18th September 2013, 11:40 PM
What is the eligibility in WIPRO for B.E CSE students
eligibility % for placement in wipro for be cs students
8th July 2014, 09:57 AM
Re: What is the eligibility in WIPRO for B.E CSE students
Wipro is the top most and the big popular software company which comes under the top 10 software companies in India . If Your through out marks is above 50% (B-tech=60%)and don't have any backlog then you are eligible for Wipro recruitment. Wipro recruitment process are- 1)Written test 2)Technical Test 3)HR You should prepare your study books for Technical round for some selected topics . Best Books for Wipro :- Quantitative Aptitude Test by R.S.Agarwall Verbal Reasoning Series by R.S.Agarwall GRE by Barron. For more details about wipro you can visit to http://www.wipro.com/ . |