6th June 2011, 02:18 AM
Mohit chandel
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 1

Scope of DRDO for B.Tech(CSE) student? What percentage is required for B.Tech CSE 3rd year? Percentage required for admission?

Sir, what is the scope of drdo for b.tech(cse) student? Sir i am also a student of b.tech(cse)3rd year? Sir please tell me is what percentange will be required?and is this good for my future if i am apply for drdo set?

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6th June 2011, 10:12 AM
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Smile Re: Scope of DRDO for B.Tech(CSE) student? What percentage is required for B.Tech CSE 3rd year? Percentage required for admission?

Originally Posted by Mohit chandel View Post
Sir, what is the scope of drdo for b.tech(cse) student? Sir i am also a student of b.tech(cse)3rd year? Sir please tell me is what percentange will be required?and is this good for my future if i am apply for drdo set?
DRDO have many exam for different group and different experience people...

as per my knowledge since you are software engineer you will be coming under Scientists Entry Test (SET)

a. Qualifications

Essential: At least a first class Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology in Electronics &

Communication Engg. / Mechanical Engg. / Computer Science & Engg. / Chemical Engg. / Electrical Engg. from a recognized

University in the respective/relevant disciplines.
or 6.75 CGPA shall be considered equivalent .......

b. Age Limit

The upper age limit is 28 years.

Age relaxation:

i) Upto 05 years in case of SC/ST candidates
ii) Upto 03 years in case of OBC candidate
iii) Upto 05 years for Physically Handicapped Persons (10 years for SC/ST and 08 years for OBC candidates) in identified

disciplines even if no posts are reserved for them in these areas.
iv) In case of Ex-serviceman, services rendered in the armed forces plus 3 years

so in 3rd year you cannot apply...
6th June 2011, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: Scope of DRDO for B.Tech(CSE) student? What percentage is required for B.Tech CSE 3rd year? Percentage required for admission?

percentage minimum 60% through out the carrer
future is bright
it is a govt. Work place
no problem is there for accomodation
all facility given by govt.
For entery this you apply for entrance exam
after clear written then you go for final interview..............

Best of luck........
7th June 2011, 02:49 AM
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Default Re: Scope of DRDO for B.Tech(CSE) student? What percentage is required for B.Tech CSE 3rd year? Percentage required for admission?

DRDO Eligibility
>> Qualifications Essential: At least a first class Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology in Electronics & Communication Engg. / Mechanical Engg. / Computer Science & Engg. / Chemical Engg. / Electrical Engg. from a recognized University in the respective/relevant disciplines.
or 6.75 CGPA shall be considered equivalent .......

>> Age Limit
The upper age limit is 28 years.
Age relaxation:
i) Upto 05 years in case of SC/ST candidates
ii) Upto 03 years in case of OBC candidate
iii) Upto 05 years for Physically Handicapped Persons (10 years for SC/ST and 08 years for OBC candidates) in identified

>> disciplines even if no posts are reserved for them in these areas.
In case of Ex-serviceman, services rendered in the armed forces plus 3 years

Keeping these in mind you apply for entrance exam
after clearing the written ,go for final interview.
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18th July 2011, 03:21 PM
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Default Re: Scope of DRDO for B.Tech(CSE) student? What percentage is required for B.Tech CSE 3rd year? Percentage required for admission?

I am a student of B.TECH(IT) pursuing 7th sem .can i appliy DRDO SET for administrative designation?
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30th July 2011, 07:41 PM
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Default Re: Scope of DRDO for B.Tech(CSE) student? What percentage is required for B.Tech CSE 3rd year? Percentage required for admission?

i am B.tech CSE, I ve below 60% in 10th and 12 so am i not eligible for DRDO.
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28th November 2011, 08:31 PM
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Default Re: Scope of DRDO for B.Tech(CSE) student? What percentage is required for B.Tech CSE 3rd year? Percentage required for admission?

sir, i am b.tech final year student(ece) and i want to know the precentage details regarding the elgibility for drdo
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8th February 2012, 08:38 AM
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Default Re: Scope of DRDO for B.Tech(CSE) student? What percentage is required for B.Tech CSE 3rd year? Percentage required for admission?

sir,iam studying b.tech cse 4-2 now how to apply for drdo give a procedure of applying..
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26th April 2013, 11:59 PM
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Default Re: Scope of DRDO for B.Tech(CSE) student? What percentage is required for B.Tech CSE 3rd year? Percentage required for admission?

this year isro cut off go above 72% or equivalent,is this will happen for DRDO SET.please tell me sir
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9th September 2013, 09:18 PM
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Default Re: Scope of DRDO for B.Tech(CSE) student? What percentage is required for B.Tech CSE 3rd year? Percentage required for admission?

sir i have 64 percentage can i elgible write exam
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30th January 2014, 10:59 AM
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Default Re: Scope of DRDO for B.Tech(CSE) student? What percentage is required for B.Tech CSE 3rd year? Percentage required for admission?

hello sir, my name is Sk Ahmed Basha ,at present i am studying 2nd year CSE and i want to work in DRDO , so please suggest some tips that a CSE student to follow in order to be selected for DRDO , please send the information to the following mail id
[email protected]
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