26th May 2011, 03:00 AM
How should I study during my final year MBBS so that it would help me for AIPG preparation as well? What should be the study pattern and what topics to be given more importance?
respected sir
m currently in d final year of mbbs and wanna know as to how should i study which wud help me in my aipg prep as wel??wat should be my study pattern and wat topics shold i give more importance?? |
27th July 2011, 04:03 PM
Last minute study tips for Fial year M.B.,B.S
25th September 2011, 02:41 AM
Don't worry about AIPG at this stage. Trust me, you'll get more than enough time during internship itself, depending on the workload. Passing Final MBBS itself is the first hurdle! So focus on clinics now and see the major cases in all disciplines.
Generally, what i'v felt is that surgery theory and medicine/pediatrics clinics pose more problem, but of course it depends. No point reading Bailey at this time. Start with Shenoy asap. And for medicine, focus on George Mathew and supplement with davidson. In the clinics, start seeing the major cases and reading Kundu and s.das as much as possible. All this to avoid much of the exam time stress, which as u know is considerable, to say the least! |
23rd May 2012, 05:05 PM
what subjects of final should i start studin in prefinal MBBS for my prepration of final MBBS?
13th July 2012, 11:33 PM
Im rite now doin third yr mbbs..shd i hav to start concentratin on final yr now now tself ??ll tat works out??
14th August 2012, 09:59 PM
Iam a final mbbs student ... Can any one tell me how to study...We don't see much cases in our college... What to do to improve our clinical skills
25th February 2013, 07:12 PM
hii...i m in 3rd final...starting from today...i start using harrison but i confuse whats imp. For me at dis level?
So pls help me out..which book should i prefer??n which thing i suppose to focus more? |
26th February 2013, 11:20 PM
can anyone provide me with a well sorted out list of how to study for my final year mbbs, a list of topics and time guidelines so that i can just start studying?
12th October 2013, 02:20 AM
24th May 2014, 05:41 PM
i read but i dnt remember..so nxt tm whn i sit to stdy i get confused to read the previous topics o new topics...n my reading
is very slow..wht shud i do..??? |
24th May 2014, 05:44 PM
i read but i dnt remember..so nxt tm whn i sit to stdy i get confused to read the previous topics o new topics...n my reading
is very slow..wht shud i do..??? |
14th June 2014, 07:37 PM
I am studying MBBS in Russia first year..what are step to improve the knowledge of screening exam..
29th October 2014, 09:10 PM
preapare a time table and start studying seriously ! Do past question papers and try to discuss clinical cases with friends...! Say doodby to all extractivities and concentrate on studies..! Take up an idea ,make that one idea in your life,think of it,live on that idea.let the brain,muscles,nerves every part of your body,be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone...this is the way to success..