21st September 2012, 06:04 PM
How to submit CS after passing B.Com Final year correspondence
Hello.... Sir, I m B.com(PASS) Final yr Correspondance Student n i want to Submit CS form but my result is awaited
18th March 2013, 06:28 PM
Hi, if you are looking for a career in business, your options are: Chartered Accountancy (CA), Certified Financial Analyst (CFA), Cost Accountancy (from ICWA), Company Secretary ship (CS), Stock Broking or MBA. CAs are Audit and Account experts. Besides maintaining accounts in a firm, their work includes Accountancy, Auditing, Cost accountancy, Taxation, Investigation and Consultancy. A CS is a professional whose responsibilities in a corporate are that of an advisor for legal matters. Handling legal aspects that need to be covered for incorporation, formation, promotion, reorganisation or winding up of a company, are the responsibilities of a Company Secretary. A CFA is trained in financial management, investment management and management accounting. Their financial expertise is vast and varied including all aspects of economics, quantitative techniques, economic legislation and security evaluation; as well as financial services, covering project planning, merchant banking services, portfolio management, venture capital, leasing, hire purchase, credit rating and other allied areas. Today almost all strategic industries like, engineering, chemical, pharmaceutical, steel and oil and service sectors including telecommunication and agriculture sector have been brought in the statutory Cost Accounting. Stock Brokers work in stock exchanges which are like market places where stockbrokers buy and sell securities for individuals or institutions. An MBA will open up options in all industries in Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, IT & Systems and Operations. CS, CA, ICWA and CFA are certifications you can get by clearing exams after Class XII run by ICSI (www.icsi.edu), ICAI (www.icai.org), ICWAI (www.icwai.org) and ICFAI (www.icfai.org) respectively. An MBA is a post graduate course while stock broker needs graduation and 2 yrs experience with a stock broking firm. You may choose any course based on your interest, aptitude and career objective. All the best!