25th November 2011, 08:13 PM
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Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

if i compleet my mechanical engineering with M.Tech and MBA, which are the scope and salory i may get?

26th November 2011, 03:55 AM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

Mechanical engineering is one of the tough branches in engineering. It has various applications in almost all technical fields. All the public sectors are preferring more number of mechanical engineering candidates other than any Engg. branches. some public sectors are given below.


The salary of mechanical engineer ranges from 1,25,000 to 8,25,000 annually depending upon the job & the work experience for it.
26th November 2011, 08:40 AM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

Hi Dear

you have a good career because you already do your master degree and MBA also

So after that you join in a company and your career is a good.

So a mechanical engineer minimum salary is at this label minimum 60000/- month

You go for company like:-

26th November 2011, 11:08 AM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

You need to first of all decide on whether you would like to have a job in the technical side or an administrative role. The salary will be dependent on the institute from where you pursued the courses. If you have pursued the same from institute like IIT or IIM you can expect a salary higher than Rs 1 lac a month. If you have pursued the same from lesser known schools you can expect a starting salary of Rs 25000 to 30000. Since you are fresher it will entirely depend on how you fare in the test and interview conducted by the company.
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26th November 2011, 02:17 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

The mechanical engineerin has most scope in govt job if you apply for power station then your post is junior emgineer and sallary is upto 25 to 30 thousand
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26th November 2011, 05:24 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
if i compleet my mechanical engineering with M.Tech and MBA, which are the scope and salory i may get?
dear mechanical engineering is an evergreen branch ......you may apply for govt jobs or in private sector also.....you may join army as an engineer under direct entry scheme.....salary varies from place to place.....initialy it may be little low but later it will be good ..dont worry....
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12th December 2011, 01:24 AM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

i hav one year experience in automobile ind. as trainee engg. this will be benefit for me after my completion of my B.E. degree?,now im in final year.
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6th January 2012, 12:38 AM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

im in 3rd year how can i preparing gate and other public sector exams
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6th March 2012, 11:41 AM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

If i complt tha b.e(mechanical) enginirng then i want to a good job so wht i can get tha job...
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21st April 2012, 10:48 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

Hi aspirant,
Mechanical engineering is a very old engineering trade. It called the father of the all engineering trade. Mechanical engineer mainly deals with the heavy machines like motor, and different heavy weight machinery. Mechanical engineer have to a great knowledge about the material science and physics.They also have knowledge about thermodynamics, kinematics, refrigeration etc. It is overlaps on each other technical trade or engineering trade.
In recent market mechanical engineering has a great demand .Day by day the demand of the mechanical engineering is increasing.

Job opportunity:

1.Tata motor
4.Hero Honda
8.L and T
13.Coal India
14.Rail way
15. Through Upsc exam on a several sector
16.VOLVO etc

you can do m.tech and ms on abroad . to do m.tech you have to seat for the GATE exam if you qualify then you can take admission on the best college in India . In this case after qualification you have to face interview or exam then interview to take admission on the best college. In you qualify gate you will get finical help from govt. You can take admission on the self sponsor basis in that case you are not able to take admission on iit or nit. You can try on other govt or private college in this case you will not get any finical help.

To do m.tech abroad you have to seat for the GRE exam . If you qualify then you can apply. There are other exam also you can apply.

List of some good m.tech college in India:

1.All iit
2.All nit
3.punjab university
4.Jadavpur university
5.bengal engineering and science unic=versity
6.Manipal university
9.SRM university
10.Bits pillani
11. Thapar university are some of them

Best of Luck…
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1st July 2012, 03:48 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

i wanna become a high profile mechanical engineer,,what should i do for that? i'm going through GTU. 2nd yera in mechanical engineering.plzzzz.give me satisfied answer.!!!!!!!
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5th July 2012, 04:22 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

What is the highest salary paid for mechanical engeneer in imter national companies and in national companies
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6th July 2012, 04:38 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

are their sufficient jobs in mechanical field,if their what is yhe minimum salery
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6th July 2012, 09:04 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

i am a girl who has an interest for mechnical engg.is is possible for me to get job in bangalore as i dont want to leave this place.which companies would i get a job considering me as a girl.i dont want field work.
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22nd August 2012, 07:41 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

sir, i am a 1st year b.tech student from mechanical branch in Maharshi dayanand university,haryana.i want to be a bestest engineer but yet i don't have any study plan so plz give me some good tips to study so that i can acheive my target
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14th September 2012, 06:18 PM
AshwinKumar S.Hallikar
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

pay scale for Mechanical engineering:

The remuneration and conditions of service depend on the industry and its function.
Those engineers, who choose to work in the private sector, could negotiate their terms and conditions with the management themselves.

Most fresh engineers start at Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 per month, with allowances.
Those with an additional management degree in addition to engineering can command salaries of Rs 25,000 to Rs 40,000 per month.
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29th October 2012, 02:38 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

Mechanical engineering is best engineering stream. Job availability is much higher all other stream. You immediately get the job after mechanical engineering in any private companies. There is lots of chance to get the job in campus selection in the mechanical stream. I am also mechanical engg so far now i did not face any problem regarding job in private sector. Just go ahead for mechanical engg

Pay Scale: Although Pay Scales are dependent on the type of organization you are selected in. A small and medium industries or companies hire Mechanical Engineers starting Rs 15,000/- to 20,000/- per month. Large companies such as L&T and several other MNCs give a package of Rs 15000/- to Rs 35000/- per month to fresh Mechanical graduates.
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3rd November 2012, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

i have completed my b.e in mechanical engineering n just getting confused dat can i get a very good job after completing the m.b.a and m.tech or not
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6th November 2012, 07:57 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

i have m.tech in mech engg with 15 years of experience in engine and structure maintenance and repair in aviation. what is the job prospect and salary i can get?
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7th November 2012, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir, i am a 1st year b.tech student from mechanical branch in Maharshi dayanand university,haryana.i want to be a bestest engineer but yet i don't have any study plan so plz give me some good tips to study so that i can acheive my target
first concentrate on your internal maks so that you can get more marks in external
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16th November 2012, 05:17 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

i m a mechanical engineering students. now i m in 3rd sem,,,,,,,,how much sure to get a good job after complitation my b.teck degree. in between 2012 to 2020 is there are demand or scope for mecha stream ?
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20th November 2012, 10:34 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

Sir i am now first year BE student and studying under vtu university in government college .mechanical branch.since i'm studying in government colleg,whether it will make me to face problem during interview.....beccz..governament college know...whether companies will give me good job or not..plz satisfy my question...
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7th December 2012, 11:32 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

what are the latst mechanical courses, wich will add to my profile and salary? I also want to know the the duration of the courses and where are the best intitutes in india?
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8th December 2012, 09:40 AM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?


These are following Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer----------------

2.Tata motor
3.Coal India

So a mechanical engineer minimum salary is at this label minimum 60000/- month.

I hope this will help
All the best
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8th December 2012, 04:17 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

hi sir.....

Good job you already do your master degree and MBA also.So after that you join in a company and your career is a good.So a mechanical engineer minimum salary is at this label minimum 60000/- month.You go for company like:-Nalco,Rungata,Bhusan,Bedanta
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8th December 2012, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?


Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest branches of engineering. It is also referred to as the ‘mother’ branch of engineering. Another appealing feature of mechanical engineering is that the application base of this field of study is extremely broad and diverse.

Possess certain basic traits:

**First and foremost, you must have a penchant for mechanical components and machinery and how these machines work.

**you must be good at physics, chemistry and mathematics.

**You must also have skills such as an analytical bent of mind, logical reasoning and problem solving.
Further, you must have immense patience, physical strength, ability to work for long hours and an inventive spirit that are essential ingredients for becoming a successful mechanical engineer.

Top Companies:

1. Automobile and auto part manufacturers
2. Aerospace industry
3. Various Government sector undertakings
4. Aviation companies
5. Steel plants
6. Thermal plants and gas turbine manufacturers
7. Air conditioning and refrigeration industry
8. Shipping industry
9. Engineering consultancies
10. Armed forces

Pay Packet

**The average monthly salary of mechanical engineers who are new to this profession is approximately in the range between Rs.10,000 and Rs.25,000.

**Highly skilled mechanical engineers can easily command pay packets as high as Rs 40 to 45 lacs per annum.

**Good campus placements can fetch even better packages for deserving students. Mechanical engineers who hold a post-graduate degree from a reputed academic institute tend to get better offers than diploma and degree holders.

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16th March 2013, 04:27 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

im a 12std boy nd im trying to get admission for mech engg.is, scope of mech eng become decreases or not after 4 years..if i become an mech eng i need above 80,000rp/mnth..what should i do..suggest me a good way to perfome my carrier plz...
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16th March 2013, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
if i compleet my mechanical engineering with M.Tech and MBA, which are the scope and salory i may get?
First of all, a good suggestion do either M tech or MBA after B tech.

Doing both is good but not worthy enough.

After getting jobs in private companies as a fresher you may get a salary of 25000 to 30000 based on your talent and performance in academics.

also depends on college from where you got graduated.

Like people from IITs may get 10lac + p.a. in many companies.

in PSU's or govt jobs fresher salaries are like 25000 + allowances and you may get upto 30 -35k per month.

Oil companies like HPCL,BPCL are offering 12lac per annum for fresher candidates , you have to get a very good rank in GATE though followed by interview and group discussion.

Based on your experience and skills your salary will get even higher.

So scope of mechanical engineer is very good all depends on your skills.
Its a very vast field many jobs and verity of companies available like power sector, nuclear, manufacturing , automobile, steel plants, ceramics, construction many more.

Every company require a Mechanical engineer even in software companies.

good luck!
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25th May 2013, 09:45 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

Iam now finished 2. Iam trying to get mechanical engineering.Is there is any scope for a mechanical engineer in future
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6th July 2013, 11:41 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

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10th July 2013, 10:38 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

Hai, Mechanical engineering is ever green and one of tough branch . And scope for this branch is high because today each and every one have bikes and we want cars in future and the there is no limit for human thoughts.Hence demand for Mechanical engineer will increase in future . And competition is less because pass percentage is less, hence getting job is easy.
The minimum salary that an mechanical engineer can get is 50,000/-.
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11th July 2013, 01:04 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

Hai, Mechanical engineering is ever green and one of tough branch . And scope for this branch is high because today each and every one have bikes and we want cars in future and the there is no limit for human thoughts.Hence demand for Mechanical engineer will increase in future . And competition is less because pass percentage is less, hence getting job is easy.
The minimum salary that an mechanical engineer can get is 50,000/-.
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22nd July 2013, 01:48 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

now iam get the b.tech digree in mechanical engineering what is my basic salary now iam work as a engineer
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26th August 2013, 06:53 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

Dear friend,
In recent market mechanical engineering demand on higher side .Day by day the demand of the mechanical engineering is enhancing :

Job opportunity:

1.L and T
5.Coal India
6.Rail way
8.VOLVO etc
Tata motor
4.Hero Honda
7. Through Upsc exam on a several sector

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23rd October 2013, 07:42 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

Sir i am prasannakumar...i am doing 1st yr B.e mech in govt clg..does i get gud job after my completion of my course...y i am asking like this means every one is telling that the students who came from govt clg they will not get a very gud job. Is it true. Plz reply me at [email protected]
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24th January 2014, 03:00 AM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

After 2 months I will complete my betch in mechanical .but now am highly confused with that what is the next step ?
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25th June 2014, 07:25 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

what is branch is best for bright future mechanical or electrical from NIT'S.I get 123 marks in(OBC) jee main 2014 and rbse class 12 precentage is 83%.can I get any nit?
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27th June 2014, 04:21 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

i got seat for mechanical branch in nit raipur and also in bms college of engineering which is in banglore .so in which college should i start my btech and i want to become an automobile engineer and want to work in companies like audi,fordetc so please help me.....
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7th July 2014, 09:54 PM
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Default Re: Scope and the salary of mechanical engineer?

which branch(ece,mechanical,civil,cse,melargy,chemical) is best for good job in present situation ?
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