5th December 2018, 08:30 PM
Posts: n/a

What is the eligibility criteria for Forest Range Officer post?

Dear Sir/Madam, I'm a B.Tech Mechanical graduate. Am I eligible for Forest Range Officer job or not? If yes, then please let me know about the application procedure?

13th December 2018, 10:31 PM
Effort Never Dies
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Join Date: Mar 2015
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria for Forest Range Officer post?

Eligibility Criteria required to apply for Forest Range Officer recruitment:

The basic eligibility criteria required to apply for this Forest Range Officer recruitment is given below,

<> Candidates must have completed Bachelor's Degree or its equivalent qualification in any of the below mentioned subjects.
* Chemistry
* Agriculture
* Botany
* Zoology
* Physics
* Mathematics
* Statistics
* Engineering (Chemical or Agriculture or Electronics or Electrical or Mechanical or Civil..etc., )
* Horticulture or
* Forestry or
* Geology or
* Veterinary Science..etc.,

<> As you are a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering course, I can say that you are certainly eligible to apply for this recruitment for becoming Forest Range Officer.

<> Concerned State's Public Service Commission issues official notification for filling this notification and the minimum age required is 18 years.
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