30th June 2012, 04:09 PM
Why will the pollution being increased?
Why increase the pollution
30th June 2012, 06:45 PM
Pollution is increased due to 1. Excess use of agriculture pectisides, chemicals and other toxic drugs to increase the strength of fields. 2. High rate of smoke releasing through the chimenies. 3. Toxic and polluted water released from the industeries and smoke thrown out in the air. 4. high use of auto vehicles. 5. By throwing out the use material in open environment. 6. Excess use of siggrats and sigars |
30th June 2012, 06:50 PM
There is a very simple answer to this, in the last one hundred years the global population has increased to massive proportions. The world cannot cope with 6.5+ billion people and we are starting to see the strain. There is much controversy over whether this pollution is causing glocal warming however there is no denying that there is pollution.
And since the industrial revolution in the late 1800s we as a global population have used a lot of materials to make things and make our contries richer but not put enough though to what is going to become of the waste products. It has only been in the last fifty years or so that we have started to become more aware of what happens to our rubbish and what possible impact it is having on the planet. |
30th June 2012, 07:12 PM
There are many types of pollutions are there but here only see some pollutions Air pollution water pollution Noise pollution Land pollution generally air pollution is caused because of somany gases are released from vehicles and cutting of trees because of this co2 (carbondioxide) is increased in air it is very dangerous for human beings and from industries also release poiusness gases in to air for that airpollution is increased so to reduce the air pollution we take some solutions that is mostly used cycle is best thing and for large distances only car and byke and mostly i'm telling one thing that is trees are not cutting because of this not only reduce the trees life with trees our life is coming to dangerous and construct industries very far distances from the cities or villages water pollution is caused because of industry waste materials are thrown in to rivers and in village so many people washing the cloths and for bath purpose etc all are done in the river for that somuch of pure water is wasted .For reducing the water pollution we use water very limitidly from rivers and various water sources Noise pollution is caused because of kepting tv sounds are very high not only tv sounds from radios and various entertainment equipment also produce large amount of sound .To reduce the noise pollution we kept sounds very limitidely and coming to Land pollution is caused because of for various minerals and petroleum products they dispose the land for that our land is coming dangerous situation |
30th June 2012, 07:21 PM
hi dear,
Environmental issues in India are very. Some reasons for pollution increased is economical development. Some suggest India's growing population is the primary cause of environment degradation. Systematic study challenges these theory.Empricial evidence from countries such as japan,england, each with population density similer to India or more then India. So major environmental issues are forest and agriculture degradation of land and resourse depletion(water ,forest,sand etc.) |
30th June 2012, 11:01 PM
Dear friend,
An increasingly complex mix of pollutants threatens the earth's regularity mechanisms,particulates,notrogen and ground level ozone merit particular attention. Because of their complex and potntially far-reaching effects on ecosystem functionating,climate regulation and human health. In addition,many other chemical substances are released in to the environment is the big reason of increasing pollution. Gud luck............... |