11th October 2019, 07:59 AM
What is the career scope and job opportunities in Interior Designing course?
I am pursuing BA Interior Designing. What kind of job l can get after completing the course and what would be the salary range as a fresher? Which all private companies can I look forward to apply for jobs?
15th October 2019, 04:55 PM
The career scope and job opportunities in Interior Designing course in this sector are listed below:-
1. Residential Projects. 2. Workplace Projects. 3. Temporary Exhibition Projects. 4. Commercial Projects. |
15th October 2019, 07:19 PM
The career scope and job opportunities in the Interior Designing course are given below.
EMPLOYMENT AREA ** Construction Companies ** Art Galleries ** Museums ** Event Management Companies ** Airports & Railways JOB TYPES ** Facilities Manager and Facility Developer ** Sales Person ** Event Manager ** Product Designer ** Design Manager ** Specialized Designer Salary Range: 12000 to 15000 |