9th March 2013, 05:11 PM
Previous 8 years CSIR Chemical science question papers? Books to be referred?
Dear sir , plz send the previous 8 year CSIR -CHEMICAL SCIENCE question papers and some reference books send the my mail id [email protected]
10th December 2013, 04:18 PM
sir, please send previous 10 years chemical science question papers with answer key.. i think it is very useful for my csir preparation sir..pls send question papers in my mail id [email protected] .thank you sir..
28th April 2014, 10:42 PM
Please send me previous 10 year question paper with answer key on my mail id 8 think it is very useful for my csir preparation. My mail id is [email protected]
26th May 2014, 02:16 PM
sir, please send previous 10 years chemical science question papers with answer key.. i think it is very useful for my csir preparation sir..pls send question papers in my mail id
[email protected], thank you sir |
18th July 2014, 03:06 AM
sir, please send previous 10 years chemical science question papers with answer key.. i think it is very useful for my csir preparation sir..pls send question papers in my mail id
is : [email protected] |
18th July 2014, 03:15 AM
sir, please send previous 10 years chemical science question papers with answer key.. i think it is very useful for my csir preparation sir..pls send question papers in my mail id is:
[email protected] |
9th March 2017, 10:40 PM
Respected sir,
Myself Suresh Suthar I want to CSIR NET and GATE previous paper from 2011- 2016 and also suggest book for inorganic and organic chemistry. Please provide me, if it is possible on [email protected] |
17th January 2018, 03:19 AM
Respected sir, I want to know the list of books which should be recommended for cracking CSIR UGC NET JRF chemical science in best possible easy way. Please, do send me list on my email id - [email protected]
21st July 2018, 08:56 AM
Please send previous 10 years chemical science question papers with answer key.. it is very useful for my csir preparation please send question papers in my mail id [[email protected]] .thank you sir..
2nd September 2019, 08:41 PM
Please send previous 10 year chemical science question paper with answer key. it is very useful for my Csir exam. My emil id :[email protected]