18th September 2013, 11:40 PM
What is the eligibility in WIPRO for B.E CSE students
eligibility % for placement in wipro for be cs students
8th July 2014, 09:57 AM
![]() Wipro is the top most and the big popular software company which comes under the top 10 software companies in India . If Your through out marks is above 50% (B-tech=60%)and don't have any backlog then you are eligible for Wipro recruitment. Wipro recruitment process are- 1)Written test 2)Technical Test 3)HR You should prepare your study books for Technical round for some selected topics . Best Books for Wipro :- Quantitative Aptitude Test by R.S.Agarwall Verbal Reasoning Series by R.S.Agarwall GRE by Barron. For more details about wipro you can visit to http://www.wipro.com/ . |