16th December 2010, 07:15 PM
Syllabus and previous year papers of MD Ayurveda exam? List of best colleges for MD Ayurveda course in India?
Hi I just need information about MD in Ayurveda so if anybody have its old paper or syllabus so plz submit it soon.
I also need best college list rank wise in India. |
16th December 2010, 08:37 PM
Hai Friend I have attached one sample previous question paper for your ready reference.
List Of Colleges Providing BAMS, MD in Ayurvedic Medicine: EASTERN REGION JB Roy state medical college, kolkata Government ayurvedic college, guwahati Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, muzaffarpur Berhampur university, berhampur SSN ayurved college and research institute, utkal NORTHERN REGION Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia Rishikul state ayurvedic college, pilibhit Luchnow university, luck now State ayurvedic college, hardwar S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar Guru nanak ayurvedic medical college and hospital, muktsar Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra Gaur Brahman ayurvedic college, rohtak Sri baba mast nath ayurvedic college, rohtak AP singh university, rewa Government ashtang ayurveda college, indore Government ayurvedic college, Gwalior Government ayurvedic college, Raipur Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain Rajiv Gandhi government ayurvedic college, kangra SOUTHERN REGION NTR university of health sciences, vijaywada Dr. B R K R government ayurvedic college, hydrabad Sri venkatashwara college Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore Ayurveda mahavidhayalaya, old hubli Ayurvedic medical college, ghataprabha Ayurvedic medical college, davangera Ayurvedic medical college, terdal SDM college of ayurveda, Karnataka KPSVS Ayurvedic medical college, manvi KVG Ayurvedic medical college, and hospital, dharwad SGV Ayurvedic medical college, bailhongal SVM Ayurvedic medical college,ilkal TSPS mandalis Ayurvedic medical college, bijapur Taranath government Ayurvedic medical college, bellary WESTERN REGION Bharati vidhyapeeth, pune Ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, Mumbai Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur DCS ayurveda college, deopur Government ayurvedic college, nanded Government ayurvedic college, Nagpur Government ayurvedic college, osmanabad Shri ayurvede mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur Gujrat ayurvedic university, gujrat JS ayurvede mahavidhayalaya, nadiad Sri balahanuman ayurved mahavidhyalaya, gandhinagar Goa university, goa MMM government ayurvedic college, Udaipur National institute of ayurveda, jaipur Shree bhanwarlal durga ayurveda vishwa bharati, sardarshahar Tilak ayurvedic mahavidhalaya, pune Best of luck Regards, Suresh Vyas. |
16th December 2010, 08:42 PM
Syllabus for MD (Ayu) Preliminary Examination
PAPER-I RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND MEDICAL STATISTICS METHODS OF RESEARCH Aims and objects of research in Ayurveda, Ancient modern methods of Research. Setting up of a basic research laboratory including Animal House. Principles and methods of fundamental, clinical, drug and literary research. Manuscriptology principles and methods of survey of medical plants. Radio-isotopes and their role in medical research. Radiation and their biological effects. Introduction of specific research instruments like chromatography Spectrometer, Calorimeter, Electrophoresis apparatus and other latest research instruments. MEDICAL STATISTICS Application of statistical methods to Ayurvedic research, collection, compilation and tabulation of medical statistics, methods of presentation of data, calculation of mean, median and mode, measurement of variability, standard deviation, standard error, normal probability curve. Concept of regression and co-relation and their interpretation. Tests of significance, tx2 and F test and their simple application. Principle of medical experimentation on variation in experimental design. Vital statistics. Reference Books 1. Ayurvediya Anusandhan Paddhati P.V.Sharma 2. Research Methodology Prof.V.J.Thakar 3. Drug Survey Mayaram Uniyal 4. Methods in Biostatistics for Medical Students B.K. Mahajan 5. Introduction to Biostatistics Huldali Bancroft 6. Practical Problem in Statistics D .N., Elhance 7. Health statistics N.S.N. Rao 8. A short text book of Medical Statistics Sir A.B.Hill 9. Introduction to Clinical Research William C. Scheffer 10. A short text book of Medical Statistics Sir Austin Brocdtord Hill (Indian edition) PAPER- II MAULIK SIDDHANT (Any one of the following groups should be taken as per Naidanikiya or Anaidanikiya group) Group-A Anaidanikiya (Non-Clinical) 2. (a) Basic Principles of Ayurveda. 2. (b) Basic principles of Sharir 2. (c) Basic Principles of Dravya guna and Rasa-Shastra. 2. (d) Basic underline practical principles of Medicine. Group-B Naidanikiya (Clinical) 2.(a) Fundamentals of Nidan and Chikitsa (Etiology and treatment) 2.(b) Fundamentals of Shalya and Shalakya Tantra 2.(c) Basic Principles of Prasuti Tantra, Stri-Rog and Kaumarbhritya 2.(d) Underline practical principles of Medicine. PAPER-II GROUP-A Basic Principles of Ayurveda Basic Principles of Ayurveda, Principles and technical terms of other darshan along with Sankhya and Vaisheshik darshana. Specific knowledge of principles of Sankhya & Vaisheshik along with other darshana (Philosophy) incorporated in Ayurvedic literature. Importance of Ayurvedic Philosophical concept, determination of padartha, determination of tetra, description of vada-marga, proper knowledge of Basic principle of Ayurveda, theory of evolutions, determination of purusha according to dhatu-bheda, description of tantraukti its utility, number and knowledge of technical terms of Ayurveda. Reference Books Related matters of Charak & Sushrut 2. Sankhyakarika Tatvakaumudi 3. Vaisheshika darshan Prashastapada bhasya 4. Patanjala yogadarshan Vyasa bhasya Vedantasara 6. Ayurveda darshanam Acharya Rajkumar Jain Basic principles of Sharir (Rachana Sharir and Kriya Sharir) Study of the main principles of practical rachana sharir & Kriya sharer (anatomy and physiology). Specific study of the following matters in the preview of prakriti & vikriti: Study of Sira & Dhamani along with the study of Snayu, Nadi, and Kandara. Analysis of srotas according to Charak & Sushrut. Detailed study of marma, with definition, variety, description, site anatomical distribution, specific action & establishment of its importance. Knowledge of Agni, its importance, specific variety and characteristics. Narration of Mahasrotas, description of kostha, anatomical & physiological study of Hridya (Heart), Kloma, Phuphus (Lungs) Yakrit, Pliha, Unduk, Vrikka (Kidney), Nabhi, Dimba, Basti etc. Functional study of Dhatu, Oja, Gyanedriya, Mana, Buddhi etc. & other related structures. Reference Books Related matters of Charak Samhita Sharir sthan of Sushrut Related matters of Ashtang Samgraha and Hridaya Pratyaksha Shariram Abhinava Shariram Parishadya Shabdartha Shariram Basic Principles of Dravyaguna Vigyan and Rasa-shastra Practical & specific knowledge of the principles described in Dravyaguna Shastra. Determinations of specific Ganas & Varga. Determination of practical importance of Rasa, guna, virya, vipaka, & prabhava principles. Knowledge of the technical terms (like dipan, pachan etc) described in Dravyaguna. Knowledge of the newer methods of drug research. Classification of Rasa-dravya & their practical utility. Description of Dhatu, Updhatu, Ratna, Uparatna, Visha, & Upavisha & their main formulations. Five types of kashaya kalpana, formulation of Asava, Arishta, Bhasma, Loha, Mandur, formulations of rasa-adusadhi, formulation of ghrita ,tail, Avaleha and paka kalpana and their practical knowledge & utility. Knowledge of recent methods & instruments of Bhaishaja Kalpana Reference Books 1- Dravyaguna Vigyan Yadavji Trikamji 2- Dravyaguna Vigyan Priyavrata Sharma 3-Aushadgunadharma Shastra Pt. Vishvanath Dvivedi 4- Rasaratnasamucchaya 5 Rasendrasarasamgraha 6. Kriyatmaka Aushadaha Parichaya Vigyan Vishvanath Dvivedi Basic Underlines Practical Principles of Medicine General knowledge of the basic principles of modern medicine, Homeopathy, Unani, Siddha, Chainic, Tibbati and other prevailing systems of medicine in the purview of the basic principles of Ayurvedic Medicine. Description of general and specific principles of kayacikitsa Determination of dosha & dushya, Knowledge of avarana (overriding) of doshas, specific knowledge of samsarga and sannipata of Dosha, Description of srotodusti, sequence of treatment of the different variety of diseases and group of diseases. Practical knowledge of the principles of treatment, increase of Kshina Dosha and depletion of vriddha dosha, shadvidha upakram, dvividha upakrama (Santarpana & Apatarpana) and Shadvidhakriyakalopakrama etc . Proper knowledge of methods of Rasayana & Vajikarana and the medicinal formulations to be used in those processes. Practical importance of purvakarma, pashchatkarma & methods of Panchakarma, knowledge of diseases related to difference systems like Pranavaha, Raktavaha etc. Reference Books Charaka Samhita with chakrapanidutta Sushrut Samhita related to medicine 3- Ashtang Samgraha and Ashtang Hridaya related to medicine 4- Cikitsadarsha - Pandit Rajesvardutta Shastri 5- Kayachikitsa - Ramaraksha Pathaka 6- Rog Pariksha Vidhi - Priyavrat Sharma 7- Panchakarma Vigyan - Haridas Sridhar Kasture GROUP- B Basic Principles of Rog -Nidan & Vikriti Vigyanam Detailed study of various methods of the examination of diseases and patients specially Dvividha, Trividha, chaturvidha, Panchavidha, Shadvidha, Astavidha & Dasavidha pariksha and their specific utility in medical science. Knowledge of different new methods and instruments related to examination of patients. Examination of vitiated dosha, dhatu & mala. Assessment of importance of examination in different diseases, proper knowledge of avarana of dosha, dhatu & mala. Importance of features due to avarana as specific causative factors in the production of the diseases. Proper acquaintance of Ashayapakarsha, Trividha rogmarga, sanchayadi-kriyakala as per etiopathological view. Specific knowledge of pathogenesis of diseases, importance of pathogenesis in the manifestation of disease. Knowledge of natural immunity. Knowledge of Arishta Vigyan (Bad Prognostic signs). Reference Books Sutra-Nidan-Vimana-Indriya Sthan of Charak Samhita Related matters of Sushrut Samhita, Ashtang Samgraha and Ashtang Hridaya 3- Madhava Nidan Madhukosha Commentary 4- Ayurvediya Vyadhi Vigyan Yadavji Trikam ji Acharya 5- Rog Pariksha Vidhi Priyavrat Sharma 6-Abhinava Vikriti Vigyan Raghuvir Prasada Divedi 2. Basic Principles of Shalya & Shalakya Tantra Characteristics of rakta and establishment of its 4th doshatwa in the perview of the knowledge of dosha, dhatu & mala. Proper knowledge of diseases described in Shalyatantra and their etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment. Knowledge of Yantra, Shastra & Anustrastra. Merits and demerits of shastra. Practical knowledge of astavidha shastra karma in different diseases. Surgical diseases and their methods. Kinds of Vrana, methods of vrana bandhan, sixty procedures of vranas, importance of application of Kshar, method of prepartion of Kshar. A brief knowledge of required medicines for kshar preparation. Method of application of Kshar in different diseases, knowledge of application of Kshar, knowledge of agnikarma and its applicability, practical knowledge and description of different variety of rakta mokshana like siravedha, Shrings, Jalouka and Alabu. Proper knowledge of diseases above the clavicle, their etiology and clinical features. Knowledge of practical application and method of preparation of different procedures applicable in diseases above the clavicle like ashchyotan, vidalaka, putapaka, tarpana, Anjan, Dhumpana, Kavala, Gandusha, Raktamokshan, nasya, Sirovasti etc. Description along with practical application of newer instruments applied in different diseases depicted in Shalakya Tantra. Reference Books Related matters of Sushrut Samhita, Ashtang Samgraha and Ashtang Hridaya 2. SaushrutiRamanth Dvivedi 3. Shalya samanvaya 3. Basic Principles of Prasuti tantra, Stri Rog and Kaumarbhritya Description of importance of female anatomy, anatomy of uterus, associated hormones of menstrual cycle, ovum, fertilization & implantation, formation of twin pregnancy, underlying causes of the formation of foetus, Sada-dhatvatmka form of fetus, Maternal factors, and development of foetus, foetal implantation, Endometrial membrane, Nutrition of the foetus, Sex formation in foetus and ante-natal and pre-natal care, formation of Jarayu (amniotic membrane) and Placenta. Different stages of labour management, haemorrhage and its control, types of foetal expulsion, Therapeutic measures of normal labour, Abnormal labour, knowledge of cephalo-pelvic disproportion, Mudhagarbha (Obstructed labour), complications and treatment of abortion and miscarriage, Post-labour measures, cutting of umbilical cord, abnormalities of lactation. Yoni-Vyapada, Stanya Rog, general disease in female, Rakta gulma (hydatidiform mole), Breast and Uterine cancer, Uterine prolapse, exogenous vaginal diseases. Etiology, pathogenesis and symptomatic treatment of diseases occurring in females, knowledge of methods uttrar Basti, pichu, Varti, lepa, dhupan (fumigation), dhavan (douching), agnikarma (Cauterisation) etc. Different types and uses of various surgical methods in different female disorders. Neonatal examination, Neo-natal care and nutrition of New born (neonate). Balashosa (Marasmus), Pari-Garbhika, phakka (Rickets), jalashirsha (Hydrocephalus) and other diseases like kasa, swasa, Grahani, Diarrhoea, paksaghata (Paralysis), Heart diseases, Kukunaka (Conjunctivitis), obstructed anus, Phimosis and horn, Trachoma, Charmadala, Kshiralaska, Ulvaka Rog, Vomiting, Child epilepsy, Worm infestations, Talukantaka, Treatment of diseases due to (grahavadha) external demons according to their etiology and symptoms. Reference Books 1. Related portion of Charak Samhita 2. Kashyapa Samhita 3. Harita Samhita 4. Abhinav Prasuti Tantra Ayodhya Prasad Achal 5. Abhinav Stri rog Vigyan Ayodhya Prasad Achal 6. Kumat Tantra Samccaya Ramanath dvivedi 4. Underlying Practical Principles of Treatment General knowledge of the basic principles of modern medicine, Homeopathy, Unani, Siddha, Chainic, Tibbati and other prevailing systems of medicine in the purview of the basic principles of Ayurvedic Medicine. Description of general and specific principles of kayacikitsa Determination of dosha & dushya, knowledge of avarana (over riding) of doshas, specific knowledge of samsarga and sannipata of Dosha, Description of srotodusti, sequence of treatment of the different variety of diseases and group of diseases. Practical knowledge of the principles of treatment, increase of Kshina Dosha and depletion of vrddha dosha, shadvidha upakram, dvividha upakrama (Santarpana & Apatarpana) and Shadvidhakriyakalopakrama etc . Proper knowledge of methods of Rasayana & Vajikarana and the medicinal formulations to be used in those processes. Practical importance of purvakarma, pashchatkarma & methods of Panchakarma, knowledge of diseases related to difference systems like Pranavaha, Raktavaha etc. Reference Books Charak Samhita with cakrapanidutta Sushrut Samhita related to medicine Ashtang Samgraha and Ashtang Hridaya related to medicine 4- Cikitsadarsha - Pandit Rajesvardutta Shastri 5- Kayachikitsa - Ramaraksha Pathak 6- Rog Pariksha Vidhi - Priyavrat Sharma 7- Panchakarma Vigyan - Haridas Sridhar Kasture List of colleges all over india:- 1. Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur 2. Rishikul state ayurvedic college, pilibhit 3. State ayurvedic college, hardwar 4. Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh 5. Guru nanak ayurvedic medical college and hospital, muktsar 6. Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi 7. Gaur Brahman ayurvedic college, rohtak 8. AP singh university, rewa 9. Government ayurvedic college, Gwalior 10. Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain 11. Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia 12. Luchnow university, luck now 13. S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi 14. Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar 15. Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar 16. Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra 17. Sri baba mast nath ayurvedic college, rohtak 18. Government ashtang ayurveda college, indore 19. Government ayurvedic college, Raipur 20. Rajiv Gandhi government ayurvedic college, kangra 21. Government ayurvedic college, guwahati 22. Berhampur university, berhampur 23. JB Roy state medical college, kolkata 24. Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, muzaffarpur 25. SSN ayurved college and research institute, utkal 26. NTR university of health sciences, vijaywada 27. Sri venkatashwara college 28. Ayurveda mahavidhayalaya, old hubli 29. Ayurvedic medical college, davangera 30. SDM college of ayurveda, Karnataka 31. KVG Ayurvedic medical college, and hospital, dharwad 32. SVM Ayurvedic medical college,ilkal 33. Taranath government Ayurvedic medical college, bellary 34. Dr. B R K R government ayurvedic college, hydrabad 35. Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore 36. Ayurvedic medical college, ghataprabha 37. Ayurvedic medical college, terdal 38. KPSVS Ayurvedic medical college, manvi 39. SGV Ayurvedic medical college, bailhongal 40. TSPS mandalis Ayurvedic medical college, bijapur 41. Ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, Mumbai 42. DCS ayurveda college, deopur 43. Government ayurvedic college, Nagpur 44. Shri ayurvede mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur 45. JS ayurvede mahavidhayalaya, nadiad 46. Goa university, goa 47. National institute of ayurveda, jaipur 48. Tilak ayurvedic mahavidhalaya, pune 49. Bharati vidhyapeeth, pune 50. Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur 51. Government ayurvedic college, nanded 52. Government ayurvedic college, osmanabad 53. Gujrat ayurvedic university, gujrat 54. Sri balahanuman ayurved mahavidhyalaya, gandhinagar 55. MMM government ayurvedic college, Udaipur 56. Shree bhanwarlal durga ayurveda vishwa bharati, sardarshahar |
16th December 2010, 10:03 PM
1)List Of Colleges Providing MD in Ayurvedic Medicine:
EASTERN REGION JB Roy state medical college, kolkata Government ayurvedic college, guwahati Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, muzaffarpur Berhampur university, berhampur SSN ayurved college and research institute, utkal NORTHERN REGION Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia Rishikul state ayurvedic college, pilibhit Luchnow university, luck now State ayurvedic college, hardwar S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar Guru nanak ayurvedic medical college and hospital, muktsar Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra Gaur Brahman ayurvedic college, rohtak Sri baba mast nath ayurvedic college, rohtak AP singh university, rewa Government ashtang ayurveda college, indore Government ayurvedic college, Gwalior Government ayurvedic college, Raipur Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain Rajiv Gandhi government ayurvedic college, kangra SOUTHERN REGION NTR university of health sciences, vijaywada Dr. B R K R government ayurvedic college, hydrabad Sri venkatashwara college Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore Ayurveda mahavidhayalaya, old hubli Ayurvedic medical college, ghataprabha Ayurvedic medical college, davangera Ayurvedic medical college, terdal SDM college of ayurveda, Karnataka KPSVS Ayurvedic medical college, manvi KVG Ayurvedic medical college, and hospital, dharwad SGV Ayurvedic medical college, bailhongal SVM Ayurvedic medical college,ilkal TSPS mandalis Ayurvedic medical college, bijapur Taranath government Ayurvedic medical college, bellary WESTERN REGION Bharati vidhyapeeth, pune Ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, Mumbai Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur DCS ayurveda college, deopur Government ayurvedic college, nanded Government ayurvedic college, Nagpur Government ayurvedic college, osmanabad Shri ayurvede mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur Gujrat ayurvedic university, gujrat JS ayurvede mahavidhayalaya, nadiad Sri balahanuman ayurved mahavidhyalaya, gandhinagar Goa university, goa MMM government ayurvedic college, Udaipur National institute of ayurveda, jaipur Shree bhanwarlal durga ayurveda vishwa bharati, sardarshahar Tilak ayurvedic mahavidhalaya, pune 2)Syllabus i have uploaded check it out |
16th December 2010, 10:19 PM
Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University - Nagpur, Maharashtra
National Institute of Ayurveda - Jaipur, Rajasthan Institute Of Medical Sciences - Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh R A Podar Ayurved Medical College - Mumbai, Maharashtra Ayurvedic & Unani Tibbia College - New Delhi, Delhi Government Autonomus Dhanwantri Ayurveda College - Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh Gujarat Ayurved University - Jamnagar, Gujarat N. K. Jabshetty Ayurvedic Medical College and Post Graduate Centre - Bidar, Karnataka Rural Institute Of Ayurveda And Research Centre, Satara, Maharashtra College of Ayurveda of Rajasthan - Ayurvedic University Jodhpur, Rajasthan Vinayak Ayurveda And Panchkarma Research Foundation Nagpur, Maharashtra are some good colleges providing the course i hope this will help you and i will try to find out the syllabus for you |
23rd January 2011, 08:16 AM
List of best colleges for MD Ayurveda course in India 1)List Of Colleges Providing MD in Ayurvedic Medicine: EASTERN REGION JB Roy state medical college, kolkata Government ayurvedic college, guwahati Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, muzaffarpur Berhampur university, berhampur SSN ayurved college and research institute, utkal NORTHERN REGION Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia Rishikul state ayurvedic college, pilibhit Luchnow university, luck now State ayurvedic college, hardwar S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar Guru nanak ayurvedic medical college and hospital, muktsar Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra Gaur Brahman ayurvedic college, rohtak Sri baba mast nath ayurvedic college, rohtak AP singh university, rewa Government ashtang ayurveda college, indore Government ayurvedic college, Gwalior Government ayurvedic college, Raipur Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain Rajiv Gandhi government ayurvedic college, kangra SOUTHERN REGION NTR university of health sciences, vijaywada Dr. B R K R government ayurvedic college, hydrabad Sri venkatashwara college Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore Ayurveda mahavidhayalaya, old hubli Ayurvedic medical college, ghataprabha Ayurvedic medical college, davangera Ayurvedic medical college, terdal SDM college of ayurveda, Karnataka KPSVS Ayurvedic medical college, manvi KVG Ayurvedic medical college, and hospital, dharwad SGV Ayurvedic medical college, bailhongal SVM Ayurvedic medical college,ilkal TSPS mandalis Ayurvedic medical college, bijapur Taranath government Ayurvedic medical college, bellary WESTERN REGION Bharati vidhyapeeth, pune Ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, Mumbai Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur DCS ayurveda college, deopur Government ayurvedic college, nanded Government ayurvedic college, Nagpur Government ayurvedic college, osmanabad Shri ayurvede mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur Gujrat ayurvedic university, gujrat JS ayurvede mahavidhayalaya, nadiad Sri balahanuman ayurved mahavidhyalaya, gandhinagar Goa university, goa good luck |
13th March 2011, 10:18 PM
kindly tell me regarding government ayurvedic M.D colleges in india
or mail me the links on [email protected] |
11th May 2011, 08:20 PM
syllabus of pg entrance
6th October 2011, 01:22 AM
i am final year student of B.A.M.S and want to do pg after that. please send me previous five years question paper & answer sheet and the best college list where i can pursue it.
29th November 2012, 12:51 AM
i geetanjali dora,has completed my bams course this yr,kindly gave me some previous yr p.g.qs ,for which i can prepare betterly for next yr going examns. |
4th May 2015, 04:53 PM
MY EMAIL ID IS [email protected] |
10th September 2016, 11:12 PM
Please send me samhitha sidhanath previous questions paper on my email ID
My email ID [email protected] |
14th October 2017, 08:11 PM
16th November 2019, 07:57 PM
Sir, I am student of 1st year swasthavrita.Please sent me 1st year swasthavrita questions papers please sir on my email id
My email id- [email protected] Please sir |
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