 and above?
20th January 2012, 01:45 PM
The total number of questions for XAT varies every year but the key of solving the objective test lies in devoting the time between high weightage (4, 5,6) questions and low weightage (1, 2, 3) questions. Each question carries marks weightage of 1 to 6. Generally the total number of question are between 100 to 200 with a Total Marks of 253 and the total time allotted is 120 minutes + 20 minutes for Essay writing. There is a Negative Marking of 1/4th of the weightage marks. Mainly the question is based from the following topics;
Verbal ability Quantitative Ability Logical Reasoning Analytical Reasoning Data Interpretation Decision Making Ability To score 95% you have to make sure that you do not give any wrong answer and you need to attempt all the questions in the alloted time. |
21st December 2012, 05:14 PM
How many questions should i attempt to get 60 percentile in xat 2013 ?