28th June 2020, 01:57 PM
Age relaxation in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Diploma Technician recruitment for reserved candidates?
Hello Sir/Madam, I am a reserved candidate and I want to apply for Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Diploma Technician recruitment this year. Can I know about the age relaxation which I get as I belong to the reserved reservation category?
29th June 2020, 08:09 PM
Re: Age relaxation in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Diploma Technician recruitment for reserved candidates?
°°° The applicant must born on or after Ist, January 1992 as on 1st January 2020.
°°° The upper age limit applicable to general / unreserved candidates is 28 years. °°° Age relaxation in upper age limit is also provided to reserved category students that is 5 years to Schedule caste and Scheduled tribe. Three years to OBC candidates. 5 years to Ex-servicemen. 10 years to persons with disabilities. 13 years to PwD+OBC. 15 years to PwD+SC/ST candidates. °°° Official website https://hal-india.co.in/ |