19th January 2011, 12:53 AM
IFS books for Forestry and Geology?
can you give me suggestions for ifs books for forestry and geology subjects?
19th January 2011, 08:56 AM
for the preparation of IFS exams you should be well prepared like IAS exam, for the study materials you should refer NCERT books which is available in this link: http://www.ncert.nic.in/index.html from the above links you can also download NCERTbooks and more general informations which are helpful for the preparation of the exam. More informations like eligibility,form,syllabus,studymaterials,dates,mod el papers etc.,about IFS exam(forstry and geology)are available in the below links. http://www.onestopias.com/indian-foreign-service/ http://www.upsc.gov.in/ http://www.careerquips.blogspot.com/2009/02/ifs-exam-pattern-syllabus-papers-books.html http://www.indiastudychannel.com/resources/2695-Indian-Forest-Services-Examination-IFS-Exam.aspx http://www.onestopias.com/indian-forest-service/plan-of-examination/syllabus/geology-first-paper.asp http://www.upscexam.com/upsc_examinations/indian_forest_service_ifs/ All the best... |
19th January 2011, 01:25 PM
Dear friend,
IFS book are available in the following URL you can refer so many books here http://examrace.com/IFS.aspx http://isbigdeal.blogspot.com/2010/0...9-general.html OK make sure you download all the books and make use of it... |
25th May 2012, 09:51 PM
hello friends... i have applied for IFS 2012 i'm a mechanical graduate. i have selected geology as option subject it show that we have to select two subject can anyone say any option subject
should i have to select other one or geology is ok.. |
27th February 2013, 08:46 PM
![]() Quote:
1. A TEXT Book OF Geology - By G.B Mahapatra 2. Physical Geology By- K.M Bangar 3. Mineralogy - Rutley 4. plate tectonics and crustal evolution - kent.c condie 5. igneous and metamorphic petrology - winter 6. sedimentology by sam bogg jr 7. stratigraphy by ravindra kumar. |
28th February 2013, 08:46 PM
IFS eligibility criteria:
Indian citizens between the ages 21 to 30 years are eligible to take up IFS examination. The candidate must hold a bachelor’s degree with at least one of the subjects namely botany, Chemistry, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Geology, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics and Zoology. Even a bachelor’s degree in forestry and agriculture are eligible for IFS examination. Candidates shall be permitted four attempts at the examination and candidates must be physically fit according to physical standards for admission to Indian forest service examination. IFS Syllabus IFS examination comprises of a written examination followed by a personal interview. The written test consists of six papers: Paper 1: General English (300 marks) – Candidates are required to write essay in English and questions will be designed to test candidates command over English language. Paper 2: General Knowledge (300 marks) – In this section questions are based on current events and every day observation and experiences. Paper 3, 4 , 5 and 6: Candidates can choose two subjects from the list of optional subjects. 1) Agriculture 2) Agriculture Engineering 3) Animal husbandry & Veterinary Science 4) Botany 5) Chemistry 6) Chemical Engineering 7) Civil Engineering 8) Forestry 9) Geology 10) Mathematics 11) Mechanical Engineering 12) Physics 13) Statistics 14) Zoology |
28th February 2013, 08:59 PM
The books for Forestry and Geology for IFS Exam is mentioned below:
Forestry: -IFS Indian Forest Service Forestry Guide(Paper I & II), publisher Ramesh Publisher House -Indian Forestry: A Breakthrough Approach To Forest Service by K. Manikandan -IFS Indian Forest Service: Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Guide (Paper I & II) by R' Gupta's -IFS Indian Forest Service Zoology (Paper I & II), publisher Ramesh Publisher House Geology: - Geological Maps / D.K. Awasthi - Himalaya : Geological Aspect, Vol. 5 / P.S. Saklani - Mineral Exploration : Recent Strategies / S. Rajendran - Soil Chemistry : Basic Concepts / G. Byju |