10th August 2011, 05:26 PM
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What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

i am in b.Tech 1st year and i want to become an IAS officer so what to do & also mention some competition books which helps me in qualifying IAS exam.

14th August 2011, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am in b.Tech 1st year and i want to become an IAS officer so what to do & also mention some competition books which helps me in qualifying IAS exam.
I appreciate your decision to become an IAS officer.
We will definitely help you to get knowledge what to do and how to do.
As you are in your B.Tech First year. after completing your degree(B.Tech) you are eligible to appear in IAS Entrance exam.

The basic eligibility criteria to appear in this examination are you must be a graduate with 21 years of age .

if you fulfill this criteria then you are eligible for IAS Entrance examination.
Actually IAS is a Service not an Examination.
To become IAS officer one has to clear an Examination called Civil Service Examination. This examination is conducted by UPSC , A govt body which is meant to recruit top brains in to the responsible services like IAS/IPS/IFS etc.,

This exam is conducted every year.
After the Notification of this exam one has to fill the application form and get ready for the three stage examination
->Stage 1 prelims(Now CSAT)
->Stage 2 Manis
->Stage 3 Interview round.

Each and every stage has to be cleared in order to get the job as any officer.
After completing the final round that is Interview you will be given a rank according to that your service will be decided.

Coming to preparation each and every Individual prepares differently for this examination. Some prefer to prepare at home ,Some other prefer to prepare themselves in Coaching centers.

Its not the correct time to tell about the books which you need to prepare because it becomes too early to talk about it.
The matter of books comes only when you seriously sit for preparation till then you can generally gather material from sources like NET/Newspaper/TV/Society etc.,

If you need any further help feel free to contact.
All the best


14th August 2011, 10:39 AM
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Default Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

hi...its very good that you have started thinking about the indian administrative services right from now ,actuallt you will have lots of time to prepare for it from now on in engineering ,what you have to do is that freeze your subjects which you want to take in the main examination ,start from the basics of the both the examinations and start preparing for it from now on itself ,the list of subjects will be available in the information brochure of the examination which i will be attaching you can see from that ,also what you have to so is that prepare well for the general knowledge because this is the subject which acually decides the rank and the difference between selection and non selection ,also if possible take some kind of coaching because the coaching institutes will give you proper guidance and also the proper back drop of the examination ,
i am attaching some of the previous years question papers of the general knowledge paper to give you an idea about the level of preepration that is required to pass this examination and for you to understand hou mych hard work you have to put in,
Attached Files
File Type: pdf cs2011_eng.pdf(346.2 KB, 202 views)
File Type: pdf GENERAL_STUDIES_I.pdf(210.6 KB, 163 views)
File Type: pdf GENERAL_STUDIES_II.pdf(296.4 KB, 159 views)
14th August 2011, 10:40 AM
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Default Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

thank u sir for qote
and can u please suggest some books to prepare
and available optional subjects in IAS.
and can u please quote the age limit to appear
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14th August 2011, 11:00 AM
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Default Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

You must improve your general knowledge and studies so that you would be able to crack ias exam very easily .
because you will be eligible to appear in your final year so yet you have lots of time to prepare
you should go through the subjects of your choice and then be prepared well
you can join a weekend program for coaching in ias exam
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14th August 2011, 11:04 AM
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Default Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

For becoming an IAS officer you will prepare for the UPSC civiol service exam for IAS.

This exam conducts in 3 stages:-

1.CSAT in which all question will be totally objective type but the question are from general aptitude and current affairs and general knowledge.
2.MAIN in which question will be discriptive.
3.INTERVIEW. you can choose the language for your interview but same language should be for the exam.

As you said that you are doing B.Tech then you should choose math for optional subjects but for IAS exam you will have to choose 2 optional subjects so you can choose other as per your interest.

We will happy to help you but you didn't tell us that from which subjects you want to write the exam.

But yes for CSAT you should read the news, general history,political events and related matter.general geography etc.For this you can follow the UPKAR'S general knowledge book.

You can see the model paper of CSAT at the official site-http://www.upsc.gov.in/
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14th August 2011, 11:06 AM
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Default Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

hi dear
you are now 1st year engineering student
after this you go for IAS exam.

criteria for IAS exam:-

*Candidate pass graduation
*Must be an Indian
*Age-21 to 30 years
5 years relax for SC/ST candidate
3 years for OBC candidate

*Maximum attempts:-
4 times for General candidate
7 times for OBC candidate
No limits for SC/ST candidate

For IAS preparation you join good institute for coaching
But in Summer you prepare your self:-

exam pattern:-
2 types
1)Preliminary exam
2)Final exam


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14th August 2011, 11:15 AM
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Default Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

hello dear

yes, you are eligible for become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech.

after B.tech you will be eligiable to apply for the IAS exam.

as the criteria which is required for become an IAS officer is given below

1.minimum graduation in qualification from recognized university or college.

2.minimum 55% marks in graduation.

3.age limit 21-29 years.

all the best........
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14th August 2011, 11:16 AM
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Default Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

For becoming an IAS officer you will write the UPSC civil service exam.

It conducts in 3 stages:-

1. CSAT which is totally objective type and question will be from current affairs, general knowledge and general aptitude test.

2. MAIN in this stage question will be discriptive type

3. INTERVIEW -you can choose the language for your interview.

For CSAT you should follow the news and UPKAR'S publication book of general knowledge.

You should also keep some history ,geography and political knowledge for CSAT.

We will happy to help you if you tell us that from which subjects you want to give the exam.

But for reaching the main staged at first you have to complete the CSAT and you can see the model paper at the official site-http://www.upsc.gov.in/
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14th August 2011, 11:59 AM
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Default Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

hi dear
there are some criteria to became IAS officer.......
*The candidates should be a graduate from any discipline having 60% in aggregate, from a recognize university.
*The age limit is 22 - 30 yrs, relaxation for sc / st & obc candidates.
for general candidates - 4 times
for sc / st - unlimited.
for obc - 7 times.
this exam is conducted by upsc so, for more details you can visit website

as you are 1st yr student now get concentrate in your own study after 3rd you can prepare your self .
in market many competitive books are available you can get it .

good luck........
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14th August 2011, 01:05 PM
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Default Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am in b.Tech 1st year and i want to become an IAS officer so what to do & also mention some competition books which helps me in qualifying IAS exam.
Eligibility to become IAS officer
only Indian are eligible
minimum age 21
maximum age-30, relaxation of 2 yr for OBC and 3yr for SC/ST
to appear for exam you should be graduate in any field
you should write UPSC eaxm
preliminary round
main exam
General people can appear- 4times
OBC- 7 times
SC/ST as many times as they want
THere are many books available in the market. Arihant, Upkaar, THe hindu times (newspaper)
You should join some coaching also to pass the exam as they will provide you good material
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14th August 2011, 02:10 PM
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Default Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

My dear friend it's nice to hear that you want to become IAS officer.
But for that you will have complete your graduation after
that you are eligible for the same .
For IAS officer you will have to give civil service examination
which is conducted bu UPSC every year .
Eligibility criteria for IAS entrance exam are as follows :-
1]A candidate should be graduate from any stream
2] He should be passed his graduation with minimum 50 % .
3]A candidate should be citizen of India .
4]Age limit between 21 to 30 years for open category.
5] For OBC candidate age relaxation is of 3 years .
6]For SC/ST candidate age relaxation is of 5 years .
For further information you can log in his site that is www. upsc.gov.in
There are different types of books is available in the market .
You can choose any one competitive reference book of your choice .
You can also gather information from net ,news paper, magazine etc .
Best of luck
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14th August 2011, 07:11 PM
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Smile Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

what subject one electronic engineer must opt as optional in IAS..
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17th September 2011, 10:42 PM
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Default Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

pls tell me the books for ias general studies
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10th November 2011, 11:25 PM
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Default Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

Originally Posted by rohiniece View Post
thank u sir for qote
and can u please suggest some books to prepare
and available optional subjects in IAS.
and can u please quote the age limit to appear

Since you are in your first year, you have plenty of time to prepare for IAS exam.

Here is the list of books to study for UPSC. These are basic books to be studied.

NCERT books from class 6th to 12th standard

R.S.Agarwal for aptitude

Competition Wizard,Competition Success ReviewPratiyogitha Darpan and Frontline magazines.

Manorama Year Book

India Year book(Released by External Affairs Ministry)

Economic Survey of India

Spectrum General Studies and History books

These are basic books to be studied.

You need to take optional subjects for mains examination.Once you take optional aubjects you need to get books list for them also.
The famous optional subjects are

Public Administration
Literature (Telugu,kannada,Tamil,Malayala,Hindi etc)

All the best
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10th January 2012, 11:33 AM
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difference between ias and ies
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25th July 2012, 12:11 AM
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Default Re: What to do to become an IAS officer being a candidate of pursuing 1st year B.Tech? Competitive books to prepare for IAS Exam?

sir i the candidate of btech 1st year i chose the optional subject mins geogarphy and premelary zoology sir i can do if yes give me suggstion about it plz
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