14th September 2011, 03:15 PM
Syllabus of Excise and Taxation in Haryana Staff Selection?
plese send the syllabus of excise and texation in haryana staff selection commission
by requiset thanking u your student |
8th October 2011, 10:32 PM
please send the syllabus of excise and taxation in Haryana Staff Selection Commission
by Requiest thanking u |
8th October 2011, 11:19 PM
Syllabus for the post of Taxation Inspector are as shown: -
1. Fundamentals i. Definition of Accounting ii. Functions of Accounting iii. Necessity of Accounting 2. Accounting Principles i. Concepts & Conventions ii. Cash and Mercantile Systems 3. Fundamentals of Double Entry System – General Principles. 4. Accounting Cycle or Process – Journalisation and Ledgerisation. Recording transaction in subsidiary books – Posting of Ledger 5. Accounting of Bank transactions, bill transactions, preparation of bank reconciliation statements. 6. Capital and Revenue expenditure, receipts and payments and income and expenditure accounts 7. Preparation of Trial Balance, Errors disclosed by Trial Balance and errors not disclosed by Trial Balance – rectification of errors 8. Preparation of final accounts i.e. manufacturing, trading and profit and loss accounts and balance sheet. BEST OF LUCK |
13th March 2012, 05:28 PM
plese send the syllabus of excise and texation in haryana staff selection commission
by requiset Ashok Kumar Distt. Sonepat (Haryana) email id [email protected] Mob. 9017171743,9999388187 |
16th January 2016, 01:38 PM
plese send the syllabus of excise and texation in haryana staff selection commission
[email protected] |