25th February 2011, 02:29 PM
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Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

sir i completed my B.tech from rtu,kota
i got 55.67% in 10th and 72.62% in 12 th class and 63.01% in b.tech
i am elligible to apply for the job in tcs,wipro,infosys and syntel l&t accentury etc. or not?

Related Questions:
  1. Can I get a job in TCS, WIPRO, Infosys after scoring 81% in 10th, 59.2% in 12th and 75% till 4th semester in B.Tech?
  2. Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys while in final year B.Tech IT stream?
  3. Job in TCS, Wipro, Accenture and Infosys for a candidate who has secured 60% in 10th, 62% in 12th and pursuing 2nd year of B.Tech(CSE)?
  4. Am I eligible for campus placement in TCS, Infosys, WIPRO?
  5. Am I eligible to get placed in TCS, INFOSYS and Wipro with 72% agregate in BE? -- [New]
  6. Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively? -- [Most Discussed]
  7. Will I be able to sit in campus placement for Infosys, Wipro, Accenture or TCS after scoring 64% in 10th, 68% marks in 12th and 80% in B.Tech?
  8. Percentage of marks required to get job in Wipro, TCS and Infosys like companies?
  9. Will I be eligible for campus interview of Infosys, Wipro, TCS after scoring 7.4/10?
  10. Will I get placed in Infosys, TCS, Wipro or Accenture after scoring 79.3% in 12th and 67.8% in 12th and 63.8 in 10th?
  11. Can I get a job in IBM, TCS, WIPRO, Infosys after scoring 55% in 10th, 53% in 12th and 75% in B.Tech?
  12. Can I get job in TCS, Wipro Infotech, L&T Infotech, Accenture, IBM and Infosys if having 4 years of work experience in Syntel?
  13. Can I get a job in Infosys, TCS, WIPRO or any other IT company after passing 10th with 63%
  14. Am I eligible for Infosys, TCS, HCL, Wipro companies after scoring 54.6% in 10th and 64.8% in 12th?
  15. Guidance for job in Accenture, TCS and Wipro?
  16. Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?
  17. Job in Infosys, Satyam, Wipro, TCS after scoring 70.7% in SSC, 63.7% in 12th, 59.8% in BSc and 75% in MCA?
  18. What's the eligibility criteria for getting job in Tech Mahindra, Birla softy, Wipro, Infosys and TCS? I've secured 71% marks in 10th, 76% marks in 12th and 63% marks in B.Tech
25th February 2011, 03:47 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

All the above mentioned company needs atleast 60% overall in 10th, 12th and B.TECH.
But you dont have 60% in 10th, so you are not eligible for it.
25th February 2011, 06:27 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

hi friend..
yes you are eligible for mostly all the software companies as you have above 60% in your graduation. However some companies like infosys has criterias like 60% above in your 10th and 12th also..
i would suggest you to make a strong resume and go ahead with registering for campus interviews in all these software companies. sometimes grades are considered depending on company priorities.
all the best!
25th February 2011, 07:42 PM
rahul k
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

You Have Got 60% Marks In Your B.tech Course, So, You Are eligible to Appear for Campus Placements Or Eligible to Apply for Jobs In Various Companies.

But, The Eligiblity Creteria Are Vary From Companies To Companies. Manny To Companies Wants 60% Marks Throughout Your Career Since From 10th Onwards.

So, You Have Not Mentain 60% Marks, So May Be You Are Not Eligible to Appear for Manny Companies Job. But Dont worry you are eligible For Manny Companies Jobs Because You Have Scored 60% Marks In Your B.tech Course.

So, If You Have A Good Communication Skills And Knowledge And Good GD, Then You will Definitely Get Good Jobs in Your Career. So, Please work hard You Are Eligible to Appear for Manny Companies Jobs.
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26th February 2011, 01:25 AM
sanjay kumar saini
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

TCS,Wipro,Infosys and other top level companies require 60% aggregate marks in 10th,12th and graduation.

your 10th class percentage is some short this can be a problem for you getting placement in top level companys.

Don't worry there are some companies also which don't have these type of criteria.

I am pleased with you that you have maintain your aggregate marks after 10th class. this is not a easy task you have done it.

you are brillient student.you get placement in top companies with these marks.

Best of luck.
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26th February 2011, 01:33 AM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

as you have got about more than 60 % of the marks in the 12th board exam and even in the B.tech exam so you are eligible for many of the companies ....like that of the tcs,wipro,infosys etc....
but then some companies even considered the marks of the 10th board exam .....
so in that care you won't be able to appear for the placement .......
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6th March 2011, 12:42 AM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i completed my B.tech from rtu,kota
i got 55.67% in 10th and 72.62% in 12 th class and 63.01% in b.tech
i am elligible to apply for the job in tcs,wipro,infosys and syntel l&t accentury etc. or not?

As the above mention all the company need 60% marks in all the academic career that is 60% mrks in B.Tech, 10th and in 12th and there are no more then two year gap in the academic year.
According to eligibility criteria of all the above mention company you are not eligible for apply to all the company. But you are eligible for other many company who take recruitment at the less then 60% marks in the academic career.
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26th March 2011, 11:37 AM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

Hi this is shoheb, i secured 82% in X , 95 in XII and 70 in Btech then please suggest me how to appear for off campus drives.... my mail id [email protected]
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6th May 2011, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

is there any relaxation in %age for sc candidate to get a job in infosys and like other companies through campas selection
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13th May 2011, 05:09 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

i got offer from infosys with my experiance of 3 Plus yrs. i hav 69% in10th , 77% in inter and 59.63% in b.tech.Am I eligible for infosys?
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20th May 2011, 03:52 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

i got 78%in 10 standard,59%in 12 standard.and 67% in btech ,am i eligible for all psus
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21st May 2011, 07:19 AM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

hi dear,
you Have Got 60% Marks In Your B.tech Course, So, You Are eligible to Appear for Campus Placements Or Eligible to Apply for Jobs In Various Companies.

but, The Eligiblity Creteria Are Vary From Companies To Companies. Manny To Companies Wants 60% Marks Throughout Your Career Since From 10th Onwards.

so, You Have Not Mentain 60% Marks, So May Be You Are Not Eligible to Appear for Manny Companies Job. But Dont worry you are eligible For Manny Companies Jobs Because You Have Scored 60% Marks In Your B.tech Course.

so, If You Have A Good Communication Skills And Knowledge And Good GD, Then You will Definitely Get Good Jobs in Your Career. So, Please work hard You Are Eligible to Appear for Manny Companies Jobs.
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6th June 2011, 04:49 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

i have 72% in 10th ,54% in 12th and 65% in Btech will i be eligible for wipro...
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9th June 2011, 11:02 AM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

hello completed my 3rd year in IT.. i got 88% percent in 10th and 93.3% in INTER and 64.2% of aggregate upto my 3rd year of B-Tech. So inorder to get selected in companies, how should I paroject myself because im not having good percentage in B-TECH.
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16th June 2011, 02:45 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

sir..i have 54.44% marks in 10th and 58.88% in 12th and 65% in b.tech..will i be eligible for wipro...
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22nd June 2011, 01:57 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

sir i got 59.6% in 10th,68% in 12th and 80% in b.tech, sir am i elgible for tcs,cts,infy.bipro.....
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25th June 2011, 02:36 AM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

i got 70% in 10,62% in 12 and 68% in b.tech ;will i eligible for tcs,infosis and wipro?
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27th June 2011, 04:39 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

sir i am pursing my M tech with 70% am having 58.73 in my b tech can u suggest some software companies with an eligibility criteria of X th 60, Inter 60 Btec 58 and m tech 60????
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30th June 2011, 05:48 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

hi,im havin 55 % in 10 th std,diploma 56%.engg 63% its possible to get job in IT sector for testing field.. pls guide me ,help me.. pradip.. [email protected]
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3rd July 2011, 01:10 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

sir i had secured 74.5,56,7.2 in respectiv 10th,12th, and b.tech.level am i m eligible for any mncs like tcs,wipro,infosys??
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9th July 2011, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

i have 51% in 12th and 73% in 10th can i get job in wipro or infosys
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17th July 2011, 12:47 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

Do infosys count the percentage of 10th by including optional subject or not? My academics are 10th-61.2%(5 subjects excluding optional,if i include 6th subject it becomes 59%) 12th- 79% and B.TECH-74%... will the optional subject can ruin my offer from infosys???i have my joining in end of july...Plz help...URGENT :-(
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20th July 2011, 11:55 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

sir i m Persuing B.tech from rtu,kota
i got 72.00% in 10th and 56.00% in 12 th class and my aggregate Percent is 58.96% in b.tech
i am elligible to apply for the job in tcs,wipro,infosys and syntel l&t accentury etc. or not?
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30th July 2011, 01:16 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

10th 75%,inter 86.1%,and btech 58.73 2010 passed out no job till now doing small jobs leading livelyhood. Now no job how can i get a job
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30th July 2011, 06:51 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

this criteria fillup only wipro ......

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30th July 2011, 06:55 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

eligible criteria for TCS,INFOSYS is 60%,60%,65% in 10,12,and b.tech,

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18th August 2011, 01:48 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

sir i completed my B.tech from cemk,kolaghat
i got 59.855% in 10th and 65.45% in 12 th class and 63% in b.tech
i am elligible to apply for the job in tcs,wipro,infosys,ibm and satyam (I AM A FRESHERS STUDENT)accentury etc. or not?
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4th September 2011, 04:31 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

sir i have 57% in 10th and 12th 68% and also in graduation 66%. in this academic year we do m.c.a we got 75%.........iam elligible to apply for the job in tcs ,cts ,infosys,wipro,ibm,and satyam etc....or not?
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4th September 2011, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

sir i have 10th 53%,12th 55%,degree in b.c.a 70% and present i haveing m.c.a 80% are eligable to the tcs,cts,wirpo,ibm,infoys etc....or not
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4th September 2011, 11:26 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i completed my B.tech from rtu,kota
i got 55.67% in 10th and 72.62% in 12 th class and 63.01% in b.tech
i am elligible to apply for the job in tcs,wipro,infosys and syntel l&t accentury etc. or not?
dear friend,

Maximum software companies criteria is above 60% in through out career.TCS , INFOSYS ,L&T criteria is above 60 to 65 percent.

Your 10th marks is just below 60% so you are eligible only WIPRO and SYNTEL.

Because those company want just above 50% in through out career.

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5th September 2011, 04:30 AM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i completed my B.tech from rtu,kota
i got 55.67% in 10th and 72.62% in 12 th class and 63.01% in b.tech
i am elligible to apply for the job in tcs,wipro,infosys and syntel l&t accentury etc. or not?
i m sure abt wipro n accenture
ur eligible n nt for infosys
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13th September 2011, 10:23 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

jobs in MNCs for current final year student having two standing arrears
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13th September 2011, 11:43 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

Dear friend,
All the CMM level5 companies like TCS, INfosys, L & T provide almost the same criteria as mentioned below:
1. 60% in class 10
2. 60% in class 12
3. 60% in graduation till the semester you are appearing.
As you don't have that criteria therefore you are not eligible to appear in these companies.
Try some CMM level3 companies.
All the best.
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14th September 2011, 01:17 AM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

Hi dear,

Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

You Have Got 60% Marks In Your B.tech Course, So, You Are eligible to Appear for Campus Placements Or Eligible to Apply for Jobs In Various Companies.

But, The Eligiblity Creteria Are Vary From Companies To Companies. Manny To Companies Wants 60% Marks Throughout Your Career Since From 10th Onwards.

So, You Have Not Mentain 60% Marks, So May Be You Are Not Eligible to Appear for Manny Companies Job. But Dont worry you are eligible For Manny Companies Jobs Because You Have Scored 60% Marks In Your B.tech Course.

So, If You Have A Good Communication Skills And Knowledge And Good GD, Then You will Definitely Get Good Jobs in Your Career. So, Please work hard You Are Eligible to Appear for Manny Companies Jobs.
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16th October 2011, 11:47 AM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

hi guys.... i am having 83 percent in twelveth and 63 percent in 2... but iam having only 55 percent in my ug.... can you say i am a qualified candidate for which company?
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4th January 2012, 10:09 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

sorry my dear friend, you are not eligible to apply or attend an interview from above companies, because

1.you should have at least 60% of marks in 10th onwards
2.no arrears
3.no gap between your studies

but you have below 60 in your 10 th.. so sorry my dear friend
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4th January 2012, 10:17 PM
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Talking Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

sorry my dear friend, you are not eligible to apply or attend an interview from above companies, because

1.you should have at least 60% of marks in 10th onwards
2.no arrears
3.no gap between your studies

but you have below 60 in your 10 th.. so sorry my dear friend
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4th January 2012, 10:30 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

you are not eligible to attend interview, because

you have below 60% marks in your 10th and degree . so only
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23rd January 2012, 11:43 AM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

Sir Am i eligible for job having ECE branch with 72%,62%,82% marks in 10th,12th,and in btech?but in i have PCM 51% in 12th
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31st January 2012, 12:55 AM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

hi friend..
yes you are eligible for mostly all the software companies as you have above 60% in your graduation. However some companies like infosys has criterias like 60% above in your 10th and 12th also..
i would suggest you to make a strong resume and go ahead with registering for campus interviews in all these software companies. sometimes grades are considered depending on company priorities.
all the best!
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31st January 2012, 09:20 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i completed my B.tech from rtu,kota
i got 55.67% in 10th and 72.62% in 12 th class and 63.01% in b.tech
i am elligible to apply for the job in tcs,wipro,infosys and syntel l&t accentury etc. or not?

You percentage is not upto the mark.....

generally MNC's ask cut off percentage of 68-70%.....

So i think you are not eligible for that companies.......

Better you go with your futher studies........

You can go with Either MBA/MCA or M.tech......

All the best............
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5th March 2012, 10:48 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

sir i have 83% in ssc,85% in inter and 62% in 1st year b.tech am i eligible to do internship in the bestcompany at the end of 2nd year
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15th May 2012, 10:19 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

hi friends,
Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

You Have Got 60% Marks In Your B.tech Course, So, You Are eligible to Appear for Campus Placements Or Eligible to Apply for Jobs In Various Companies.

But, The Eligiblity Creteria Are Vary From Companies To Companies. Manny To Companies Wants 60% Marks Throughout Your Career Since From 10th Onwards.

So, You Have Not Mentain 60% Marks, So May Be You Are Not Eligible to Appear for Manny Companies Job. But Dont worry you are eligible For Manny Companies Jobs Because You Have Scored 60% Marks In Your B.tech Course.

So, If You Have A Good Communication Skills And Knowledge And Good GD, Then You will Definitely Get Good Jobs in Your Career. So, Please work hard You Are Eligible to Appear for Manny Companies Jobs.

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18th August 2012, 10:16 AM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i completed my B.tech from rtu,kota
i got 55.67% in 10th and 72.62% in 12 th class and 63.01% in b.tech
i am elligible to apply for the job in tcs,wipro,infosys and syntel l&t accentury etc. or not?
see,ur eligible for topmost companies also,as companies cutoff percent will be 60%,but one thing is some companies may ask 60% in all ,like tenth and inter and btech.so don't worry about it,only some companies ask,but 90% companies consider only btech percent most
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11th October 2012, 08:02 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

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25th October 2012, 09:10 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

i got 52% marks in inter, should i get job in IT companies? can i seat for nimcet examination or any other MCA entrance examination?
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25th October 2013, 05:20 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

i have 59.5% in 10th and 78% in 12th ,and 65% in b.tech
what will be the oppotunities if i will further study like m.tech?
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9th March 2014, 10:39 PM
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Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

I am an ece student and totally illiterate about computers .I would like to know what basic software courses
should a person be well versed in, in order to get a decent job in top mnc's like Wipro, Infosys, Mahindra satyam,
tcs etc. please give a detail reply
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18th February 2015, 03:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

my 10 79% and 12 77% and BE cgpa is 6.0 and above then im eligible l and t company
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5th August 2015, 05:08 PM
lavanya shobraj
Posts: n/a
Red face Re: Job in TCS, Wipro, Infosys, L&T etc after 55.67%, 72.62% and 63.01% in 10th, 12th and B.Tech respectively?

Sir, I'm completed 12th with 60% so I wank work in Infosys so pls
contact number : 8904185671
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