14th September 2019, 08:22 PM
What is the eligibility criteria for Odisha Administrative Service (OAS) examination?
I have done my Graduation in BSc. Pass. Am I eligible in Odisha Administrative Service (OAS) examination? When this exam is usually conducted? How can I apply? When to apply?
26th September 2019, 02:12 PM
The eligibility criteria required to apply for Odisha Administrative Service (OAS) examination is Candidate must have passed Bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized university. Candidate age must lie between 21 to 32 years. Upper age relaxation are available for reserved category candidate. Final year candidates are also eligible to apply for UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) examination.
So, yes you are eligible to apply for Odisha Administrative Service (OAS) examination being a graduation passed candidate. This examination is usually conducted in October. You can apply for this examination through their official website which is given below. The application form will be updated later. For more information, you can visit their Official Website http://opsconline.gov.in. |