8th May 2010, 10:19 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 134

I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?


I am posting this question on behalf of a boy who sent me this mail.

Following are his own words:

Hello all,

Without wasting your precious time let me ask my question straight:

I am 16 years old boy, have given 10th Class Exams from Open School. Due to some medical issues my eyesights have weakened quite rapidly in last few years, though the condition is stable from last few months.

My seeing power is 30-40% now. But doctors have assured me that the condition should not get worse from here on if I take precautions.

I really want to be self sufficient in my life, please tell me what should I do? and how to make a good career?

Your answers can change my life.



8th May 2010, 11:12 PM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

Hmm sorry for that man. But dont worry, if there is a will there is a way. After reading your query anyone can easily make out how determined you are for your success.

You may consider this as a coincidence but i know a guy facing the same problem. I was told about him by my Civil Engineering sir. He is doing Civil Engg in Polytechnic along with me in 2nd year now.

My Sir said that he found this guy in 10th standard and also he had some partial blindness. So he told the principal of the school to directly admit him to polytechnic under PH category. In the first few tests he wasnt faring well but after some 6 months his scores started increasing and so in the 2nd sem exam is he in top 5 in the class. Which is awesome.

He is really hungry for his success but damn that partial blindness. But he didn't give up and never allowed his weakness interfere his studies

Its not a fake story, trust me. It simply proves that if you have the determination to do then you can achieve the impossible.

There are lot of options which you can join after your 10th. You didnt mention what exactly you want to do after your 10th. Anyways i assume that you want to do engineering. Best will be join Polytechnic and after your 3 year try for direct 2nd year admission for BTech.

This will be better. However if you want to go for other options like commerce,arts then feel free to do so. Just follow your heart in other words "Follow Your Interest "

So I hope you will keep up the spirit and please dont think that this eyesight problem will come in between your success. Have faith in yourself and go for it.

and please take the precautions and always give your health first preference.

Cheers and best of luck and do take care
9th May 2010, 02:50 PM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

dear friend 1st of all i have all my sympathy for your fading vision but do not let it hamper your future as there are certainly 'n' number of examples where people have achieved so much in their careers and never let any thing obstruct their spirit to struggle and win.. so what i am trying to say is there is absolutely no limits and no horizion for you as you cant differenciate between the two so my dear friend take this thing as a positive mark and feel that you have no land to walk on rather a sky to fly in ... good luck my dear friend. and moreover people who are blind or visually impaired can perform almost any job you can imagine:---

like :::--- lawyer, artist, accountant, secretary, customer service representative, food service worker, factory worker, financial analyst, teacher, medical transcriptionist, day care worker, counselor, computer programmer, cook, salesperson, clerk, and more.
We cannot count the number of different jobs people who are blind or visually impaired are engaged in today or will be in the future. The possibilities are tremendous.

people who are blind or visually impaired work for themselves as entrepreneurs just the way sighted people do.the Business Enterprise Program, administered by state vocational rehabilitation agencies, and self-employment. both require the entrepreneur to be knowledgeable about common business practices and to know about their product or service lines in depth. these are some of the sectors in our society which can help you in establishing your own business but as you are now in 11th and i dont know exactly about your intrests so its a bit hard for me to suggest you what exactly will suit you as well as you will be satisfied to work in.. i hope you understand...

and as i can figure out you are able to see only half of what i can it means that your vision is a bit dull or blurr so 1st thing you need to do is get a medical certificate from the doctor and get it recognised by the govt so that you can avail all the redemptions a well as discounts given by govt for people with blind as well as partially blind people and go on take your degrees ..well the best option that i can figure out for you is try and go for teaching line . and become a teacher or lecturar... because govt generally gives very mush preference to such professionals and you having some defect in your eye will get special preference in govt. chart lists...

good luck dear friend .. and plz change this attitude that you are not worth any job now just keep patience and be strong and mentally prepared to face the world ahead... keep folling the instructions by the doc and include spinach as well as chicken and goat liver in your daily diet.... byee take care ..i hope you get well soon....
9th May 2010, 05:00 PM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

Originally Posted by Admin View Post

I am posting this question on behalf of a boy who sent me this mail.

Following are his own words:

Hello all,

Without wasting your precious time let me ask my question straight:

I am 16 years old boy, have given 10th Class Exams from Open School. Due to some medical issues my eyesights have weakened quite rapidly in last few years, though the condition is stable from last few months.

My seeing power is 30-40% now. But doctors have assured me that the condition should not get worse from here on if I take precautions.

I really want to be self sufficient in my life, please tell me what should I do? and how to make a good career?

Your answers can change my life.


First of all i don't want to feel for your pathetic condition instead i want to let you know that, most of the governmental organizations are offering the jobs specifically for the visually challenged whether may be partial or complete visually challenged even in the higher officer posts to the LDC posts. for this, you can use a proxy writer to writer the entrance exam. Better, you try to do any degree, preferably professional, then you can get in to any kind of government or private jobs, which is an assured one.
All the Best !!!
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9th May 2010, 05:39 PM
sonal goel
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

I really sympathize with you but if you really want to do something in life then no barrier can be an obstacle in your way.
There are many examples where not physically fit people have achieved something and proved their worth. As we used to see in reality shows nowadays on TV we come across such persons who are not fully fit still they achieve something and get appreciation.
So you can choose any field you are interested in like you can go for lawyer. chartered accountant,engineer, musician, or you can go for different traditional courses like BA B.Com, B.Sc, etc from any university or you can go for some job oriented computer courses like NIIT,IIJT,Hardware and Networking,ICA,NIFA or any other course you feel yourself comfortable with.
But in all you first take care of your health as it is said MONEY can't buy HEALTH.......
so be focused and achieve what you want.
I am sure and my best wishes are with you because "where there is a will there is a way"
If you have any other query please free to contact...
ALL THE BEST!!!!!!!!
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9th May 2010, 06:45 PM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

hey friend, we are really feeling very sorry for you but i can give you the idea so that you can get yourself treated and move ahead like a normal human being
There is a synthetic vision system from the Dobelle Foundation which is now commercially available for $96,000, which is a cheap price for regaining vision and mobility.
his process requires a person not to have acquired the ailment before the age of five. Plus, the functional visual cortex should not have been damaged during that time, as well as for its current condition. To understand it accurately, keep this in mind:

- our nervous system is a bundle of nerves similar to that of wires;

- these nerves rely on electronic impulses that are sent by body organs to properly do their tasks;

- the brain is much like a computer's central processor, for it processes these impulses in such a way that it understands it;

- when it comes to synthetic vision system, the electronic chip implant and the wires act as the optic nerve, the digital camera as the eyes, and the visual prosthesis as an external and primary portion of the functional visual cortex.

But you should also keep in mind that the visual prosthesis needs to be pre-programmed to work with the actual visual cortex on each person's brain. This is done by conducting tests and optimizations shortly after the electronic chip implant has been placed in the actual visual cortex through a surgical operation.

or else you can take up jobs which can make you self dependent like
call center jobs,and the ones which does not reuire your eyes. like opening your own phone booths etc.
please friend, do not loose hope, where there is a will there is a way.
All the very best for your future.
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9th May 2010, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

Originally Posted by Admin View Post

I am posting this question on behalf of a boy who sent me this mail.

Following are his own words:

Hello all,

Without wasting your precious time let me ask my question straight:

I am 16 years old boy, have given 10th Class Exams from Open School. Due to some medical issues my eyesights have weakened quite rapidly in last few years, though the condition is stable from last few months.

My seeing power is 30-40% now. But doctors have assured me that the condition should not get worse from here on if I take precautions.

I really want to be self sufficient in my life, please tell me what should I do? and how to make a good career?

Your answers can change my life.



Hi Harsit
I think every one should take lesson fom you.
You are you are so ambitious person I think....
You didnt mention your interest is in which field.
You move you career onward which you like most probably.
If you like technology go for IT, just one example...
Person like you do any thing....
Go for higher studies......You will surely get bright future....

See how we can improve on our daily problems on a daily basis no matter the disability. A disability can become a capability with hard work and sincere effort on our part. It depends on what you want out of life as to what your life becomes. Perhaps you have already achieved all that you want to be. That would be a good thing but as long as there is life should not one strive to make it better and to help our fellow being? A unique experience is to find ourselves and then help others to do the same.

Good luck
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10th May 2010, 12:58 AM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?


I appreciate your urge and will to move forward in life. As we say where is a will there is definitely a way. My humble suggestion to you will be to consult some organisation like NAB or some regional NGO's like Sampark or Ashoka.org. They do give counselling to visually impaired people on courses, career options and treatment. Even some colleges like Loyola College offer such counseling programs. Dont worry about the job part, as even some of the largest employers in India, Indian Railways and SBI have special recruitment drive for visually impaired persons. So first go and seek advise of a good counseling agency..Go for it and all the best wishes.
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10th May 2010, 11:51 AM
herpreet singh
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

Originally Posted by admin View Post

i am posting this question on behalf of a boy who sent me this mail.

Following are his own words:

hello all,

without wasting your precious time let me ask my question straight:

I am 16 years old boy, have given 10th class exams from open school. Due to some medical issues my eyesights have weakened quite rapidly in last few years, though the condition is stable from last few months.

My seeing power is 30-40% now. But doctors have assured me that the condition should not get worse from here on if i take precautions.

I really want to be self sufficient in my life, please tell me what should i do? And how to make a good career?

Your answers can change my life.


i want say one thing if u got precautoins then ur eyes wil become normal ok ... That's good if u given ur exams frm nios then u will pass out from gud marks as usual u have to do 12th & with there will be lots of computer courses u can join & do work on it or any way ur eyes is not wel then u have to join a blind school for peoples & there wil be many options ok im sorry to say this but u can ...........
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10th May 2010, 07:39 PM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

hey friend dont worry about your eye..............there are many treatment by which you will be able to see completely............

you just consult to some good doctor and go for the treatment.........after that you can make your career in whichever field you want.........

get well soon dear..........
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11th May 2010, 05:47 PM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?


I am sure u will make a great carear for your self. First let me tell u that vision (eyesight) is not important for good carear it is determination, Passion and the hardwork. We see so many example of people who are more than 50% disable but have had great career.

I have a friend of mine who's one leg is not working due to unnatural gowth, he is working as a Tax Consultant and also earning good money.

My friend you could take up any carear which you really want to purse. Just take it up and work hard u will find that your lower vision will never be an Obstacle in your carear.

Lastly poor Vision in Life is an Obstacle and not poor eye sight.

Have a wonder carear and I wish u luck & success in carear.
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21st December 2010, 09:16 PM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

dont worry and be positive in life.hope for the best
first of all take all precautions and important steps to not increasing more.
than you concentrate what you want to do.
dont take much tension and relax your mind
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16th January 2011, 03:48 PM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

The only suggestion i want to give is that dont opt for the courses which uses computer ...so apply in some govt college and you will also get reservation.
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27th February 2011, 03:49 PM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

Dear Hrshit,

What I suggest u that if you want to get a respectasble position in life, then u just go for doing graduation in any field which u feel can be easily pursued. After that you go for MBA in HR from any college doesn't matter Good or Bad.
Then you can work as an Officer in any Government Public Sector Undertaking.
Unfortunately this is the only dignified job what a Visually Handicapped person can do in this country. Please do take care never to opt for any Computer related field such as IT and Engineering.
Otherwise what jobs Indian Government offers as Reservation for visually Handicapped person is only Class IV jobs as of a peon, Helper and Safaiwala only.
All good things are reserved for Fit persons only.
Only formality is completed in the name of offering Reservations.
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27th February 2011, 10:45 PM
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Better to go in teaching field because there is no medical check-up required.Because generally medical check-ups are required everywhere in organisations so better to do simle graduation and also he try to give all his efforts to get sucess.

with best wishes.
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24th April 2011, 06:43 PM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

Dear Harshit.
I have complete sympothy uid u n understand ur prob very well as I also suffer from the same kind of problem which is known as partial blindness. But u will be very happy to know dat despite dis very problem I have graduated from a well recogonized National Law University which is currently in 3rd position in India. So never underestimate urself n never ever give up. Have u ever heard about Helen Keler. Learn something from her life as here there is will, there is way. She became the role model yaar n our condition is far better than ours. So think positive n hope for the best n of course ork hard. Things will come to you. n what I basically wanted to know was hat lead u this problem. I mean the medical reasons. U must offcourse consult a good doctor,or Visit some good Eye Hospital like sankara Nethralya. Hope they can help u out in improving ur Vision through surgery. So All D Best for ur bright future n good career. May God bless u. Hope u will recover. Take Care.
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31st December 2012, 11:31 PM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

Dear all

I am a 27 year old living in Zimbabwe and am partially blind from birth. Despite the different challenges amd poor resource at local institutions l have struggled and managed to obtain an honours degree in History and Development studies. However my elevation for a better life and future have now been crippled by employment opportunities as l am failing to find a job due to my poor eye sight condition If there are other options please help me out so that l can be able to meet my dream and also be a successful person in life regardless of my condition.

Thank you for your time.

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30th November 2015, 01:38 PM
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Default Re: I suffer from partial Blindness, how to take my career forward?

I'm Suffering from retinitis pigmentosa (RP Isolated condition) and high myopia. i am 75% affected and there is no medicine so far to cure my problem it is been more 15yrs still under research. i m partially blind. i cat see anything if i remove my glass. i have work experience in hotel industry for more than 15 yrs worked in major 5 star hotels. i have been in this industry up to the level of Restaurant Manager. but now a days i find very difficult to do my work due to the peripheral vision is not clear. Kindly suggest me will i get any management level goverment job in my industry or related industry. please share the mail id or contact details if anyone knows.
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