25th June 2011, 09:47 PM
Are there any courses to become a Pilot if I am doing commerce course?
hi.i want to become a pilot.but i'm doing commerce for a/l.are there any cources or anything else.plz tell me..my o/l results are 4 a's.1b's,3c's
26th June 2011, 10:48 AM
You can apply for IAF pilot..
Minimum Educational Qualification for IAF Pilots: BSc {Physics/Maths) 3 years or BE 4 years or BSc (General) 3 years with Physics and Maths. The candidate should not have failed INS-B/PAB Test earlier. Should not have been suspended in Flying Training earlier. Applications are invited in the month of January/February from eligible male and female (both unmarried) Indian citizens for SSC Course for Helicopter Pilots in Flying Branch for the courses commencing in January and July. Age limit for IAF Pilots : 19 to 23 years on the 1st of the month of commencement of the course. Details Regarding Selection Procedure Interivews Test/ Personality Test All candidates will be required to appear for Pilot Aptitude Battery Test, except those already qualified previously. All PAB Test qualified candidates will then be required to appear for rest of the Air Force Selection Board tests comprising of officers Intelligence Test/Psychological/Group Tests and Interview. The total selection period is approx 5 or 6 days. Candidates finally recommended by the Selection Board will be routed to Medical Examination which may take another 6 or 7 days. Duration of training is 72 weeks at Air Force Academy. |
26th June 2011, 10:50 AM
[QUOTE=thajika;835136]hi.i want to become a pilot.but i'm doing commerce for a/l.are there any cources or anything else.plz tell me..my o/l results are 4 a's.1b's,3c's[/
as u tell us you are from commerce branch you are not able to join the technical jobs. and hence they all posts are belonging from a engineering line. but you are able to join airport services like ground staff, system managment,ticket counter and all managment level works. for that you hav to do a local air hospitiality course. Thank you. all the best |
26th June 2011, 11:03 AM
![]() Quote:
OUR Courses Pilot Training Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) Private Pilot Licence (PPL) Ground classes for SPL, PPL & CPL Instrument Rating (Single & Multi Engine Rating) Day, Night and IR check (Single and Multi Engine) Diploma in Aviation Hospitality and Tourism (announced to be shortly) Duration CPL Ground Clases 3 - 4 months CPL Flying Training 11 - 12 months Multi engine flying for endorsement 15 days - 1 month Diploma in Aviation Hospitality & Tourism (to be announced shortly) Eligibility criteria for the flying courses: Must have attained 17 years of age at the beginning of the academic session. Completed Higher Secondary Education with Physics and Mathematics as subjects. Physical fitness (Class II Medical) certification from a DGCA recognized medical practitioner. Fluency in written, spoken and read English. |
26th June 2011, 02:47 PM
no you cannot go for a pilot friend i an sorry to say you cannot go into any technical line. you can only apply for this if you had passed b.sc with physics chemistry and maths and these are not your subject.
26th June 2011, 03:44 PM
There are various types of pilots like
commercial pilots fighter pilots. To become a pilot you need to join the Air flying schools. Eligibility: You have to get a minimum of the 60% of marks in the 12th . Age limit:16 1/2 to 19 Here you have to first qualify the written exam. these exam can be organized by upsc. For full details visit the official website of UPSC. www.upsc.gov.in. |
26th June 2011, 03:52 PM
If you are looking to become a commercial pilot
you first need to find out the nearest flying club in your locality A flying club is like a driving training center, where you can enroll and learn flying. There are many flying clubs in INDIA of which some are government clubs or Private clubs as well. Average expenditure is around 20 lakh + for earning a commercial pilot license There are many reputed flying clubs in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata pune etc. you can get their contacts at the AIRPORTS |
27th June 2011, 01:15 AM
Educational Qualification-
BSc {Physics/Maths) 3 years or BE 4 years or BSc (General) 3 years with Physics and Maths. The candidate should not have failed INS-B/PAB Test earlier. candidate Should not have been suspended in Flying Training earlier. Age limit : 19 to 23 years on the 1st of the month of commencement of the course. Selection Procedure- Interivews Test/ Personality Test |
28th June 2011, 11:24 PM
There is no need to worry. You can actually live your dream of becoming a pilot even though you are doing commerce. You can join any private pilot training school and try to get a license from them. Most of the private pilot training schools in India take in candidates only with science background. There are institutes abroad that provide training for commerce students. You have no option of joining the flying branch of the Indian Air force. But you can apply for the ground men jobs in the Indian Air Force.