14th September 2019, 10:56 PM
What is the eligibility of TNPSC District Educational Officer (DEO) examination?
What should be the minimum educational requirement to be eligible for TNPSC District Educational Officer (DEO) entrance examination? Is there any reservation or relaxation in qualification or score for any caste category?
23rd November 2019, 05:46 PM
TNPSC (Tamilnadu Public Service Commission) recruits TNPSC DEO (District Educational Officer) based on entrance exam. No relaxation available in eligibility qualification. Relaxation available only in upper age limit for reserved categories.
TNPSC DEO (District Educational Officer) Eligibility Education Qualification - You must have passed Master's degree in any one of the following subjects of physics, chemistry, mathematics, zoology, botany, geography, history, commerce, tamil, english with at least 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized university. - You must have possessed a degree of B.T. or B.Ed from a recognized university. - You must have teaching experience o - You must have studied Tamil part I and part II of the intermediate or higher secondary or pre university course. Age Limit Upper age limit 30 years. No upper age limit for reserved categories SC/ST/OBC/PH. Selection Stages - Preliminary Exam - Main Exam and Interview |