9th October 2012, 04:24 PM
What is the date of notification for KES exam?
when KES exams are called for civil engineers? In which website we can get the notification of it ?
22nd October 2012, 06:25 PM
What is the date of notification for KES exam?
30th May 2013, 06:54 PM
I m supriya patil I hv completed B A. B ed I wanted to knw examination date n syllabus of kes exam.
5th June 2013, 04:39 PM
I have complited B Sc B Ed So i want to know the examination date and other details of kes exams
7th September 2013, 10:16 PM
what is the sylabus for k.e.s.
8th January 2015, 11:44 PM
I have complited .b.a .b.ed.i want to know the examination date.and other details of kes exam
9th December 2015, 11:42 AM
hi sir
i am Shabbir nadaf what is the date of notification for KES exam and what is the syllabubs |