15th August 2010, 04:04 PM
Schedule and reception of hall ticket for OPENMAT-XXVIII
Is the exam date for OPENMAT-XXVIII has been changed,if so wen it will be conducted? if its not changed then when i will get my hal ticket?
15th August 2010, 09:03 PM
you can inform to the OPENMAT-XXVIII department...........because more information detail will be provided to you..............
good luck |
15th August 2010, 09:58 PM
Indira Gandhi National Open University Hall tickets for June/ December TEE in general are made available in last week of May/ November respectively on IGNOU site www.ignou.ac.in. http://www.ignou.ac.in/ Download Hall Ticket for June 2010 Term End Exams: http://others.ignou.ac.in/hall0610/halljun10.asp IGNOU hall tickets - Download latest hall tickets Good luck!!!!! |
15th August 2010, 11:35 PM
![]() Quote:
just check it out http://www.successcds.net/mbaentranc...ance-Exam.html regards aditya |
18th August 2010, 04:12 PM
Date: 18.8.10
Not received Hall Ticket for OPENMAT XXVIII to be held on 22.8.10. Please arrange to send the same immediately otherwise I will not get entry at exam centre. If the date of exam has changed please let me know through my email ID sulagna_dey07@rediffmail.com Your kind co-operation is requested for. |
18th August 2010, 07:45 PM
Is the schedule of OPENMAT XXVIII changed? If yes, please inform. If not, when will I get my hallticket of the same?
19th August 2010, 12:55 AM
Sir, I have not received the hall ticket of OpenMat Exam XXVIII in August 2010 since very few days are remaining so kindly send the hall
ticket as early as possible. Manoj Bakde & Sangita Nandanwar Pune |
19th August 2010, 11:42 PM
Sir, I have not received the hall ticket of OpenMat Exam XXVIII in August 2010 since very few days are remaining so kindly send the hall
ticket as early as possible. with regards, RIKESHKUMAR GIRVATSINH RATHOD,r.rathod1@pgvcl.com and my form NO is:- 148751 and birth date is 09/08/1984 so please reply me. |
20th August 2010, 09:12 AM
Not received Hall Ticket for OPENMAT XXVIII to be held on 22.8.10. Please arrange to send the same immediately otherwise I will not get entry at exam centre. If the date of exam has changed please let me know through my email ID mesuman2007@rediffmail.com
20th August 2010, 11:43 AM
PALAK SONI my form NO is:- 65169 Nd email id is sonipalak11@gmail.com |
20th August 2010, 05:34 PM
respected sir,
i have not recieve the hall ticketof openmat exam XXVIII in auguest 2010 only one day is left for exam. so i kindly request you to send my hall ticket as soon as possible. thanking you yours faithfully syeeda afreen zieshacool@yahoo.com please send my hall ticket to my adreess orelse e-mail me. |
20th August 2010, 05:56 PM
I donot know why ignou is delaying for the informmation about MBA entrnce Hall ticket on 22 Aug,10. please inform. If not, when will I get my hallticket of the same?
rgds, raghavendra J, rjsindhe@gmail.com, mob no: 9902878525, raghavendra J, Assistant, manager(personnel), room no:220, 2nd flr, KPTCL, kaveri bhavan, Bangalore-09. |
20th August 2010, 07:22 PM
sir, I didnot receive my hall ticket for openmatxxviii which is going to be conducted on 22.08.2010.please let me know if there is any change in the examination date.........what should i do?
nalini, nalinij18@gmail.com plzzzzzzzzzzzzz |
20th August 2010, 11:21 PM
Dear frend,
Hall ticket for TEE exam for June/December are available generally in the month of May/November a the ignou website......the site is www.IGNOU.ac.in...... Good Luck!!!!!! |
21st August 2010, 01:39 PM
Respected sir i still not receive my hall ticket of mba openmat-xxviii exam heald on 22.8.10 plz send it to me on my id raupadhyay@ymail.com
my name is rajeshvari ajaybhai upadhyay and myu birth date is 17.3.1987 plz do hurry |
28th August 2010, 12:38 PM
sir, iwant to know is the exam has been posponed to 26-09-2010
29th August 2010, 12:25 AM
dear friends,
it is true that the date of the exam is being posponded. so if some one do not get the admit card no need to worry, the admit card will be dispatched very soon.so contact the authority of the exams. |
31st August 2010, 05:43 PM
![]() Quote:
'rgds, raghavendra J, rjsindhe@gmail.com, mob no: 9902878525, raghavendra J, Assistant, manager(personnel), room no:220, 2nd flr, KPTCL, kaveri bhavan, Bangalore-09. bets of luck dear |
16th September 2010, 11:45 AM
Schedule and reception of hall ticket for OPENMAT-XXVIII
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i have not received my hall ticket.please inform me to my mail id. puttudolo@gmail.com.my name is Anil Kumar Verma.my birthday is 15th September 1972 and my Mobile No - 9771439033 |
15th October 2010, 10:31 PM
HI friend,
OPENMAT XXVIII exam date- 22.08.2010 (Sunday 10.00 A.M. — 1.00 P.M.) Last date of submission of of the entrance test form (Form 1) University Headquarters - 15.7.2010 Actually extension of date happened in OPENMAT XXVII exam not in XXVIII. You will receive your hall ticket one or two week before the date of the exam. |