31st October 2018, 01:06 PM
What should be the overall health status of a candidate to enroll in NDA?
I wanted to know that if someone has eye issues so can he/she will able to enroll for the NDA? And if not, so what he/she can do to join NDA (ARMY)?
24th January 2020, 11:37 PM
According to NDA physical standards, candidates must be physically and mentally fit for NDA (National Defense Academy) entry. If someone has an eye issue and satisfied the visual standards prescribed by NDA, then he is eligible to apply for NDA, otherwise not eligible.
NDA Physical Standards - Height must be at least 157 cms for Army and Naval wings. Height must be at least 162.5 cms for Air Force wing. - Weight must be in proportion to height. - Leg Length : 99 cms to 120 cms. - Thigh Length : Maximum 64 cms. - Sitting Height : 81.5 cms to 96 cms. - Visual Standards : Distance vision should be 6/6 for better eye and 6/9 for worse eye. Myopia should not be more than 2.5 D and Hyper Metropia not more than 3.5 D including Astigmatism. - Candidate must be able to hear a forced whisper with each ear at a distance 610 cms in a quiet room. - Permanent Tattoo allowed only on inner side of forearm. Permanent Tattoo at other parts of body not allowed and candidate can't apply for NDA. - Undesirable Health Issues such as Wax (Ears), Deviated Nasal Septum, Hydrocele, Piles, Under Sized Chest, Varicocele, Tonsillitis, Gynaecomastia are not acceptable to apply for NDA. |