24th May 2011, 05:05 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 2

What should my son do after finishing his B.E Instrumentation Engineering?

My son is finishing his BE Instrumentation Engineering. What will be benificial for further education?

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25th May 2011, 09:00 AM
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Default Re: What should my son do after finishing his B.E Instrumentation Engineering?

There are many options which you son can choose.

M.Tech is all about specialization in a subject which your son has done in your Engineering. So, if your son is interested in his Engineering subjects then definitely he can choose M.tech stream.To seek admission in M.tech your son needs to go through the GATE examination.

M.B.A is a Management course and deals totally about business stream. But your son needs to study in good B.schools or IIM's for going through the MBA course else the value of the degree decreases.There are various entrance exams which your son can go through like CAT, MAT, XAT etc.

Both the degree's are good enough when compared to each other but your son need's to choose according to his interest.
If you son has got an good aggregate then he could even try out in PSU. For details regarding PSU you can go through the following site


You son can even go through various entrance exams conducted by the UPSC and SSC boards.
25th May 2011, 02:53 PM
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Default Re: What should my son do after finishing his B.E Instrumentation Engineering?

There are many options in which B.E. candidate can make a good career but if you are interested to do the further study then you should go for the M.Tech or MBA both have lot of demand in the government and private sector. The admission in M.Tech and MBA is through the entrance exam which is to be conducted at the national and state level every year.
If you are interested to do job then it’s also good to make some experience.
25th May 2011, 07:32 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 7
Default Re: What should my son do after finishing his B.E Instrumentation Engineering?

please do MBA better .. iam GATE student who affected badly after joinning well reputed college MIT chrompet anna university.
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25th May 2011, 07:37 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 7
Default Re: What should my son do after finishing his B.E Instrumentation Engineering?

ask him to do CAT or start applying for jobs in various field... indtrumentation no openning for fresher in india.. abroad too u can only throu reference
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7th June 2011, 09:57 AM
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Default Re: What should my son do after finishing his B.E Instrumentation Engineering?

RESPECTED people , i am doing my B.tech 3rd year in Insturmentation and control engineering, what would be my nature of work in core industry, and how to get an job in core company becaurse my college provides various number of software company but i liked and intrested to work in core comany
1. what are the company where i can get job's in india and even in foreign country
2. what would be the salary
3. if i want to study MBA means what dept/line/course can i choose.
4. can any one can guide me plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss

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12th June 2011, 06:25 AM
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 7
Default Re: What should my son do after finishing his B.E Instrumentation Engineering?

hey guys dont waste your time for ME admission .. stay with BE get in to job .. do MBA try cat EXAm.. iam gate candidate with qualified gate score i got admission in MIT chrompet . no campus placement for ME guys ... luckily u will get in to some IT companies thats all.. dont come with core company dreams. . they concentrate campus placement 100 percent for UG only. if u want to go in to teaching field alone then best if u get ME seat in anna university campus.. all my classmates got only in teaching field.. myself iam trying through refernec in core company.. GOOD LUCK if u dont belive my words come and face the consequences. soon u will b one among us.
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29th June 2011, 07:08 PM
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Default Re: What should my son do after finishing his B.E Instrumentation Engineering?

I completed my engineering in instrumentation. Am i take gate exam in electronics?
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