17th September 2012, 04:54 PM
What is the syllabus for FCI entrance exam? Books to be referred?
please tell me abt the syllabus of fci exam,and which book we reffer for test.plase send msg on my id.manjeet132@gmail.com
29th September 2012, 01:43 PM
SSC FCI Exam Pattern and Exam Syllabus 2012
SSC FCI Exam Pattern and Exam Syllabus 2012 In Reference to the SSC FCI Examination 2012, which will be conducted by SSC on 11th November,2012 for the post of Assistant Grade- III in General, Depot, Techical and Account Cadres. The Candidates can check SSC FCI Exam Pattern And Exam Syllabus 2012 which is given below: Now,Lets talk about the SSC FCI Exam Pattern The SSC FCI Examination consists of three Papers. Paper I will be of General Intelligence, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness and English Language. Paper II will be of Quantitative Aptitude and English Language. Paper III will be of Technical nature based on the Specializations. Note: Paper I of the written exam will be held on 11th November 2012 and Paper II and Paper III of the written exam will be on 6th January,2013. Here, Paper I will be for shortlisting the candidates. The Candidates who qualify in the Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) will be eligible to be considered for the Final Selection. The Final Selection will be on the basis of marks obtained in Paper I, Paper II and Paper III for the different posts. FCI Exam Syllabus which is as follows: PAPER I General Intelligence: It include Questions of verbal and non-verbal type. This include questions on Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Figural Analogy, Figural Series, Space Visualization, Spatial Orientation, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Similarities and Differences, Analysis, Visual memory, Observation, Discrimination, Relationship Concepts, Arithmetical Reasoning, figure classification, Arithmetic number series, non verbal series, coding and decoding, statement and conclusions etc. General Awareness: It include the Questions related to test the knowledge of current affairs and other matters that are happening in environment. It basically aims at testing the candidate’s general awareness of the surroundings and environment. This also include Questions relating to History, Economics, Geography, Politics, Scientific Research and Culture. Quantitative Aptitude: This include the Questions which is used to check the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense. This includes Number System, Decimals, Fractions, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Averages, Square roots, Profit and Loss, Discount, Speed Time And Distance, Time and Work, Algebra. English Language: This include the writing ability, Basic Compherension to test the Candidate understanding in English. PAPER II Quantitative Methods: This include the Questions which is designed in such a way to check number sense. This will include the topics like Number System, Ratio and Proportion, Square Roots, Interests, Relationships, Geometry, Time and Work, Percentage, Graphs of linear equations, Trignometric Ratio, Degree and Radian Meausure, Height and Decisions, Bar Chart, Histrogram and Pie Chart. English Language: This include Questions which is used to test the understanding and knowledge of Candidate in English. It basically includes the topic like Blanks, Antonyms, Synonyms, Spelling Detection, Idioms And Phrases, Active and passive voice, Narration, Shuffling of Sentences, Comprehension Passage Questions and One word Substitution etc. |