10th January 2011, 07:43 PM
From where to download IAS prelims question paper?
looking for IAS prelims question paper. Please someone help me with the link ? Thanks, |
13th January 2011, 03:41 AM
The papers are objective type with the questions set in both English and hindi. The optional subjects have the level of degree courses. The duration is two hours. Extra 20 minutes are given to the blind candidates for each of the papers.
you can download papers from given site. http://entrance-exam.net/ias-prelims-papers/ thanks and egards |
27th January 2011, 01:34 PM
how can i get application form of ias prelim?
17th March 2011, 09:35 PM
I think you have a clear Idea about IAS exam pattern.
as this is the 3 stage pattern. The first stage is recently changed Now the preliminary exam is now changed to CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) you can download the model papers relating to the CSAT in following links.. www.onestopias.com www.upscportal.com sakshieducation.com in this you'll clearly notice the tabs relating to your question best wishes ~aditya~ |
15th May 2011, 09:13 PM
I have attached two sample papers . Download it from here. For more you can visit the following links:- www.onestopias.com. www.upscportal.com. Thanks. |
18th July 2011, 04:52 AM
upsc.gov.in has prelims general studies papers of 2009,2010 and 2011.
if you want to download all the papers of general studies prelims held from 1980-2011 follow this link . Civil service prelims previous years papers archive hope it helps |