8th July 2012, 06:03 PM
How many trades of B.A are there?
tell me how many trdes b.a. have?....please tell me the total number for the same
14th December 2012, 05:03 PM
I did not understand your question totally. What are meaning when you say trades of B.A. I think B.A. definitely means Bachelor of Arts. But there is nothing called trades of B.A. If you mean that what are the jobs that could be available to you, then my answer would be that almost every job are available to a B.A. graduate, except for the IT and software and hardware jobs. You can go for ICS or IAS or IPS or IFS jobs. You can also choose to go for banking jobs(clerical or probationary). You can also go for a short term computer course like DOEACC 'O' level or 'B' level or 'CCC' level, etc. After that you can join small companies for front office desk jobs. I think my answer will be able to guide you properly. |
2nd August 2021, 09:31 AM
How many jobs can we do in ARTS after BA graduation??