10th August 2013, 09:48 PM
Is there any course after doing mechanical engineering diploma?
Is this any good course after mechanical engg. Diploma
3rd September 2013, 09:02 PM
Re: Is there any course after doing mechanical engineering diploma?
You can try for engineering degree in subjects like Mechatronics Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Welding Technology, and Mechanical and Automation Engineering. Otherwise you can try for PG diploma courses. Post Graduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Post Graduate Diploma in Tool Design, Post Graduate Diploma in Tool Design & CAD/CAM, etc are some of such courses. International universities also offer adequate higher study options. Courses like Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, and B.S in in Mechanical Engineering Technology are given outside the country.
15th September 2013, 03:42 PM
Re: Is there any course after doing mechanical engineering diploma?
If you completed your diploma in mechanical engineering you have many courses to continue your education.
------->You can Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering ------->You can do B.E. in mechanical engineering ------->You can do post diploma courses in mechanical engineering ------->You can also do Bsc ------>You can engineering in other courses like Auto-mobile engineering,mechanics,production engineering,industrial engineering. ************************************************** *********************** ALL THE BEST |